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DivX "for Mac" and Safari -- anyone get it to work on Snow Leopard?

Pardon me for the length of this post -- it's just a very involved question to which DivX has no answers, and I've literally wasted this entire week trying to get the so-called DivX "Bundle for Mac" to work, with absolutely no joy.

27" iMac Core 2 Duo 3.06 GHz, 12 GB RAM, OS X 10.6.7

Safari (v. 5.0.5 [6533.21.1])

Safari Extensions:

DivX HiQ

DivX Plus Web Player HTML5 <video>

As anyone who has used YouTube in the past year or however long this option has been available, many videos, under the regular YouTube control bar at the bottom of the video window, have an additional option: DivX HiQ, with a blue "play" button with black arrow, and in white text on black, the message "Press play for higher quality video." EVERY SINGLE time, until yesterday (about which more anon) I've selected DivX HiQ, the YouTube screen turns into the gray DivX Plus player window for a few seconds, sometimes I get a brief "Buffering…" message (sometimes not)* (see below), then a window pops up telling me "DivX Plus Web Player could not download the video, please check your internet connection." (screen shots on request).

I have DL'd AND installed -- several times over the past few days -- DivX for Mac, version 7.3 (right up-to-date as of 11-30-10 -- great support for the Mac OS), with little or no success or noticeable results. Finally, yesterday, it somehow (I thought) installed correctly: at least instead of nothing whatsoever happening after the install, this time I was whisked magically away to <<>> where I was rather breathlessly informed "Congratulations! You can now enjoy the highest quality digital video |" Well, this was something new -- this was the first time I'd ever gotten this far. Then I was shown many movies, promising new marvels:

The first movie informed me "You have successfully installed DivX software." This WAS something new. Then it told me about the "DivX Plus Web Player… Now Featuring: DivX HiQ… Boost web video quality and performance… … Look for the DivX HiQ Button on your favorite video sites… see better quality and performance with a simple click… Try it out on your favorite sites… YouTube. Vimeo. And more.

Then I played the NEXT movie, all about the DivX Plus Player, and here I TRULY saw something I'd never seen before: *a DivX Plus Player window, that actually said " Connecting… Buffering: … " and then -- mirabile dictu! -- an actual video began to play, and actually continued to play, with no stops, fits, or error windows, right up until the end. This WAS something new under the sun. It continued, extolling the manifold virtues of "DivX to go," which was of no use to me. The next video was about the DivX Plus Codec Pack, and the video told me about the wonderful things DivX could do in Windows 7, if I was brain-dead enough to USE Windows 7. Useless info, but that video, too, opened up the way I believe the *HiQ videos are supposed to open up in YouTube, for example: "Connecting… Buffering: …," and then actually opening and playing. BTW, I hate to sound like a troglodytic Luddite, but I have no idea what "MKV" video is.

The final video, which ALSO opened up the way I believe the *HiQ videos are supposed to open up in YouTube, for example: "Connecting… Buffering: …," spoke to me about the manifold joys of DivX Plus converter, which ALSO requires the DivX Player application, and since the DivX Player application (v.7.2 (build 10_0_0_184, Copyright © 2006-2009 DivX, Inc.), which, I was given to understand, was actually a PART of the DivX software I had finally "successfully installed" (according to's delirious greeting), has never worked, none of what all these videos talked about was going to do me much good. HOW has it never worked, you ask? It has never worked in this way: I click on the DivX Player app icon, the DivX Player window opens, and the Mac OS beach ball spins merrily away, and spins, and spins, and spins -- at this point, I usually go to the kitchen for another cup of the strengthening coffee and the hopefully headache-reducing ibuprofen. When I come back, the beach ball is still spinning, so, resignedly, I go to the "Force Quit" command, where, invariably, I see the message "DivX Player not responding," and, resignedly, I force quit it. Again. This scenario has occurred without variation every single time I've tried to open the DivX Player application. It has never actually opened correctly, it has always shown up in the "Force Quit" window with the comment "DivX Player not responding," and I have always had to Force Quit it.

