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Final Cut Pro X

I guess that as Apple has told the world about FCP 10 then (basic) questions can be asked....

1) Do you still need to (officially) transcode into Quicktime? or will it handle say DVCPro HD natively?
2) Is there upgrade pricing or does everyone pay $299 regardless
3) A video I saw had the presenter refer to FCP 10... if I'm using the latest which is 7 where did 8 & 9 go?


Message was edited by: hvxuser

17" i7 MacBookPro 8GB, Mac OS X (10.6.4), 7200 Hard Disk

Posted on Apr 13, 2011 3:28 AM

1,741 replies

Apr 13, 2011 10:01 AM in response to Niklas Carlsson

The fact that FCP is being upgraded does not render FCS 3 useless.

It is still the top editing app and should help make you a fortune just as it has done for all the other FCS editors.

When I bought one of my cars it was promptly superseded but now, eight years later on, it is still working as well as the day I bought it.

I never felt the need to replace it with the new one.

Apr 13, 2011 10:21 AM in response to Ian R. Brown

Not exactly to my point, Ian.

i'm not a big fan of hiding behind a wall of voodoo (interface, in this case), but even the world's best editing system is useless without projects, and the the more idiot-proof FCP gets, the less producers will want to hire experienced editors. We're all looking at a shrinking market.

I should stop to ask here; where is the best clearinghouse for facts about this upgrade? I would have thought Apple would have this on the front page - maybe below the fold.

Apr 13, 2011 10:31 AM in response to Paul Cuciti

Sigh. Three years ago I switched to a Mac so I could use both Final Cut Studio and Sony Vegas Pro on the same machine. Final Cut was $1,200.00, then. Two months later Final Cut Studio 3 came out... $300.00 for the upgrade, but the price of the program came down to $1,000.00. So I had $1,500.00 invested in software that was now worth $1,000.00. I whined to Apple and they gave me a free Mighty Mouse. Now, to get the new FCX, I'll have to cough up another $300.00, giving me a total of $1,800.00 invested in software that's worth $300.00. I'm not feeling very appreciated, Apple.
I do like my 17" MacBook Pro, however.

Apr 13, 2011 10:40 AM in response to MtnTvGuy

If you want to complain about upgrade costs try the "Adobe upgrade treadmill" for squeezing every cent out of you - I spent thousands with Adobe over the last 20 years and I finally saw the light at CS3!!
My concern with FCPX is if Apple has simplified it too much - like auto this and auto that ... I like my NLE in manual please mode please.
The second concern is the spin off back to a single app for sale - how this fits with a studio version is anybodys guess right now, unless you are Steve Jobs of course. I need Soundtrack Pro and Color for sure as these need to be closely integrated. DVD Studio can be an independent program.

Apr 13, 2011 10:43 AM in response to Paul Cuciti

Yesterday's announcement was just a teaser to whet your appetite and get everyone speculating, which is one of the best and cheapest forms of advertising.

All will be revealed in the fulness of time after Apple has milked the speculation phase.

For the foreseeable future nothing will be available to replace experienced editors.

You can give a monkey a piano but it will never compose or play like Mozart or Beethoven, who was, I believe, a dog!

Apr 13, 2011 10:52 AM in response to MtnTvGuy

MtnTvGuy wrote:
Sigh. Three years ago I switched to a Mac so I could use both Final Cut Studio and Sony Vegas Pro on the same machine. Final Cut was $1,200.00, then. Two months later Final Cut Studio 3 came out... $300.00 for the upgrade, but the price of the program came down to $1,000.00. So I had $1,500.00 invested in software that was now worth $1,000.00. I whined to Apple and they gave me a free Mighty Mouse. Now, to get the new FCX, I'll have to cough up another $300.00, giving me a total of $1,800.00 invested in software that's worth $300.00. I'm not feeling very appreciated, Apple.
I do like my 17" MacBook Pro, however.

"Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." -Warren Buffett

Apr 13, 2011 10:59 AM in response to hvxuser

Here's (another) article on FCPX.


I've been planning on getting FCP for the past month or so, but I wasn't crazy about Compressor and some of the other stuff that came in the Studio bundle. Now I'm just happy I can get FCPX by itself. 🙂

I just have one question, maybe someone can answer it - will it be a data download through the Mac App Store, or will we be able to somehow purchase a physical copy? I feel better having actual discs around in case I need to reinstall quickly.

Apr 13, 2011 11:08 AM in response to RGE technical

I'm watching the comments from the announcement on other blogs and forums. Many "pros" are wailing that Apple has just announced they're not interested in the pro market, anymore. I don't get that attitude at all: Why would anyone think something is more "pro" just because it's more difficult to use? If it makes my workflow easier, I'm all for it.

My disappointment in my investment return aside, I see this as a smart move for Apple. And it just might make me use it more than I have in the past.

Apr 13, 2011 11:13 AM in response to MtnTvGuy

Pros want control over everything. We're not looking for an easy button. We turn OFF the auto iris on our cameras. We want control and power, because we feel like we can make a better decision than a computer looking at 0s and 1s. I don't want my NLE to remove that buzz when I import my footage, because maybe it's SUPPOSED to be there. Don't color correct my footage for me. I shoot it how I want it to look.

I am really looking forward to the performance upgrades. I'm not so sure about the new features and interface, but I will give it a try. At $299, well, that's about a half day's work. It's not going to put me out of business. I just hope there's a way to turn off all the easy buttons they seem to be adding.

Apr 13, 2011 11:29 AM in response to thrillcat editorial

If Apple goes to a more iMovie-like interface, they already know many people dislike that which is why they continued to leave the old timeline-based iMovie available for download for quite awhile.

No professional will accept selecting a block of video to edit by selecting it with the mouse - you need to be able to specify in and out points to the FRAME and have a way to enter it by hand.

Just one example.

Apr 13, 2011 11:31 AM in response to hvxuser

So basically Apple has rolled out a whole new product. Yes they call it final cut pro, but there is a whole new learning curve here. I love learning new tool and apps, but really. You don't see avid going and changing their whole interface, getting rid of the viewer, among, I am sure a ton of other features.

Editors have been using fcp for over ten years now and they expect those users, if they want to upgrade to learn a whole new program. Yes the interface needed some work and the program needed much improving, but this seems to be very imovie like. And for the price. Seems a little too cheap. What have they gotten rid of?

guess we will have to wait and see once its released what it can actually do.

Final Cut Pro X

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