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Logic wish list for next release

Cosmetics may not be important for some but for the rest of us it is.
When I work with PT9 or DP7 I am amazed how beautiful they look. It makes it so easy and pleasing to work with them. BUT I like Logic Pro better for everything else so APPLE if you read this MAKE LOGIC PRO WITH THEMES (COLORS CHOICES) OR SPECTRUM CHOICES AS IN PT9 and DP7 . IT MAKE LIFE BETTER WHEN YOU WORK 10 -12 HOURS A DAY ON PROJECT.
The Dark gray color In Logic is nice but boring. Other competitor are cathing with a pleasing environment.
DP7 is a wonder and EM choices of DAW for 2010 Cosmetics are important to.

MacPro 2.93Ghz, Mac OS X (10.6.3), Protools HD3, Logic Pro, Cubase

Posted on Dec 27, 2010 8:40 PM

59 replies

Jan 3, 2011 10:34 AM in response to Eric Dhumez

Most of the things on my wish list are those that have vanished from Logic in recent years... Features that aided my workflow rather than hinder it.

1. The ability to re-assign a track without having to hold down CTRL & navigate an ill-conceived menu.

2. To be able to colour a track or region, & the corresponding mixer channel simultaneously (without having to hold down CMD).

3. The ability to move the "Cycle Range" whilst in record mode... just like you used to (essential when recording on-the-fly).

4. The ability to turn off "Cycle Mode" whilst in record mode by clicking on the "Cycle Range"... just like you used to!

5. The option of turning off the "Take Folder" feature... sorry but I can still comp quicker & more intuitively the old way.

6. To be able to group Audio Unit plug-ins by type (as in OS9).

+And here's a few more suggestions that haven't previously been implemented:+

a) Phase accurate busses .... (sorry, no they're not!)

b) Improved stability with two or more projects open (without having to switch off Core Audio).

c) A massive overhaul of the EXS24 - it must be 10 years old?!!

d) To have a Spotlight type search engine in each channel strip to search for plug-ins by name or type.

e) Batch processing of "Strip Silence" (ie. all tracks in a project).

f) The ability to re-scale the peaks of an audio file in the Sampler editor (either by threshold or percentage) - just as you can visually re-scale an audio file in the Arrange window. This would be useful for improving transient responses in Flex, Recycle etc, or simply to tame an excessive performance.

Anywayz... just my 2 cents!!

Jan 3, 2011 12:31 PM in response to Eric Dhumez


1 - *+Bring back Lockable Floating Windows as per L7+*

This is absolutely essential if you have written a part and need to read it direct from the screen to record into Logic. In L7 and before it was perfect: you had the Score Window open and Floating and no matter what you did with the record/arrange, the Score kept there for multiple takes.

Currently once you get the Score window up and record a take, as soon as you touch the Arrange window the score disappears and you have to step through windows etc to get it back up for the next take

2 - *+Score Editor*+

For pete's sake Apple spend a bit of money on the Score editor, look at a few of the best bits of Sibelius/Finale etc and turn the Logic Score Editor into a 100% professional world beating simple reliable product. Logic Pro could be reborn amongst arrangers all over the world...

In particular I would like:

a) Global Rehearsal Symbols related to Markers so that you can move the Playhead by KC direct from one rehearsal letter to the next and there is an option to have only these Rehearsal Symbols in the Arrange.

b) Reinvent Johannes Prischl's Repeater Pro application for the 21st Century: allow Logic's sequencer to follow exactly the arrangement symbols: DS, DC repeat 1st and 2nd endings etc.. so you can play the arrangement through and hear how it sounds

c) Invite iSchwartz to be the Score Editor Tzar for a 2 year residency until it is sorted

nuff said

Music Spirit 😉

Jan 3, 2011 2:12 PM in response to F-L-E-X-I-S

F~L~E~X~I~S wrote:
Most of the things on my wish list are those that have vanished from Logic in recent years... Features that aided my workflow rather than hinder it.

