An iMovie library cannot be stored in the Cloud, so therefore it cannot be recovered from the Cloud. You can recover an iMovie ibrary from a Time Machine backup, if you keep one, or from the iMovie Backups folder. Also, possibly your iMovie library is not located in your Movies folder, but somewhere else on your Mac, or on an external drive. Do a spotlight search to see if it shows up on your Mac. Look in your Documents folder and Applications folder. Check any external drives that you might have to see if the iMovie library is there.
Regarding not seeing a Library folder in Go/Home, possibly it is hidden. Open your Go/Home folder. Click on the Action button at the top of the screen. A pop up menu will appear. Click on Show View Options. Another pop up will appear. At the bottom of the display box, check the box that says Show Library Folder.

If your Library now appears in the Home folder, click on it and follow the file path to the iMovie Bacups folder.
NOTE: If running Ventura or later, in the above
file path substitute iMovie for com.apple.iMovieApp. So, for Ventura,
the file path would read:
When you get there you will see a list of previous backups of your iMovie library. Click on one dated just before your issue started. iMovie will open in that library. Navigate to your projects browser (where your projects are displayed as icons) and see if your projects are intact.
-- Rich