Now Here's what may be termed the icing on the cake: fairly well buried in the "DivX for Mac" install package is a pdf "read me." Among many other fables is THIS whopper:

"For online video tutorials visit the following URL in your web browser:"

I did just that, and though the link works, there IS no page on the DivX site for "Mac tutorials." When you click on the link, you get redirected to "" Except for a video tutorial under "DivX Converter_ -- for which I have no use -- entitled "How To Edit Your DivX Converter for Mac Output Settings," and these two: "How To Export To DivX In Final Cut Pro for Mac," and "How To Export To DivX Using QuickTime On A Mac" -- neither of which do me the slightest bit of good, since A) I don't use, nor can I afford, Final Cut Pro, and B) what good would it to to export ANYTHING to DivX when the DivX Player for Mac does not, and has never, done anything but hang until Force Quitted?

A brief digression on that very subject of "hanging:" there's a little section in the obscure "DivX for Mac" pdf that reads:

"5. Known issues

Network connection is lost during download

A lost network connection in the middle of a download may hang the DivX Player For Mac. If this occurs, you may 'Force Quit' the DivX Player For Mac by simultaneously clicking command-option-escape and selecting the application from the list or by right-clicking the icon in the dock and selecting 'Force Quit.' You may then resume the download by re-launching the DivX Player, selecting 'Download Manager” from the File menu and clicking 'Resume.'"

Wonderful advice, if I could ever get to the point where I was actually downloading something, but since MY particular edition of DivX Player for Mac saves me all that bother by hanging immediately upon launch, DivX has very kindly saved me the trouble of having to go through all that "Force Quit" - "Resume" nonsense. Of course, I never get to download anything or use the DivX Player on YouTube or anywhere else, so that's a bit of a downside.

So back to the putative "Mac tutorials" on the non-existent "" page: other than the three totally non-germane examples I cited above, there is nothing that I can find on the re-direct page ( that is the least concerned with the usage or behavior of any component of DivX on a Macintosh computer. That's certainly not uncommon, but for a company that purports to sell products that actually work on the Mac OS X platform, EVERYTHING about the DivX site is so totally Windows-centric, one would be inclined to believe that DivX is not even aware the Mac OS X platform exists. For example, here's the list of tutorials under "DivX 101 - Learn How" on the page that, according to the DivX for Mac Read Me, was supposed to solve all my problems with running DivX on a Mac:

Featured Video Tutorials

How to register your PS3 for DivX VOD playback

How do I make DivX player my default video player?

How to register your DivX Certified device with the DivX Plus Player

How to stream DivX Plus HD (MKV) files to your Xbox 360

How to use the DivX Plus Converter

Featured Text Guides

DivX Plus Converter for Windows User Guide

DivX Plus Player for Windows User Guide

DivX Codec 5.x User Guide

DivX Codec 6 and Virtual Dub Guide

It's wonderful that DivX has tutorials dealing with XBox360 and PS3, but the Mac seems to have been lost in the shuffle -- I think, from an aesthetic point, the guy in the sideways hat and the emphasis on animé and "blow 'em up" games in what few tutorials are actually there pretty much sums up DivX's idea of their market focus. Maybe they're right, but if this "free" version, that so far I have not been able to get to work as advertised on my 27" iMac, is supposed to entice any Mac user into forking over even the piddling $20.00 for the "Pro" version, the "free" version isn't DivX any "gotta have it" favors.

Now for the final mystery: I have two Safari -- v5.0.5 (6533.21.1) -- extensions from DivX:

1. DivX HiQ, which is supposed to allow you to watch videos on YouTube, Vimeo, etc. in the DivX Player for Mac, but refuses to work when enabled: EVERY SINGLE time I've selected DivX HiQ, the YouTube screen turns into the gray DivX player window for a few seconds, then an error window pops up that says "DivX Plus Web Player could not download the video, please check your internet connection."

