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Logic Pro 10 ????

It's been two years now!!!!! Come on and drop it alreadyUser uploaded file

Mac Pro 2.66 GHz Dual, Mac OS X (10.6.2)

Posted on Mar 4, 2011 7:59 PM

96 replies

Sep 26, 2011 11:30 AM in response to Leonard Johnson1

Leonard Johnson1 wrote:

Logic is like having an ugly wife. The same ugly face every day. Ewwww!

Man I love that one. I have always said that Logic is like your wife and Reason is like your girlfriend on the side. You play around with Reason when you're missing something, but you eventually go back to Logic no matter what. That is still true even when using Record with Reason. Most of us still prefer to engineer and master with Logic. I know I do. Besides, Record, like a bad relationship, brings extra baggage (Ignition Key).

I agree, Logic is looking a bit dated and lacks inspiration. I honestly don't have too many problems with the color scheme. The instruments however, still remind me of the old eMagic dongle days. The old days of buying the actual EVOC20 boxed version and authorizing the XSKey.

When you think about it clearly, Logic's instruments have not changed even a peep, aside from Ultrabeat and Sculpture. Effects are all good, but the instruments have needed an overhaul since LP7.

Our wife needs a makeover, big time. I am willing to go to the gym with her and finance all of her improvements. I will NOT stay married to her if she is not willing to do for me as I have done for her over the 10+ year marrige we've enjoyed (love-hate).

She's let me bring in that cheap **** named Reason for a little happy funtime. But Reason's been looking wife worthy lately.

I'm giving Logic one last chance to make it last. After that: I think we should see other software.


Sep 27, 2011 5:22 AM in response to El Abstracto

Regarding Logic instruments needing an update, I guess if you've been using it for years and years It would, Ive been on board since Logic 8 came out. Before then I used Motu Digital performer, which had no virtual instruments at the time so I had to use outboard gear. I even used protools before they got into virtual instruments. Now Digital Performer has virtual instruments and also the ability to change the color and look of the interface, which is cool but it still doesnt have as many instruments as logic and for each time you create an instrument track you have to create a midi track to play the instrument track so you have double the faders to deal with.

As far Logic's instruments sounding flat I think there is more than enough effects and eq's built into Logic to tweek them to your liking, I think whats there is more than a good start, and personaly would rather not have someone else do "All the work" when it comes to getting a great sound. I enjoy doing it myself. All of Logics instruments have parameters that allow you to change the sound so why not experiment??

And if Logics instruments arent the total solution there are a S*&tload of 3rd party plugins out there.

And one last thing, ProTools and Digital performer do come with virtual instruments but they also try to get you to pay more to get full versions of some (Digideisign) or buy virtual instruments that should be included (Like the MachFive from Motu)

Sep 27, 2011 7:22 AM in response to lindseyjondawson

With instruments, you can always add whatever you want from third parties.

But actual functionality in the software can only come from Logic itself so I'd much rather see them spend the time and effort on those things. Not that I'd complain about some instrument updates here and there but I really hope the editing and mixing features are a higher priority.

Sep 28, 2011 6:29 PM in response to Pancenter

The program is not perfect. I've have been using Logic since long before Apple purchased Emagic and long before Garageband existed. I have had conversations with Emagic employees. Emagic actually had tech support and customer service (not forums where rude angry people insult new users). Apples GUI is not better or equal to protools. Some user want to see improvements and should not be insulted for posting their ideas. Logic could be the number one DAW but some people just want it to stay the same. I know Avid does...

Sep 28, 2011 6:30 PM in response to El Abstracto

While there are some of us that post only to increase our post numbers, its fair to say that almost all Logic users on this forum have gotten a little tired of the present situation. That being, Logic needs an update in every fashion of its current state. A new interface, updated instruments (perhaps new instruments altogether) and most importantly, stability. Its a no-brainer to mention backward compatibility with older LP projects, unlike FCPX.

I understand this upcoming (if ever) update will not satisfy everyone. At least the Logic team should look through some of these posts and add some of the forum ideas to their chalk board. I honestly am NOT expecting to see GarageBand Pro. Seriously, I know apple effs things up royaly sometimes, but I truly don't believe that this will be the case. As for the "helpless amateur boobs" on this forum. I think its time to stick to the original topic rather than resort to sub-human debris status. It only takes one person, besides, this forum has enough frustration as it is. Instead of turning on each other, we should voice what we need and also what we don't want Logic to morph into.

I am indeed a Pro user of Logic. My bread & butter since 2002. The final word should be, if they "tard" Logic, my money shall go elsewhere for the first time in almost a decade.

Fool me once................never.


Sep 29, 2011 6:51 AM in response to Mike Connelly

I agree with Mike Connely. I hate to keep going back to Cubase for comparisons but when I switched from Cubase to Logic, it was Cubase 4 even then and for awhile before that there were a number of useful audio editing functions you could do to tracks right in the arrange page.

Is there anyone that doesn't think it would be quick and easy to do fades just by highlighting a portion of a track region in the arrange page and then right clicking and choosing fade. Another thing I liked to do a lot in the arrange page was highlighting empty sections (not really empty but room noise from mic'd performances) of the track regions and then right clicking to erase. It was a quick and intuitive way to clean up tracks. Of course for a lot of detailed editing you're going to want to go into the editing window but for the basics, like fade, silence, normalize, gain change, bounce in place etc., you should be able to highlight the part you want to affect right in the arrange page and perform the function from a right click menu.

