Problem with downloading music
Hi, 3 months ago I saw a song I wanted to download but when an error appeared, it says "Song / Album / Artist", this problem still appearing until today and it wont stop, I did a post before but nobody replied, I am tired of this and I had to uninstall and install the app so I can play my music, also I can't play my music if it isn't downloaded, I try to play it but the app does nothing, I found a solution to this, it is unauthorizing the device and there you are, but the next day I wanted to play some music but it just says ""The song" cannot be played because you are not signed in to Apple Music, you must be signed in to Apple Music in order to play", I am signed up, I don't know what's the problem with the app, I unauthorized and authorized my device, I uninstalled the app, I installed it again, I signed out, I signed up, nothing works, I am tired of this, I don't know what to do, also the OS I am is Windows 11, I downloaded the Apple Music app from the Microsoft Store, If any developer needs more information please tell me, I will give anything, just give me proof that you are a developer of Apple Music.