2. DivX Plus Web Player HTML5 <video>, the little blurb in the Safari Extensions window for which says "Increase performance and video formats for your HTML5 <video>

Clicking on the "by DivX, Inc." link in the Safari Extensions window of either of these extensions takes me to

"High-quality video shouldn’t stop at your browser. DivX Plus® Web Player gives you the best web video performance around, even on sites using Flash®. The latest feature, DivX HiQ™ beta, lets you replace the default Flash player on popular sites for improved performance. Of course you can still watch stunning DivX® and DivX Plus HD (MKV) videos right in your browser, and even enjoy MKV features like multiple audio tracks, subtitles and 5.1 channel AAC audio."

That's all well and good, but, not when it doesn't work. I don't know what the story is with these Safari Extensions: a manual (unfortunately the only way you can do it), category by category search of Apple's "Safari Extensions Gallery" turns up NO information about these extensions, neither does -- as far as I can tell -- a search of the DivX site. Am I supposed to use BOTH extensions? Neither? One or the other? Which? So far, if I use them, I get the HiQ option in YouTube (and elsewhere), but when I click on it, I get the error message above, and the window reverts to the usual plain old YouTube window. If I disable the DivX Safari extensions, I don't even get the HiQ option.

Has ANYONE gotten the DivX for Mac Bundle v7.1, or even the DivX Plus Web Player for Mac, v2.1.1, to actually work on a Mac running OS X 10.6.7?

If so, PLEASE tell me how you got it to work.

I'd gladly for over the 20 bucks for this product if it actually worked, but not until it does.

Bart Brown

27, Mac OS X (10.6.7), Love that display...

Posted on Jun 8, 2011 1:42 PM

Question marked as Best reply

Posted on Jun 8, 2011 2:47 PM

Try this:

Delete the Divx extension.

Now download and install Perian from

You should read this support page in case you need to delete older codecs. In Macintosh HD/Library/Quicktime/ delete any files relating to DivX (Perian already has them). However it should be noted that Perian is not an internet plugin and will not play DivX files imbedded on a website. For that you will need the DivX Player browser plugin available from

38 replies
Question marked as Best reply

Jun 8, 2011 2:47 PM in response to Bartbrn

Try this:

Delete the Divx extension.

Now download and install Perian from

You should read this support page in case you need to delete older codecs. In Macintosh HD/Library/Quicktime/ delete any files relating to DivX (Perian already has them). However it should be noted that Perian is not an internet plugin and will not play DivX files imbedded on a website. For that you will need the DivX Player browser plugin available from

Jun 8, 2011 6:46 PM in response to Klaus1

Klaus --

Thanks for reading my novel! I have the latest version of Perian installed, but I will remove Perian and all the components the Perian Support page (thanks for the link!) recommends:FFusion, Xvid Delegate, 3ivX, DivX, DivX Decoder, XviD, msmpeg4v1, msmpeg4v2, AviImporter, EX_M4S2, Casio AVI Importer, AC3 Codec, and MatroskaQT. Then I'll do a reinstall of Perian.

The link lands you at, and under "DivX 7 for Mac," the following components are listed;


Web Player

Community Codec


Pro Codec




Do I keep everything ""DivX 7 for Mac" installs?

Thanks for the help -- it's too bad that DivX doesn't seem to value their Mac customers enough to make life a little easier by explaining what has to be done to make their software actually work on a platform other than Windows, PS3, and XBox.

Thanks for your help!



Jun 9, 2011 1:27 PM in response to Bartbrn

BTW, I heard from the laughably-titled "DivX Support Team" today. Here was their cogent boilerplate:


Your Issue:

27" iMac Core 2 Duo 3.06 GHz, 12 GB RAM, OS X 10.6.7

Safari (v. 5.0.5 [6533.21.1])

Safari Extensions:

DivX HiQ

DivX Plus Web Player HTML5

On 6/9/2011 DivX responded:

Dear DivX user,

Thank you for taking the time to give us your feedback.

