How do I sort Notes alphabetically?
PC, iOS 4
PC, iOS 4
proofrock is just pitching evernote. but evernote is insultingly expensive in that they collect a monthly fee. allan sampson is arrogant and has no clue what he's talking about. it is possible. just not in one step. how many steps test your patience is another matter. but basically if you write a mini automating script to simply modify each note (let's say inserting an x in the beginning, then deleting it) starting with the last note in the list of notes sorted alphabetically in mail... then you can sync back to iphone/ipad however you sync. you may temporarily want to disable sync services while the automator is running (because of apple's inadequate programming of the script language) and turn it back on when the script has run its course an updated each note. so apple is absolutely deaf to user's requests for alphabetical notes even blind or dismissive to the fact that they lose clients to other platforms/phones as a result. (it's good to be the king)
thank you for an informative, proactive and well said comment.
I was going to ignore "CommonSense1" mainly out of fatigue. Sort of thinking why bother responding when it is obvious anything you say won't make any difference whatsoever. That being said, what the ****...I'm feeling feisty.
Hey CommonSense1, I love your sense of irony in name selection. Love it. Love it.
1. I'm pitching Evernotes? Are you kidding? One meager sentence doth not make a pitch. Furthermore, it is free. At least the version I'm running is free. They are not collecting a fee, a point I made in my expansive three sentence, eighteen word "pitch". (BTW, I suspect you wouldn't recognize a pitch if it hit you square on your noggin. Just a guess.)
2. I am bemused (a combination of amused and incredibly bored) by your archane explanation of how it is possible to sort notes alphabetically. Are you that desperate for an audience you would bore the crap out of this simple and friendly discussion with an incredilby pompous and inappropriate extrapolation on your programming knowledge and Apple's inadequacies?? Have you no better forum in which to prove your binary code is bigger than the next guy's?
3. Yes, I'm sure it is wonderful to be the king. In fact I have a King in my household. I just fed him and gave him a new flea collar.
In closing, you blowhard King of inadeuqacy, why don't you find someone who cares about your opinion. Here's an idea...get out of the basement and see if Mom will listen. I'm sure she's very proud of you King.
Royally yours,
um I think you may have made a mistake on who you were replying to. I left a message for commonsense1 thanking this person/user. but nonetheless commonsense1 if you come back to this feed, it worked! my notes are alpha, for now anyway. that's all I wanted a strategy & you delivered. take care
proofrock - i understand. you tried to answer the question but you didn't. you wanted to shut-up but couldn't (and odds are you won't).
dc1nj - thanks. happy to hear it worked. do wish apple would just add this feature which would take ten minutes of programming, tops. it literally kept me from switching from my blackberry to an iphone for a couple years (i caved at the last hour before verizon expired their unlimited plan). may i also recommend to be patient until the syncing is done across all devices before starting to modify the notes. it may get pretty confusing otherwise. and you may wish to turn off the warning about more than 25% of your notes are about to be updated.. don't know your setup but from my perspective with about 1500 notes, an ipod touch, ipad, macbook and macmini, it's what works best. also very useful is to select all notes within mail, copy and paste into textedit. in case you lose one or all notes one day, it's a simple backup and easy to search. i keep several such files from different dates as one typically doesn't know when a note somehow disappears or is accidentally deleted. again, thanks for taking the time to say it worked for you.
all - in case it wasn't clear, it's good to be the king referred to apple, not myself.
I'm crazy about my iPhone 4S (I think I'm adicted to it). The only thing I don't like is the Notes application, is very absurd to organize them by date, simply not practicall, that's the only thing I miss from my blackberry. Apple should pay more attention to those details. Is there an application to order the notes? Cause even the more basics phones allow you to organize them by name. Thanks.
I want to arrange my notes aplhabetically too. Unfortunately, you cannot access your notes on Evernote off-line.
In Mountain Lion 10.8.2 (not on the iPhone) you can now sort ...
Choose View>Sort by to sort by date created, date edited, or title.
Actually, there's a work around for this:
1. Launch your Notes app.
2. Press and hold down on yellow part of the Notes
3. Drag it down and a search bar appears on the top.
4. Type in the aphabatical letter (or content) that you want to narrow down to or search for.
This is better than sort by aphabatically if you have hundreds of list.
No, it's not better. Just the opposite if you have "hundreds list."
We are talking about the iPhone.
Others that don't have an answer and yet cannot help but make unrelated suggestions,l
Please just keep your thoughts to yourself.
Still ***** that we can't sort notes on the iPhone/iPad. Crazy. I guess at least ~15K customers is not enough to warrant ten minutes of coding if not less. Ideally one should also be able to search titles or full contents. Thanks. Hope you go the way of the Blackberry. Oh, what am I thinking? From the $700s to the $400s.. You already are.
Good luck!
Although it might be nice to alphabetise Notes, I think Apple's logic here, right or wrong is that Notes on a paper note pad are essentially written organised by date - literally!
It might be nice to organise them - notes, anyway you like but then the simplicity of Apple notes would then migrate toward something more akin to Microsoft. (I'm not an Apple lover Microsoft hater)
Here's the rub, when you want to find, read, anything on your mac whether it's notes, or email or anything, simply start typing in the 'magnify' window and VOILA!! If it's there it will appear.
"You can't please everyone all the time".
PS if you cannot remember the title of the note, it doesn't matter. All you need is a word or phrase from the note and it will appear. Good luck 🙂
Most comical to me is they did it on the Mac, it's a simple setting for date or alpha. Proves someone over there knows how to do it;) ok maybe iOS 7....
How rude. Obviously someone cares or they wouldn't be here asking the question. If you don't care, then don't respond to the question. Leave it for those who care.
Some people DO care about organizing things!
Thanks Pamela.
No it seems impossible for some people to simply be quiet when they don't know something and waste the rest's time by forcing us to read them regurgitating the obvious. I do understand the logic behind wanting to organize notes by date and it is super useful. But it is also very useful to organize notes alphabetically. Neither means that one would have to use one or the other. The option would allow someone to alternate between the two to serve different purposes at different times.
So limejuices wrap your brain around the idea that people might have purposes you are not contemplating.If one is highly organized, it's imperative hat they be sorted alphabetically. And a smiley face doesn't excuse you from your lack of attention and rudeness. Again, please be quiet if you don't have an answer to someone's question. Don't question the question.
How do I sort Notes alphabetically?