It's fine to throw out the old verbiage about how you can record songs just fine with Logic the way it is. Trust me we are all doing it, it doesn't make anyone appear more creative or adept because you don't care if you see improvements in Logic. Heck, I can tie a rubber band to two pegs on a board and make music and even record it with an old reel to reel 2 track recorder. It's just not my thing. I want to get the best sound possible with the quickest and easiest tools.

So, yes I would like to see upgrades to the tools and instruments in Logic. I already own Melodyne but I hate the way it is implemented in Logic, I would rather just be able to do the functions withing Logic rather than the combersome way that Melodyne needs to be used. I also own Superior Drummer, which works perfect in Logic and far exceeds anything else I have ever heard on the market but how cool would it be if you could get great quality realistic drum sounds from a Logic instrument or a sampler in Logic that rivals the other samplers out there. We are at a moment in history when the CPU's and memory and technology exist to do amazing things to manipulate audio and have realistic detailed sampled instruments.

I would like my scratchpad work ups of songs to sound almost like finished mastered copies, it takes less of the guess work out of how it will sound as a finished product, while I wait until I can get some other musicians over to do the parts that I can't play myself. There's nothing wrong with pushing the envelope and just because one person thinks that logic has reached it's full protential doesn't that there aren't a bunch of us out here who have the ability to think outside the box and visualize how to push this thing into the future.

The thought process that thinks it's OK to just stop because you think we have arrived, will hopefully never prevail and I'm really glad it didn't prevail back when we were still listening to 78's on gramophones. To those that feel that way I say it's time to grow some imagination.

Sep 29, 2011 7:18 AM in response to litesnsirens

Found this recently about future version of Pro Tools, may be interesting. Looks like some stuff that's pretty cutting edge, other stuff that's finally catching up to things other apps have been doing for years (and I have to wonder if some of the lame limitations still exist or if they finally fixed them, plus will it finally be 64 bit?). Still, some cool ideas and some things I'd like to see other audio apps like Logic do.

litesnsirens wrote:

Is there anyone that doesn't think it would be quick and easy to do fades just by highlighting a portion of a track region in the arrange page and then right clicking and choosing fade. Another thing I liked to do a lot in the arrange page was highlighting empty sections (not really empty but room noise from mic'd performances) of the track regions and then right clicking to erase. It was a quick and intuitive way to clean up tracks.

You can do fades that way already, just assign the fade tool to the right click. And I think you can probably delete that way as well, marquee tool maybe?

Sep 29, 2011 8:17 AM in response to Mike Connelly

True enough, maybe I just got use to having the ability to use the pointer tool to high-light and then right click and get either a midi editing menu or audio editing menu depending on what I was high -lighting. You could make the argument that it's 6 of one half a dozen of the other but I found it easier than choosing different tools all the time and there were a lot more options than there are tools in Logic. Now I still of course use the glue and scissors tools in either Cubase or Logic and the tools in Logic are useful. My point is not that Logic is useless, I love it, I would just like to be to the point where I'm never working away in Logic and having moments where I wish I was in Cubase.

Thanks for the link, Mike, some very cool and creative stuff there. I understand some of Apple's reason for secrecy but I think there are some ways that it bites them in the butt. PT by showing off that clip may have averted a bunch of people from jumping ship to another platform just because they are showcasing what is coming. If people know it's coming they will wait.

I downloaded the trial version of Cubase 6 and have been contemplating giving Cubase my upgrade money and abandoning Logic altogether. I am holding out to see what Logic X will bring maybe it will save me the headache of switching back, the thought of doing a bunch of OMF's etc is a bit prohibitive. If there was a just a bit of what PT did with this video it would help my resolve. There are a number of areas in which Apple is way ahead of the competition and therefore secrecy before release is a good strategy, but when you are playing catch up I think it's safe to let users know that some of the features that the other DAW's have are coming.

Oct 18, 2011 6:56 AM in response to litesnsirens

Well guys it's been a great 4 years on this platform, but as with everyone I'm open to anything that will make workflow faster and easier, so I've given up on Apple's secrecy and waiting for Logic X. There's a new kid on the block that sounds amazing and was built from the gound up only 2 years ago so there's no old code and it's rock solid. It had Lion support before Logic did and with their second major release today it has just set the new standard. I'm talking about Studio One by PreSonus, version 2 just came out today. It's the best of all worlds, for us Logic users you will be familiar with the single page layout. It's got everything including integrated Melodyne right in the editor. No other DAW has been able to do that yet although the architecture has now been developed for them to implement it in the future if you want to wait. You won't believe how cool it is Check out the videos AU and VST support for plug ins. It's all drag and drop, it's so easy. You want to put reverb on a track drag it from the browser window onto the track. Done. If you want to check out more one Studio One, just check out the website cool vids showing off some of the new features. Although a lot of the features are in other DAWs it's just done better. Mike, that video you lniked me to regarding future pro tools, Studio One already had that volume editing per region prior to this new release. I think this is the future, Cubase and Logic are in my rear view now. Sorry, but if you sleep at the wheel someone's gonna overtake you.

Logic Pro 10 ????

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