We appreciate your continued support and are always interested in your suggestions and concerns. The DivX team relies on user feedback to provide better products and services!

Your comments have been forwarded to our engineering for review.

If you have an additional support question regarding DivX products, please use our support site at for further assistance.

Thank You,

DivX Support Team >>

I'm counting the seconds.

Jun 9, 2011 4:43 PM in response to Klaus1

27" iMac Core 2 Duo 3.06 GHz, 12 GB RAM, OS X 10.6.7

Safari (v. 5.0.5 [6533.21.1])

Safari Extensions:


DivX Plus Web Player HTML5 GONE NOW

Perian v1.2.2

Klaus -- I hope I'm getting there. I followed your advice: I uninstalled the two Safari Extensions, and removed all the components the Perian support page suggested, then DL'd and installed Perian v1.2.2. It seemed to install all right, but theres a message on the Pref Pane General window that says "Perian is installed, but parts are Not Installed." I've uninstalled and reinstalled, but the window always says the same thing about "parts are Not Installed." Is this right, or am I doing something wrong here?

I hate to sound dumb -- I don't know why: I sound dumb all the time -- but you told me "you will need the DivX Player browser plugin available from divx." However, when I click on that link, the link transmogrifies into another URL that ends in /en/software/mac/player. Though the URL coyly says "software/mac/player," and you can navigate to such links as the URL that ends in "/en/software/divx/web-player," it's all the same as far as I can tell, because, though DivX lists the DivX 7 for Mac components separately...

DivX 7 for Mac:


Web Player

Community Codec


Pro Codec




...and each component is a clickable link, at the end of any trip you take you're faced with only one option, as far as I've been able to tell: you have to download the whole DivX 7 for Mac package, codecs and all.

So what do I do -- install the DivX 7 package for Mac, and then try to pick out the codecs that might interfere with Perian? I'm guessing these would be ANYTHING DivX except the DivX Player and DivX Web Player, but I see that perian v1.2.2 also has H.264 and MKV, though NOT AAC or "Pro Codec, whatever THAT is.

What do I need to do here?



Jun 10, 2011 10:03 AM in response to Klaus1

Klaus --

To paraphrase Bob Dylan: "You know what I need, but DivX knows what it wants." What DivX wants is to plant two time-limited components that, at their expiration, tell the unfortunate user that he'd better pay his $20, or lose some of the functionality of DivX -- a load of codswallops that I'm sure shakes $20 out of some percentage of the uninformed. When you go to, it appears that what you're enticed to download is JUST the DivX web player. It's not so: what you get from the "free" download link there is what you get from the "free" download link anywhere on the DivX site: the complete DivX; in this case, DivX 7 for Mac. If you have some combination of DivX/Perian/QuickTime/whatever components that allows you to actually use the DivX HiQ viewing function in YouTube on a Snow Leopard Mac with Safari, please let me know how you managed it, and what those components are.

I popped open the DivX 7 for Mac installer, and in the Archive.pax wrapper -- the entire guts of the installation -- there are over 200 items, including 2 Quicktime components, 4 QuickTime codecs, 2 Browser Plug-Ins, 14 bundles in the 'Stream Engine" alone, and 6 DivX applications: DivX Converter, DivX Player, 3 pure BS-DivX advertising apps, and the ONE useful Application in the entire program: "Uninstall DivX for Mac."

There is no downloadable "Divx Player," that provides the HiQ viewing option in YouTube, and the stand-alone DivX Player -- latest v7.2 (build 10_0_0_184) -- that comes in DivX 7 for Mac exhibits the same behavior I described before: the endlessly-spinning beach ball, a message in "Force Quit" saying that "DivX Player is not responding," and the necessity to force quit to get out of it.

I also asked these same questions on the Perian Community forum at Cocoaforge, and got this rather tart response from one of the Admins:

"First it should be noted that AAC is already present in QuickTime as well as Pro Res Codec (which may be what you meant there) [he's referring to the "Pro Codec" that DivX lists as one of the components of DivX 7 for Mac -- BB]."

