Keyboard blue letter shows up in middle of text and doesn't leave
To specify what I mean by blue letter, when you hit the 🌐 key at the bottom left of the keyboard on the Macbook (Pro), you can switch between keyboards. Once you do that, you will see a little box with the chosen keyboard selected in blue and the other(s) in grey. Quickly after, the grey one will disappear and only the blue selected letter will remain for a second before disappearing.
That is exactly what I see whenever my cursor is resting on a piece of text for long enough, the blue key representing the keyboard I am currently using magically shows up in the middle of the screen, and even if I click away elsewhere on the text, it simply moves but doesn't disappear, it only disappears once I change tabs or window.
Specifically, the cursor is on text when it happens, so that means it is the 'text' style of cursor instead of the 'default'.
Here is a screenshot:
As you can see, the blue little thing is flying over my document for no reason, and there is a little shadow effect on it. I am not sure whether this is a setting I can turn off somewhere or a bug.
Specifications: MacBook Pro M1 2021 OS 15.0.1. This event has happened on previous versions.
MacBook Pro 14″