cant save TurboTax file. get a read only message
Getting a can’t save message when I try to save file. Says read only. Plus file is “Untitled”. Don’t know how to save returns I prepare???
Getting a can’t save message when I try to save file. Says read only. Plus file is “Untitled”. Don’t know how to save returns I prepare???
Are you running Catalina or later, jenniemccullough?
if so, that’s the default for Catalina. To change that, click on your main hard drive/ssd once, so it’s highlighted, press Apple+I keys together, you should get a long window, about halfway down, you’ll see permissions. To unlock it, go to the bottom of the window to the lock and click it, using your login password as needed… go back to the permissions section, you should see “user” on one side and permissions on the other side. Click on user then change permissions.. when done lock ‘er back up and you should be done.. i don’t know what version of mac os you have
john B
cant save TurboTax file. get a read only message