How do I sort Notes alphabetically?
PC, iOS 4
PC, iOS 4
Question the question?
I was not suggesting Notes should not be organised alphabetically, but merely offering a solution and saying that the search function might be under utilised. It can be a quick way to find things especially if one has thousands of thing even organised alphabetically.
To repeat, I wasn't being rude indeed was offering a solution which has served me admirably........that's all!
Maybe the next update will placate.
I would also like sort by note name alphabetically.
Yes, the search works, and adds a number of extra keystrokes to find what you need.
My list of notes are a few 100 and the standard alphabetically with letters down the right side seems simple enough to implement here as the code is already written for this feature (in contacts), Apple just needs to add it and a choice option.
I'm hoping for iOS7, simplicity has its drawbacks and its clear too simple is not as useful.
My 2cents for adding the option.
Thank You.
I too would like to sort alphabetically !
So much easier to find duplicate note when the **** iCould has duplicated some/ many of them , added them form other accounts etc etc
Thanks for the search least that goes some way to help.
I also have to agree with those that take issues with Questioning a questioners motives...if you don't have an answer. Don't answer..merely good manners.
That sort of thing is so prevalent..not just in forums ...of which there is a lot if it..but in modern live in general.
"If you don't have anything good or useful to say, don't say anything" is what I was taught as a kid.
IPhone and iPad notes can't be sorted, but if you go to the main screen and pull it down (touching the screen only at its middle), you can search your device, including Notes) for whatever you'r looking for.
I suppose you notice the number of people who consider you a royal ***, right? If you don't care about something, the proper thing to do would be to keep your mouth shut. Many people do care about sorting alphabetically, or there wouldn't have been this thread for you to show was a putz you are.
The proper answer would have been, "No. Apple doesn't provide this feature, among so many features it doesn't offer that are of value to people who actually need a phone with necessary features beside posting to Facebook or Twitter, so you should by a Galaxy".
Just came across this post, and I hope by now you've learned to buy an Android phone... I'm stuck with an iPhone because it is what my Company buys. My sympathies.
Im new here. i was hoping to contact Apple but that isn't going to happen cause they got rid of their email service. I started sorting my notes by category using email accounts. If you add several emails, (I use gmail) make sure notes is enabled in settings, copy and paste your notes to different accounts (there may be a better way idk) then you can choose which account/category your in. It's really the only way I've found. If you don't know, here's how to add an extra email. Settings>Mail, Contacts, Calanders(towards the bottom of the list, 4 or so sections down)>add account. After you add your account make sure you enable notes by checking the box. In notes, in the top left corner there should be an accounts button when the list of notes is pulled up. You have the options of, "all notes" "on my iPad" and whatever emails you put. Just hold down on the note when the keyboard is up, select all, copy, (in the actual note, not the list) then go into different account, make a new note, paste it, go back to original note and delete.
im no profesional I just wanted to share my ways of sorting. Hope this helps friend.
That IS STUDIP!! I've wasted tons of time trying to figure out how to alphabetize the notes. Some of the Apple apps are so ridiculously unuseful!
Agreed. I hate their contacts app, too. You can't enter an extension or any sort of different category than the ones they've predetermined.
Aviela22 wrote:
That IS STUDIP!! I've wasted tons of time trying to figure out how to alphabetize the notes. Some of the Apple apps are so ridiculously unuseful!
So use one of the hundreds (possibly thousands) of note taking apps available in the App Store.
And waste more time trying to figure out which one I might like and that might work for me.
Sent from my iPhone
For the most part the apps provided by Apple are very basic. This is at least partly so they are not competing with iPhone app developers. Instead of searching through thousands of note apps get Evernote. It syncs to your computers and any other devices in real time, every feature imaginable (including the ability to OCR images), rich text, embedded images, document scanning, business card scanning and OCR to your contacts, sorts your notes, lets you organize them into notebooks, share them with other users on a notebook by notebook basis. And it's free for the basic version, $40/year for the premium. I've been using it for 7 years, and have thousands of notes, all neatly organized and searchable.
I don't understand why you came onto this page to respond to a question that you didn't have a useful response to..... I mean you were obviously no help. I for one care about this too. Your response merely took up space for other ACTUAL answers...
I think you may have set a record, making a USELESS comment on a 5 year old post!
(I know that my response is useless also; you don't need to point that out as I've done it already.)
chrisseytina wrote:
I don't understand why you came onto this page to respond to a question that you didn't have a useful response to..... I mean you were obviously no help. I for one care about this too. Your response merely took up space for other ACTUAL answers...
Allan actually answered the original question quite correctly. And no, Allan's answer didn't prevent anyone else from answering. It's not as if there is a limit on the number of answers one can have in a thread. There are several alternateve suggestions in the thread.
How do I sort Notes alphabetically?