iTunes store temporarily unavailable?
"We could not complete your iTunes store request. The iTunes store is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later."
Is anyone else having this issue?
Thank you.
Windows Vista
Windows Vista
You're great! Thank You!
Thank you so so much 🙂
Thanks soooooo much!
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You !!!
You saved me hours of fastrations on this! 😀
Being a dinosaur I only have Win XP and cannot find all the trees you state. Is this because of XP? I am having the same prroblem as everyone else.
@Buryme2wice -- Your suggestion worked perfectly for me. It makes no sense, but it worked. I was finally able to get my computer authorized. Thank you so much.
Worked perfectly first time on Windows 8.
However little harder to find the folders and search options, anyone else who has this problem I recommend simply searching for this folder on the side tab.
From there on follow the steps as per usual.
Shell Hip,
I too have Windows XP. Here is what I did to resolve this issue.
-Open itunes
-Click on "Edit" and then "Preferences"
-Click on the "Advanced" tab
-Click on "Reset Cache"
-Wait until it is done clearing the cache
-Restart itunes
-Enjoy the itunes store
Hope this helps. 🙂
amazing that was driving me mad tahnks oooooodles ➕➕➕🙂
Dear All
where can I see the replies? all I see are thank you's
Tried this, first deleting the cookies in the \AppleComputer\iTunes folder, then opening itunes and trying to authorize computer, no go. Quit itunes and deleted the cookies under just \Apple Computer\Cookies, launched iTunes again, still cannot connect to iTunes store, says it's temporarily unavailbale.
FWIW, I spent most of the past 4 years working for Apple Tech Support, helping people resolve issues such as this, but I no longer work there, so I don't have access to the internal kb articles any longer and this issue is really irritating me.
I suspect that it has to do with the fact that this particular computer I recently upgraded from Windows 8.1 Preview to Windows 8.1 Pro. My Mac (running Mavericks) and my Windows 7 PC work just fine. It's gotta be some new Windows 8.1 issue. When I upgraded it told me I might have to reinstall some Windows Store apps but my Applications should come across fine. Silly me, I believed them. Wrong! I had to reinstall all of my applications such as iTunes, Firefox, AVG, etc. so there's something fishy going on with the Windows 8.1 upgrade.
Any other ideas?
I have done the same things with my windows account and can't log in on my computer but I can on my girlfriends computer so if you figure it out I would love to know how to fix it so any help would be great thank you
I spent another half hour or so trying to figure it out yesterday and even did the whole "delete the SC Info" folder thing that another document suggested, something I've done many times in the past when helping customers with similar issues (with great success I might add) all to no avail. It's gotta be a Windows 8.1 thing. I went through various settings in Firefox and Internet Explorer, because believe it or not, when you click on iTunes Store and you are looking at all of the cool albums and stuff to buy, it's actually using Internet Explorer to show you that stuff, it's like a mini website. So sometimes changing your Internet Explorer settings can make the iTunes store work properly. Weird, huh? I also deleted some plist files (preference files) and found some other files to delete but nothing seems to work. I finally just plugged my iPad into my WIndows 7 PC and resynced it with that computer instead. If anyone figured this out I would appreciate a solution as well. Thanks!
sbarlow, at the top or bottom of the messages you see (currently) 17 pages. You will see 1...13 14 15 16 17. Click on a different number to see a different page of replies. Also at the top of all of the "Thanks" responses it says "in response to member name" if you click on that it will take you to the message they are responding to.
I tried the cmd flush thing... and still.. my itunes says at the top "Accessing iTunes Store..." but never goes off that.. the homescreen to my itunes just says itunes and never does anything else. On Windows 8. Fustrated!!!!
iTunes store temporarily unavailable?