This behavior appears to be random, sometimes I can only use preview for 10 or 15 min. and it crashes again. I'm having no difficulties with any other software.
I have never experienced this in OS 10.0 through 10.5.8
Since the issue is specific to your original user account, you can proceed in two ways. One is to log into your new account, make a list of the preference files (plists) located in /username/Library/Preferences/, including any in the ByHost subfolder, log back into the original account, move everything on that other account's list from the original account's Preferences folder into a newly created folder on the Desktop, log out and back in, and see if the problem goes away. If so, you can copy the ones in the Desktop folder (one at time) back into /Preferences/, restart, and see if the problem returns. If so, you've identified the corrupt/conflicting one. Continue with all of them until isolating the bad ones. That'll save you the trouble of resetting preferences.
The second way is much more detailed and I'll not burden you with the steps unless the above doesn't fix the issue.
Baltwo's suggestion is exactly what I was going to suggest. A few more suggestions:
Some items in ~/Library/Preferences ("~" is shorthand for your home folder) are hidden from Finder view. One of them was causing a problem for me for weeks before I found it. You can force Finder to show them by entering this command in Terminal:
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES;killall Finder
To return to the normal Finder view, use this:
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO;killall Finder
If you don't find the offending file in ~/Library/Preferences, sift through ~/Library/Caches and do the same thing.
I have somehow the same issue here, but with the console app. ( and also Handbrake). It would crash 4 times in a row or not crash for a whole day. I've ran the Apple hardware test overnight and rember, nothing wrong. I will try the steps mentioned here.