iCloud and my 3G phone
Whats future of iphone 3g with iCloud?
Can we use calendar, @me.com and other fuctionals? What other functionals ll be availible? Thanx.
iPhone 3G, iOS 4.2
Whats future of iphone 3g with iCloud?
Can we use calendar, @me.com and other fuctionals? What other functionals ll be availible? Thanx.
iPhone 3G, iOS 4.2
It is unlikely that a future exists as iCloud, based on what I saw is tied to iOS5.
Since the 3G does not get iOS5, there is no future for it.
Time to upgrade that 3 year old device. 😉
If you wade through this discussion you will find various methods of configuring your iPhone 3G to work wih iCloud. However, although I did get this to work initially, it no longer works for me on my iPhone 3G.
You can synch your calendar easily enough - by connecting it to iTunes with a cable to your computer. But it will not synch over the air.
You can synch your address book, sort of... You will have to export from iCloud and create an "on my mac" address book which you can then synch to your 3G via a cable/iTunes. However to keep this in synch with your iCloud address book you will have to synch your 3G, then import the address book to iCloud, dealing with all the duplicates, and then re-export and resynch.
A better solution would be to wait a month or so and then look for an iPhone 4 on eBay.
I was able to sync the contacts by adding the CardDAV account as shown on Sept 16, 2012 by donnyH15.
Is there a similar way to do the same thing with the Calendar ??
In the mail settings there is an option to add a CalDAV account, I presume that is for the calendar ??
Just substituting "Calendar" for "Contacts" doesn't work
Yes you can use the 3G to view your mail (using the iMap server), synchronize your contacts and calendar with the carddav and caldav servers.
My settings are
for mail imap.mail.me.com SMTP server smtp.mail.me.com
for calendars: caldav server p03-caldav.icloud.com (SSL and port 443)
for contacts: carddav server p03-contacts.icloud.com (SSL and port 443)
Calendars and contacts are synchronized with iCloud pn my iMac (Mountain Lion), MacBook Pro (Lion), iPad (iOS 6) from and to the iPhone 3G.
The p03 part is user dependent. You have to find out which server precisely corresponds to your iCloud account.
I don't have the information at hand but as far as I remember, you can find this information using iCloud with your browser and look at the details of a message.
Numerous posts on Apple support communities detail the way to find the pxx server needed.
Do not forget to delete MobileMe account if present before reconfiguring your iPhone 3G, creating the imap email account.
Everything works very well for calendars and contacts and of course for mail.
My iPhone is using iOS 4.1 (because here in Belgium, iPhone tethering works with 4.1 but not with 4.2.1 with my ISP)
The only thing which doesn't work anymore is "Find my iPhone".
Hope this helps
Thanks, that worked.
I tried calendar but obviously should also have tried caldav.
Thanks again.
Now my iPhones 3G and 4S and iPad4 and both my PCs (using iCloud.com) all share the same contacts and calendars.
for anyone who needs more detailed info than what's mentioned above:
step by step instructions on setting up iCloud on the iPhone 3G can be found on Macmanus.nl
I've been using that setup for over a year now, and it still works today.
this goes for:
iCloud Calendar sync (iCal)
iCloud AddressBook sync
iCloud mail sync (previously MobileMe mail)
iCloud Find My iPhone (will only work if you already had it set up in the MobileMe era)
Thanks for your reply.
It's been working great
By default, iCloud requires iOS 5 or later on iPhone 3GS or later. But you can manually configure iCloud to on iPhone 3G. Here is a detailed walk-through of manually setting up iCloud on iPhone http://www.adeepbite.com/sync-contacts-to-iphone-3g-from-icloud/
I´ve restored my old 3G, but now it shows off line in icloud (find my iPhone Feature).
I add my email on the MobileMe account and verified the switch that turns on the Find my iPhone feature, but still does´t shows in the devices.
Any help?
hi NCapela,
as mentioned before :
iCloud Find My iPhone will only work on an iPhone 3G today if you already had it set up in the MobileMe era...
More info on this can be found here :
http://macmanus.nl/2012/03/16/find-my-iphone-on-icloud-and-the-officially-unsupp orted-iphone-3g/
And here :
For detailed instuctions on how to set up iCloud on your iPhone 3G, go here :
Kyle67... extraordinary exaclty right advice! This worked for me, much much better than any patient Apple Technical Customer Care! Just an integration: found in ~/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/Sources/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX/Configuration. plist (created after migrating my Mac OS X AddressBook onto iCloud).
Just want to let you know there is even an easier way to get contacts that you have on your MAC any Mac to your iphone 3g or 3gs. I was looking through the above solutions and thought oh my gosh I dont even want to think through all this. I had noticed by using the program diskaid it would let me export files off my iphone but not put them on for 3g or 3gs. But the file that was on the phone was (whatever).vcf. That is the important part the (.VCF) file. if you go to contacts on your mac choose all the contacts that are in your file or whatever contacts you want to export, and export that file to your desktop you can then just send that .vcf file via email to the 3g or 3gs and open your mail on your phone. Touch the .vcf file and the iphone will ask you do you want to import new contacts with the number of contacts you exported say (178). Of course you do! Click on create new contacts and wah-lah all your contacts are on your iphone that simple. Hope this work as quick and painless as it did for me.
Message was edited by: ronnie D
Added message to the post just before that I did. "Be patient" when you get to the last step and create a new contact list. I had about 540 contacts for the iphone 3g to bring in and it took about 20 to 30 seconds. So you know not to force it.
hi ronnie D,
your 'solution' is one-of-the 'simple' options (there are others) for anyone who can do with a one-time-only copy of their contacts to their iPhone 3G
but for anyone who needs need continuous iCloud-syncing, it's not a solution at all...
that's why your 'solution' wasn't easy to find for you in this threat...
it is however good for anyone having similar problems to 'think before acting' and see if iCloud-syncing really is what they need...
...for anyone with a 'brick-steady' contacts-database, a solution like yours is the easiest...
(you do not need special programs like DiskAid for that however... eventhough DiskAid is a very nice app with some handy features, but those are not the type of features I would expect anyone with a 'brick-steady' contacts-database to need...)
for anyone who wants to be able to edit their contacts-database from any given Mac, PC, iPhone or iPad, at any given time, iCloud-syncing as outlined in previous posts is the easiest solution.
Hi toon.b
I have been syncing my 3g for some time (since iCloud really) with caldav etc. About November it seems to have stopped working. I can crate a new calendar in iCloud and it shows up on iPhone. I can also delete it on iCloud and it is removed from iPhone.But since about Novemeber events created on iCoud never appear on the iPhone which obvoiously is not much use.
Is anyone else having similar problems?
I had the same problem on my 3G also end November. Tried changing the settings on Caldav. My AppleID is of the form .mac.com.
As soon as I replaced connnection parameters by icloud.com, everything did work again.
icloud.com and mac.com point to the same address as is the case for me.com addresses.
iCloud and my 3G phone