"We have tracked down so many bugs related to the DivX components causing problems with Perian that we have decided we will never support anything that remotely involves their software. I remember the first one that I found causing a memory corruption for files containing AC3 audio and DivX video causing incorrect playback of audio; which wasted several hours of my time trying to fix a bug only to realize the bug wasn't mine to begin with. The list does not end there by a long shot. Sorry to say, but if you want any support related to their software, you've come to the wrong place."

I'm one of those obstinate people who just can't stand not being able to fix a mechanical or software problem, but a week's time is a week more than I should have wasted on DivX to begin with. I give up.

As I said before, if anyone using Snow Leopard and Safari has been able to get the DivX HiQ viewing function in YouTube to actually work, please let me know how you managed it.

Thanks again!


Jun 10, 2011 1:37 PM in response to Klaus1

Well, I can start banging my head against the brick wall again.

"I have never knowingly come across Divx in any shape or form. YouTube uses either Flash or HTML5."

I don't understand how you can make that statement, considering the discussion you participated in at:

under: Apple Support Communities > Mac OS & System Software > Safari > Discussions

DivX Web Player and Safari

...from July 2009 to September 2010, sections of which you copied and pasted verbatim into this discussion, for example:


Somerset, UK

Level 7 (22,700 points)

Re: Plug-ins

Jul 12, 2009 2:09 PM (in response to Martin Alper)

"...In Macintosh HD/Library/Quicktime/ delete any files relating to DivX (Perian already has them). However it should be noted that Perian is not an internet plugin and will not play DivX files imbedded on a website. For that you will need the DivX Player browser plugin available from"

And on September 4, 2010:


Somerset, UK

Level 7 (22,700 points)

Helpful AnswerRe: DivX Web Player and Safari

Sep 4, 2010 5:31 AM (in response to Philippe Pauwels)

You should read this support page in case you need to delete older codecs. In Macintosh HD/Library/Quicktime/ delete any files relating to DivX (Perian already has them). However it should be noted that Perian is not an internet plugin and will not play DivX files imbedded on a website. For that you will need the DivX Player browser plugin available from"

And, in reply to Philippe Pauwels response to the above post:

Philippe Pauwels

Level 1 (0 points)

Re: DivX Web Player and Safari

Sep 4, 2010 6:28 AM (in response to Klaus1)


Thanks for your answer. After some more experimenting, i finally got it to work ... However, not every embedded DivX movie will play.

I just deleted another codec in the Macintosh HD/Library/Quicktime folder. (One of the codecs mentioned on was still in the folder). Before I had only deleted the files whose name has "DivX" in it.

I did NOT install the DivX Web Player plugin.

Now some DivX videos play, some don't... So maybe I should re-install the DivX Web Plugin? But the Web Plugin never worked for me ... If I re-install it, won't I go back to where I started?

You replied, 10 minutes later:


Somerset, UK

Level 7 (22,700 points)

Re: DivX Web Player and Safari

Sep 4, 2010 6:38 AM (in response to Philippe Pauwels)

It could be that your previous DivX player was out of date.

As Perian says, you need both.

First, I certainly wish you (or my search of Apple Discussions, which, inexplicably, did not turn up this discussion) had referred me to this discussion before -- it would have saved a LOT of time.

Now, to your reply to Philippe Pauwels: "As Perian says, you need both." Both WHAT, exactly?

From the initial release of Perian 0.5, September 29, 2006, to the latest release, Perian 1.2.2 - Tuesday, April 13, 2011, there is not a single mention of DivX in the entire 2006 to 2011 version history. The only information on the Perian support page regarding DivX is the paragraph that states, in part, "Please consider removing obsolete QuickTime Components: ...DivX, DivX Decoder..."

Can you please tell me what you mean by "Perian says, you need both," in regard to putative DivX Extensions, Plug-Ins, Components, whatever?

