Lucky you! With my 16 Pro what I did was to:
- I went through the initial setup on the day I purchased the phone
- Then I connected it to my Mac and performed factory reset (DFU > Restore iPhone)
- Used iCloud to login but did not restore the phone from the backup (only iCloud contacts, photos) - I installed apps manually.
Unfortunately, in my case the battery life remains pretty the same. I did the same with 16 Pro Max (returned to the seller), 16 Pro 128 (1st unit - returned to the seller) and with 16 Pro 256 (2nd unit which I don't plan to return). All units were not so effective when it comes to the battery. My average SoT in 16 Pro after 6 days since the first setup is 4-6h + some time when the screen is not active but the phone is working.
I can't believe that this is a unit fault (16 Pro Max and 16 Pro 128 were from September, both unit and battery. My current unit 16 Pro 256 was manufactured in October, both unit and battery). So it ether iOS fault or these phones simply can offer only this battery life in case of my usage pattern.