How do I print directly from Google Docs without having to download the document first?
Every time I try to print a document from my google docs, safari automatically downloads it as a pdf first, then allows me to print from the pdf screen. However, the pdf is always distorted some and doesn’t look as clean when it goes through that process. I searched this topic many times and never found a solution. I found others with the same issue but never any answers that resolved it. So although, I’m starting the conversation again, I am also providing the answer.
I was using my work computer, which is a ThinkPad, at home one day and printed a google doc perfectly fine without downloading. So then I tried again with my MacBook and it downloaded the document as usual. So I added the Google Chrome browser to my MacBook and Voilà!!! Problem resolved!!!
Short answer: add Google Chrome to your MacBook and print the google doc from there!
MacBook Air 13″, macOS 14.5