Finally, on July 12, 2009, you posted, in a reply to martin Alper, a list of "the downloads and the settings you need in order to view/hear/play pretty much everything that the net can throw at you." Taking into consideration that it's 2 years later and most versions have newer updates -- including Mac OS X itself -- some items are no longer among us, and some NEW ones have shown up. could you please update or comment on this list, for the benefit of all sufferers?

Thank you very much,

Bart Brown

Your list as of July 12, 2009, taking into consideration your wise caveat that "nothing in life carries a guarantee!:

The setup described below has proved repeatedly successful on both PPC and Intel macs, but

It is known to work in the great majority of cases with Safari 3 and 4, QT 7.4.x, 7.5.x and 7.6 and OS 10.4.11 and 10.5.7.

Download and install (or re-install even if you already had them) the latest versions, suitable for your flavor of Mac, of:

RealPlayer 11.1 for Mac from:

Flip4Mac WMV Player from (Windows Media Player for the Mac is no longer supported, even by Microsoft)

Perian from

You should read this support page in case you need to delete older codecs.

The latest version of Adobe FlashPlayer can be obtained from here: h

(You can check here: to see which version you should install for your Mac and OS.

It is suggested that you first uninstall any previous version of Flash Player, using the uninstaller from here (make sure you use the correct one!):

and also that you follow the instructions closely, such as closing ALL applications first before installing. You must also carry out a permission repair after installing anything from Adobe.

You should also ensure that you have downloaded and installed the correct version for your Mac of Security Update 2009-001 (and for Tiger only, 2009-002). (N.B. Security Updates require both a restart and a permission repair.)

In Macintosh HD/Library/Quicktime/ delete any files relating to DivX (Perian already has them). However it should be noted that Perian is not an internet plugin and will not play DivX files imbedded on a website. For that you will need the DivX Player browser plugin available from

Now go to Safari Preferences/Security, and tick the boxes under Web Content (all 4 of them) to enable Java.

Lastly open Audio Midi Setup (which you will find in the Utilities Folder of your Applications Folder) and click on Audio Devices. Make sure that both Audio Input and Audio Output, under Format, are set to 44100 Hz, and that you have selected 'Built in Audio'.

Important: Now repair permissions and restart.

You should also consider having the free VLC Player from in your armory, as this plays almost anything that DVD Player might not.

There is an additional 'fix' you could try if you are having problems with Flash and Quicktime, depending on which type of Mac you have:

On Intel Macs, make sure that you are not running Safari in Rosetta. You can check this, and change it, in the Get Info window.

On PPC Macs, go to the Hard Disk/Library/Internet Plug-Ins folder, and drag the file 'QuickTime Plugin.webplugin' to the desktop. Quit and restart Safari. If things have improved you can trash that file. If they haven't put it back, as the lack of this plug-in can cause QT content in some widgets to cease functioning.

And there is an additional kid on the block: SilverLight. Microsoft has created their own version of what a replacement for Flash could be. You can read more about it here:

So, if you go to any sites that have been designed for this new Silverlight stuff, you can download the plug-in from here (but make certain that you are downloading SilverLight v.1.0 for OS X (10.4.8 upwards) if you are using a PPC Mac. Version 2 only works with Intel Macs:

Recommendation: Close all applications before installing any of the above, repair permissions, reboot, and repair permissions again.

Thanks again

Bart Brown

PS: You wrote "It is a pity you chose a camera that produces video in that format! As you have discovered it is incompatible with iMovie." Uhh, I don't know where this question came from -- more stray copying and pasting, perhaps? I have no camera, and am not trying to do anything pertinent to this discussion with iMovie.

Jun 10, 2011 7:28 PM in response to Klaus1

"...I am not prepared to engage in an autopsy debate about what I might have written to other posters, at other times, in other threads in other forums, in answer to different questions."

