App store loading VERY slow or not at all
Thanks in advance for your help.
Dell Inspiron, Windows Vista
Dell Inspiron, Windows Vista
Hi Ribasu,
Check your download rate units - you mentioned both "kbps" and "KBPS".
There is a difference between measurement of speeds in bits per second (usually shown as bps) and bytes per second (usually shown as Bps). A speed of 1Mbps (bits) is often shown in application software as 125 kBps. This difference is down to the fact that there are 8 bits in a byte.
So for your specific connections, you say you have a range of 1 - 1.5Mbps - on a connection like that I would expect to receive download speeds of 125 - 187.5 kBps. That sounds a bit like what you were seeing (150-200).
Hope this was of some value to you.
Hi mrkelly,
The unit of actual download speed i was talking about was the one displayed automatically on the screen of my iPhone/iPad while downloading a large size app such as AllOfWiki from App Store and i think it was in kbps. The unit of maximum avilable donwnload speed of my broadband connection i was talking about was the one returned by
I knew that 1 byte = 8 bits, but i thought whenever we talk about data transfer speed in terms of kbps or KPBS it is always assumed/taken as "bytes" and NOT "bits".
Thank you very much for clarifying the subtle difference in wiriting the units of data transfer rates. Your reply will definitely help me in properly assessing and analysing donwload speed of my connections henceforth.
Any news on this? I've got an iPhone 5, and the first days after purchasing the unit App Store was fast. Now it takes forever just to open it. And updates, freakishly slow... If one google "slow app store", you get many hits. This got to be fixed.. Apple products used to be fast, and that was why i purchased iPhone 5 instead of the Samsung Galaxy S3. Now I'm not sure that was a wise decision..
App store on my iPad 3 is normal, installs/updates apps fast too.
There is a rumor that this problem is only acting up on the ios devices that had to many different accounts on them(second hand ) "Based on this rumor > "this problem "may encourages people to buy new phones instead of second hand.....Let's say,maybe, if you buy a new iphone 4 from any apple store you wont get that problem even if you have the latest ios on them.This rumor started when too many people-have complained about this problem but no one has given a solution or at least a valid response like please wait for a patch or update ,we're gonna fix this problem....etc (maybe for that reason^^^) .But ,like i said ,i think is just a rumor because i know too many people who have given up on their new iphones maybe for those type of problems.What do you think 😕 😀
I figured it out. You need to turn off genius in general not just the location
Go To:
Itunes and app stores
Click on your email/account
Press view apple id
Enter your password
Then press turn off genius for apps
Then hit turn off and you
r all set enjoy the speedier app store
This is RIDICULOUS. This activity takes ages. EVERY time I have a problem with my phone the advice is one of the following:
1. Switch it off and on again
2. Restart the App
3. Delete all your music and reload it (takes DAYS!)
4. Reset all your settings to normal (then I have to spend ages setting everything back)
5. Do a backup and restore (again takes ages).
How about you just make the applications work and stop asking clients to go through fixes that can literally take DAYS to resolve? Last time I had to delete all my music it took WEEKS to get the music to eventually download because for some crap reason even when you press DOWNLOAD the songs don't download, or errors come up "could not download this song" but there is no reason or way to fix that.
I'm searching for a song on the iphone app and it's been 15 minutes, NOTHING. I search of the same song on my computer, comes up RIGHT AWAY. BUT when I download it on my computer, it doesn't show up on my phone for days. When it does show up, it won't let me download it... it just sits there not allowing me access to the song.
Then you wonder why streaming services are taking off and it's going to a model where people don't buy songs and artists labels are getting ripped off by being paid 0.1 cents to play it... but Verison charges 1 cent (10 times that amount) to download it over a data plan.... this system is messed up.... I'm trying to GIVE YOU MONEY, I'm trying to BUY MUSIC which is rare these days... make your crap WORK!!!!
You should start a new thread.
But anyway here's the link to help you get started.
Hope you find your phone!
Am having similar problems. Have just loaded latest iPad software update and it's now taking 15 mins to download Apps or Apps updates from the Apps store. They used to download in seconds
OP - I have the same issue on my IP4. It's not a matter of slow downloads it takes forever to connect.
Same problems reported above. Also sometimes it will just crash on me when i get to an app from a link outside. I will try again then it works.
Same i put IOS 5 in iphone 3GS and the app store very slow i stay 3-5 minis to loading . With IOS 4 work very good only with IOS 5 i have this problem . Someone can tell me what to do.?:D
App store loading VERY slow or not at all