"My brand new iPhone 16 will not turn on.: The battery died in the night and I plugged it in two hours ago. I have tried two different plugs so it doesn’t seem to be the battery. I’ve pressed and held the button on the right side as instructed online and the phone will not turn on."
Return this:
You can troubleshoot the power all you want. But, the more you do so, the more you'd be fiddling with it. So, who is the seller? If not Apple, then take this as a learning experience, knowing to always, purchase expensive Apple devices directly from Apple and none other.
So, some notes on troubleshooting power...
Troubleshooting iPhone Power:
A. Power & Usage:
Does it die while you are not using it? Or are you making calls, and using its media services, while this is happening. All seems normat, if you are using this non-stop, on a continual basis. But, this is a new iPhone, so it
B. Stuck in a Boot Loop:
Try Swiping-Down from the top-right corner of your screen. See if that rids of this window. If not, I'd say the iPhone is stuck in a boot loop(because it was updating), or is simply frozen. So, if swiping down does not work, refer to the following... So, use my user tip : How to Fix an iPhone in a Boot Loop - User Tip
C. Links On Troubleshooting the Battery: