is it safe to download the mackeeper?
i think my mac book pro has a bug, and i had a popup called mackeeper that says it can clean up my mac, is it safe to download the mac keeper?
MacBook Pro
i think my mac book pro has a bug, and i had a popup called mackeeper that says it can clean up my mac, is it safe to download the mac keeper?
MacBook Pro
MacKeeper is horrible malware that causes a "virus warning" to pop up in your browser that freezes the functionality of your computer until you force quit the browser several times. I'm STILL trying to get rid of it! You are misrepresenting your product and I can't imagine what you are gaining from hijacking peoples computers like this other than an evil twisted chuckle. Why don't you show some good will towards the "legitimacy" of your product and tell us how to stop this annoying malicious virus addware that all of sudden started popping up AFTER we did the free (except for the major headache of this software) download? I have deleted it from my system (which was a headache as well) and now I'm getting this popup which I NEVER got before this bogus mackeeper program.
Thank you very much for testing these people who write these comments. I spent 1700 dollars on my mac and would be very upset if something stupid happened. (Like downloading something harmful) Your post's kept me from making that mistake.
Again, Thank you
Loaded this piece of s**t from a speed test site, it intruded and being an salesman's dream I tried it, $40 later start up was slower as was performance from the word go. Its own scans show I don't even need it anyway: this is why I spend $1000 on a Mac for goodness sake. Good advice on freeware for Windows files up above. After I post this I will try to complete the removal from the useful link above, thanx.
It is at best a waste of time and $40.
I don't like what I can only assume are fake reviews all over about this piece of s**t.
Good experience perhaps, see it the positive way.
Indeed, the reviews are fake.
in this thread there is a link with step-by-step instructions how to deinstall. Read that before you uninstall:
That link and the entire "" domain has been suffering from some kind of problem for the last 24 hours that, if I didnt' know better, I'd think was a DNOS any case, all pages on that domain have been suffering from a 'failed to open page' error since last night as far as I can tell.
However, I've changed the nameserver to this, which is currently working: re/
Incidentally, if the applehelpwriter page should become unavailable for any reason... there are several other places you can find the Mackeepr Uninstall guide:
Hopefully, by distributing this info widely enough, we can keep it still available to those that need it. can easily remove MacKeeper as it has its own uninstaller
As I understand it, to get the uninstaller, you need to have the paid for version. ie. it is "ransomware". If this is the case, your attempts to entice people to try McKeeper are disingenuous, to say the least.
Rightly or wrongly I have downloaded and paid for Mackeeper, I am a bit underwhelmed so far, but have no noticeable issues but am monitoring it. Will give it a little longer but I do not think its a product I would recomend in future. Certainly difficult to justify the cost.
They have given me the refund they promised and within the time scale they said it would take. So to be fair I have no complaint on them on that score. I didn't need the software though and indeed, I should take some personal responsibility and should have known I didn't need it too!!
Hi super granny,
This is a very sincere thankyou for pointing out appdelete.
I had downloaded mackeeper but did not activate it, yet there were peculiar effects on my Macpro that were not there previous to the download. The most obvious effect was slowing down, particularly graphics. It was nearly driving me nuts, until I found out about appdelete by reading your topic. mackeeper is now gone and my Macpro is back to normal.
Again I thank you,
Bob Adam.
On the slightly different topic of 'App removal' apps.
I have used App Zapper for quite a few years now starting with my old G5 running Tiger. I'm still using this on my new imac running Lion and am still very happy with it.
It's a very simple little GUI that you drop in your app and it clears all of the associated files with a nice satisfying "powww" of a noise 😁
Of course I've NEVER downloaded Mac Keeper and neither am I likely to so I dont know if it would clean everything out that this malware app contaminates.
''This is why I don't Subscribe to Mac forums.I've never met a group of people,that were so Strident,and closed minded and Militant in all their views,from everything to copying dvd's to antivirusware to Anything even remotly
outside of mainstream Apple thinking...You people are truly UNBELIVABLE!!!!!!!'''re here tho, soo..
Well I have given it a try. On reflection was not the cleverist thing i've ever done, but in a way it was a test to see how it went as I knew several inexperienced mac users has bought this. Having trialled it, I can say that it did have "limited" uses, and did cause some problems although not as severe as some have mentioned. I removed it using appdelete for which i was happy to pay a few $'s. I will be checking through system just to make sure nothing is left but so far appdelete seems to have done the biz.
Having tried it I will now be recomending to everyone I know to remove this program from their Macs as it does seem to have the potential to cause slow downs and various forms of crazyness in your computer.
Hi Robert,
Firstly, I am not a computer wizard as you guys are. Previously I also did as you described using appdelete, but I found after a while that it didn't totally remove all the mackeeper files. I then used the instructions from Phil Stokes at I hope I've done the correct thing, but my computer seems to be normal now. Have I done the correct thing ?
Hi bobadam
Yes I would say you have done the right thing. A bit concerned that appdelete missed some stuff, i will need to double check my own system.
As to me being a computer wizard 🙂 I'm not really. A few years ago i could have just about called myself competent but have not really been keping up with recent stuff as much as i should have. Now approaching silver surfer status 😉
If you do have any problems just post back here and one of the REAL experts will help you out.
Two days ago while browsing my cursor apparently touched an ad for MacKeeper which then promptly downloaded itself without asking and took over Safari. Once I reset Safari I did not install MacKeeper as its behavior seemed thuggish and dangerous. I immediately trashed it and with "Secure Empty Trash." Despite this, MacKeeper appears to have done some harm - - even without being installed - - Spotlight's database seems to have been damaged as it it has been rebuilding itself immediately after this encounter - I'm hoping that this does not mean that Spotlight's database was transmitted to Zeobit. I've checked in all the places where one might find traces of it, but found nothing. Of course programs that download themselves without asking may have invisible components/ However Intego's Virus Barrier X6 has found nothing so far. I have no idea why a Lite version of this thuggish software is for sale on Apple's App Store or why it has some defenders in the Mac community such as Cult of Mac and a positive review in MacWorld. All I can say is stay away!
is it safe to download the mackeeper?