Home Sharing drop out with Apple TV2
iMac 27" 3.06 intel core 2 duo, Mac OS X (10.6.5), Airport extreme dual band
iMac 27" 3.06 intel core 2 duo, Mac OS X (10.6.5), Airport extreme dual band
Same here....I have a Cisco router & if I open the network page & log in & click applications & gaming & then quality of service "qos" enable wmm & wait 10 seconds & disable it,home sharing connects & plays for about 2 hours and then nothing....On a bright side I can watch all the trailers I want so there is a bright side😠
Red Herring I'm afraid folks. This ATV software update is NOT a fix at all. Same problems as ever.
I don't know how many times this needs to be said but THE PROBLEM IS OBVIOUSLY WITH iTUNES
The same for me. I have just downloaded the latest release made available for
- Apple TV 5.0.1 (4224).
- iTunes are on latest version 10.6.1 (7) 64-bit
Can play YouTube, my pic library. Home Sharing is on everywhere
The only thing I like about it is I can watch most of my movies through icloud on my applel tv....If they find a way to sign on fox I will never use homesharing again.
How will buying a roku solve this problem? (Read the subject line.) For the record, I own 2 roku boxes as well as 2 ATV2s. The rokus aren't perfect either. Each has their own place in the scheme of things. My ATV2 issues appear to have cleared on their own a few months back. I am currently having no issues with them. My rokus OTOH, require frequent hard resets.
I've been watching and not posting for a while as I had nothing else to add that I didn't say somet time ago - home sharing (pulling) from AppleTV would drop out for me after some time (a few minutes to maybe 45 max) and had for months and months. Troubleshooted everything I could as far as PC, router, firewall, etc. with no luck. As of the last update, this *appears* to be fixed. I've only listened a few hours so far, so this isn't conclusive, but it's certainly a *lot* more stable than it's been for me, and the AppleTV (and iPhone/iPad updates) are the only new thing. Sorry for those of you still having problems, but whatever they did seems to (tentatively) have fixed *my* particular issue. As of now, I think my AppleTV is working 100%, but time will tell.
This seems to be a partial fix of sorts.
Home sharing when watching a movie/film/music video etc seems to work fine now. Caching seems much speeded up, and I've even restarted a box and found a whole "home shared" movie still fully cached upon returning to it.
Home sharing still seems flaky in terms of being picked up initially by the ATV - especially if restarting the box. I've started trying to save electricity by switching off everything plugged in in the "TV" corner of my living room, and so I'm starting the box up much more frequently than before, as opposed to just leaving it switched on. On every occasion, I've had to go and restart iTunes in order to get ATV to pick up the home sharing.
Outside of that though, it seems much, much better. The day prior to this update, I had a day off and watched two films - Independence Day was, for the first time in history, punctuated by screaming/swearing fits every 5-6 minutes whilst I had to stomp upstairs to restart iTunes. In the end, I started screen sharing using my old macbook, so that I didn't have to leave the couch. Lazy bliss.
The update seems to have fixed the issues with Home Sharing for me - no issues since the update and a re-start of the ATV and the iMac that runs iTunes. The Trailers issue seems to have been unrelated to the update, as that's now working. I have had problems with the Apple TV asking for authorisation to plat purchased iTunes TV programmes and Movies, though.
Zip92 wrote:
Try check your INBOUND FIREWALL SETTINGS. (Windows)
Go to Control Panel -> Firewall -> Advanced Settings -> Inbound Rules -> Bonjour Service.
You will see 4 entries for Bonjour Service. Make sure they are all set to PRIVATE. I had two that were set to 'public'. As soon as I made this change, I have been golden ever since.
I hope this helps.
Hi all,
Just wanted to add a possibility. I'd read the above post after trying many other suggestions which all failed. I dont use windows firewall as i have Vipre anti-virus installed with its own firewall. Not knowing what bonjour was, i looked it up and it made complete sense that this program could have an effect on airplay between itunes and atv2. I cleared the revelent ports in my anti-virus program for both itunes and bonjour and so far all seems to be ok!?
I had also read a line that bonjour creates its own pass-through exceptions when its installed but these can be altered by constant changes to your computer (for me it was turning off windows firewall and using Vipre instead which didnt have the revelant port forwards!)
This was the aticle that came with Bonjour:
About Bonjour
The Bonjour for Windows package provides Bonjour zero-configuration networking services for use by Windows applications such as iTunes, Safari and AirPort Utility.
Bonjour enables computers and devices to automatically discover each other using industry standard IP protocols without the need to manually enter IP addresses or configure DNS servers. It is particularly useful for connecting to devices such as the iPhone, Apple TV, and AirPort base stations.
System requirements
Bonjour for Windows supports Windows XP Service Pack 2 or later, but we strongly recommend either:
* Windows XP Service Pack 3
* Windows Vista Service Pack 2
* Windows 7
Use Windows Update to make sure you have the latest Service Pack installed for your computer.
Firewall requirements
The Bonjour networking protocol sends and receives network packets on UDP port 5353. If you have a "personal firewall" enabled, you will need to ensure that UDP port 5353 is open for Bonjour to work correctly. Certain firewalls will only partially block Bonjour packets, so if you experience intermittent behavior, check the firewall settings and verify that Bonjour is listed as an exception and is allowed to receive incoming packets.
The Bonjour installer will configure the Windows firewall appropriately during installation on supported systems.
Known Issues
A small number of Virtual Private Network (VPN) clients interfere with Bonjour. If you find that you can no longer discover network services, try logging out of VPN.
More information
Bonjour is commonly installed by third-party software to provide zero-configuration networking capabilities to various applications.
Developers can download the Bonjour SDK to add Bonjour technology to their applications. For more information about developing products that use Bonjour, and to download the SDK, please visit <http://developer.apple.com/bonjour/>.
Providing Feedback
If you have specific product feedback, visit <http://www.apple.com/feedback/bonjour.html>.
© 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, and AirPort are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Updated January 13, 2010
Im using Windows 7 Proffesional SP1 with iTunes and ATV2 4.4.4(3330)
Hope this helps
Apple just added an update for the apple tv,so lets see if this helps with homesharing...
It won't. They never do.
Love to be proved wrong...
I won't be.
No iTunes update = no cigar.
Hasn't fixed it for me.
Still randomly doesn't reconnect after sleep.
Everything in the chain is Apple.
There is an itunes update today but no mention of homesharing.....
Home Sharing drop out with Apple TV2