1. The ability to re-assign a track without having to hold down CTRL & navigate an ill-conceived menu.


2. To be able to colour a track or region, & the corresponding mixer channel simultaneously (without having to hold down CMD).

I have the Colour Palette set toggle on and off a single Key Command: when I press R the palette appears and it is 2 mouse clicks to assign a colour ie click on the colour and click on the Region or Track

5. The option of turning off the "Take Folder" feature... sorry but I can still comp quicker & more intuitively the old way.

ABSOLUTELY!!!! The Take Folder is massively overrated - most of the time I would prefer to comp the old way. Give us the option to turn it off

b) Improved stability with two or more projects open (without having to switch off Core Audio).

That would be useful

c) A massive overhaul of the EXS24 - it must be 10 years old?!!

I think the cost of this would not be worth it to Apple - it means competing with many brilliant Third party plug ins on a huge scale

Good thinking in general thanks Flexis

Jan 3, 2011 10:37 PM in response to Eric Dhumez

Even though I know this is probably just an echo chamber, I'll believe in Tinker Bell and hope that someone at Apple takes some of these user ideas into account.... Here's my 2.5 cents (little inflation here)

I strongly agree with GETTING BACK some of the smooth operation and flexibility that defined Logic in its "E" years. (DNA still exists in the Exs E2 Etc.)

In my mind some very useful things would be..

An arpegiator that's up to date and runs even when Logic is not "rolling'. Also it would be nice if it had a controller (mod wheel) which could switch arpeggiator divisions or other variable. Something like the arps in things like Omnisphere. (Wake me up.. I'm dreaming) Also, has anyone noticed that when you bounce off line, the arpeggiator doesn't work????? You have to mix it in real time or you only get the notes played, not the arpeggio.

Individual input quantize on a per instrument basis.. for example, Track 2, a drum track-16th notes Track 3 A Bass- 8th notes Track 4 Piano, no quantization.

An "cable-able" lfo that could be plugged into any fader or control.. with the usual square, sine, sawtooth and random waves.

A similar thing for a time based envelope. Repeatable and cable-able with up to 16 breakpoints.

Despite its age, the EXS works so well in part due to its simplicity... still, it would be nice to be able to apply more processing on sample or zone basis.

A simpler way to draw and make smooth tempo changes.

I know the transformers are powerful, but I've been using this program for 14 years and have yet to really get my head around them. How about "Change this controller number... to that controller number"..... instead of ... "<1=2 Date byte Thru change select and operate, pull trigger and call morgue"

Give me back decent text handling and chord layout in the score... it used to be much better.

How about info tags that don't block other important visual information.

And why, oh why, if I'm changing where I put my recorded audio do I have to do four different clicks. There should be one key command to route recorded audio, and one to close that routing menu.

Control surface preferences should have an option to be on a project by project basis, like screen sets, not just at the basic preference level.

There's a weird quirk with video, if the picture is on the "top level" your Logic Key commands will revert to some weird quick time player settings. While on video, a key command to mute or unmute the audio coming off the movie would be helpful.

Creating Apple Loops was a lot easier in L7.. Put it back that way.

A floating Tool palette would be nice and not hard to implement.

Color the audio fades again,, the white makes it very hard to know how or if a file is faded.

I love the speed up and slow down functions, I wish there was a normal speed to fast speed function. (I currently have to do that in EXS)

Some "Abelton-like" filters and manglers would be nice.

In the score editor, I've always thought that if the pencil had a "ghost" showing what note you'll get if you click, it would be very useful.

World Peace, eternal life and a meat substitute that really tasted and chewed like meat. And this ashtray... that's all I need.

Dan Rad

Jan 3, 2011 11:20 PM in response to Dan Radlauer

Dan Radlauer wrote:

A floating Tool palette would be nice and not hard to implement.

That reminds me of one of my favorite feature requests:

every other software has a Visual menu bar with tools on it! Adobe etc all tools laid out for you to click on, but in Logic I have to click to get access to the tools, and i have to click and click and click and click all day long Boring and Annoying, come on design team!!!

Jan 3, 2011 11:25 PM in response to seeren

seeren wrote:
Dan Radlauer wrote:

A floating Tool palette would be nice and not hard to implement.

That reminds me of one of my favorite feature requests:

every other software has a Visual menu bar with tools on it! Adobe etc all tools laid out for you to click on, but in Logic I have to click to get access to the tools, and i have to click and click and click and click all day long Boring and Annoying, come on design team!!!

A single right click isn't too bad but a floating tool palette would be nice.


Jan 4, 2011 2:34 AM in response to Dan Radlauer

Dan Radlauer wrote:
Even though I know this is probably just an echo chamber,

Very probably.

An "cable-able" lfo that could be plugged into any fader or control.. with the usual square, sine, sawtooth and random waves.

I think there is one, very old, Environment module floating around somewhere which can do this.

A simpler way to draw and make smooth tempo changes.

If you create a Tempo Change in the Tempo Track, you get two vertically aligned points, indicating an instantaneous Tempo Change. If you drag the point leading into the Tempo Change left and up, you get a tempo curve. Doable ?

I know the transformers are powerful, but I've been using this program for 14 years and have yet to really get my head around them. How about "Change this controller number... to that controller number"..... instead of ... "<1=2 Date byte Thru change select and operate, pull trigger and call morgue"

This would make Transformers useless for anything but a "Change this controller number... to that controller number" process. Tranformers and their parameters are based on MIDI data, which generally has a format like

status - midi channel - parameter - data

In case of notes, this might be

note - channel 1 - note number 67 - velocity 99

whereas a pitch bend event would look like

pitch - channel 5 - coarse 55 - fine 122

So the generic format that puzzles you so much is there to make Transformers universally applicable, not just for one specific purpose.

Control surface preferences should have an option to be on a project by project basis, like screen sets, not just at the basic preference level.

Which I would want to amend with the I/O Settings file being Project specific...specific...specific...specific...


Jan 4, 2011 6:40 AM in response to christianobermaier

christianobermaier wrote:
Which I would want to amend with the I/O Settings file being Project specific...specific...specific...specific...

*THIS x 10000 !!!*

Yes, please allow me to set my interface preferences by project and also in templates. I have one interface I use at home, and another for tracking my band.

So I get to the band space, hook it all up and Logic is trying to use an interface that isn't there (the one from home). Gotta change preferences. Then i get home, and Logic is trying to use the band's non-existent interface.

Also allowing us to manually set "no interface" in the Audio preferences would be nice. For instance while tracking I don't need Logic to make any sound (mainstage is doing that for me).

That's the one side effect of the IO preferences situation that works in my favor. I don't have to mute everything when I start recording, because it's still trying to use my non-existent home interface for output. But you can't set "no interface" manually ... logic has to try to use one that's not there.

Jan 4, 2011 7:49 AM in response to timkertoy

timkertoy wrote:
1- simpler, more efficient handling of multi-timbral VI's without the need to set up aux routing just to control pan and volume on the individual MIDI channels.

This is a huge one, the current setup for multis is flat out awful.

Support for multiple QT movies in one session.

Ability to switch songs without having to reload all samples, especially in situations where both songs share some or all samples.

Better surround panning automation, the way it is now is cumbersome to the point of being unusable. Just switch it to a simple left/right, front/back instead of the bizarre configuration it has now.

Jan 4, 2011 8:37 AM in response to juhani h.

juhani h. wrote:

By activating Replace in the Transport Bar it works the old way, without automatically created Take Folders.

Unfortunately this method only stacks regions on top of one another - with the last take obscuring all the others. (Not quite like the old way which created a new track for each region - with the same corresponding audio channel).

Logic wish list for next release

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