They weren't different questions, what you wrote in that thread almost 2 years ago was copied, by you, verbatim, into THIS thread -- after claiming you'd never come across DivX -- and an autopsy is NOT the point at issue. The point is, did YOU ever get your recommended laundry list of installations, uninstallations, permissions repairs, etc., etc., to work with the DivX HiQ web player extension in Safari, so that you could actually watch YouTube, Vimeo, videos in the DivX HiQ player window in YouTube. It's a simple yes or no question. If the answer is "No," then this whole dialogue, or whatever it was, was to no purpose. If the answer is yes, I would greatly appreciate knowing whether the laundry list of installations, uninstallations, permissions repairs, etc., etc. you recommended with your Level 7 authority is still valid, with the caveat of using the latest versions of the Mac Snow Leopard OS , Safari, Perian, and the various other elements you mentioned.

I have no desire to get into an argument, I'm just trying to solve a problem that several other people have had, and -- at least in 2010 -- seemed to be able to overcome, primarily with your help. I was under the impression that this was an Apple Support Community discussion, and that people came here looking for answers to problems, and that the reason for these "Levels" and "Points" was to identify people whose experience was such that one could have a commensurate degree of confidence in their answers. If you either don't wish, or do not have the relevant experience with this problem, to be of help -- and it would be difficult to argue the latter, given your contributions to this discussion, and the nearly identical discussion I referenced from 2009-2010 -- then it would have saved us BOTH a great deal of time and effort had you not responded to my question in the first place.

If you CAN help me, I'd be most grateful if you would do so. If you can't, then this discussion became pointless the moment you entered it. Why? Because once ONE high Level, high Points member answers, no OTHER high Level, high Points member is likely to join the conversation, thinking, as I thought, I was in good hands.

Bart Brown

Aug 10, 2011 3:09 PM in response to Bartbrn

Don't worry Bartbrn, Klaus tends to copy paste the same answer in 90% of his posts.

Get the DivXPlusWebPlayer-2.dmg, you don't need the whole divx bundle, all the bundle gives you is extra rubbish you don't need, and clutters up your HD.

Uninstall anything to do with divx on your computer, then install the divx-plus web player. Then you can play divx on the web on sites like stagevu, icefilms and veehd.

Oh, one last thing, if you have updated to Safari 5.1, then divx player just won't work at all, but it will work in earlier versions if you "get info" on Safari and make it open in 32-bit mode.

But this isn't what you were asking, you wanted divx in youtube, and to be completely honest, it worked for a while, but a safari update or an OSX update killed it, and I haven't seen it work since.

But to be blunt, the native Youtube HD vids (720/1080p) are just as good as divx, though of course you can't download them easily as you can with divx player.

For that, you should grab Download ClickToPlugin 2.3.3, a safari extension which will let you select how to view any video or flash content on the web, for example on Youtube just hover over the top right corner of the video to select how you want it played, by Youtube flash or by Safari's built in html5 player, which (if i remember rightly) will let you watch the divx versions and download them too.

Aug 11, 2011 12:11 PM in response to Stuicy

Stuicy -- Yes, I've run across his Olympian -- as befits his avatar/pic -- pronunciamentos on other occasions. It takes all kinds.

Thanks for the links to the DivX stuff -- I've just DL'd them, and I'll check 'em out. On my Main Mac -- my 27" iMac 3.06GHz Core 2 Duo -- I've given up on Safari completely, and am suffering along with Firefox, which at least works -- most of the time -- though its GUI gives me a headache, No online experience is exactly an unalloted joy with Comcast Cable and the miserable Motorola Surfboard 585100 they stick you with, I need to look into a better cable modem.

My other WORKING Macs ((I have a couple of dead PBG4s, a B&W G3, and two original iMac Indigo DVIs) a pair of lease take-back Mid-2005 iBook G4/1.33GHz 12-inchers (M9846LL/A) I snagged -- probably from OWC -- for 200 skins apiece, are probably the best bargain in laptop computers available (I don't count anything Windows -- don't know, don't WANNA know), and I DO run some PPC version of SafariSafari for 200 bucks you get 512MB (sounds sad, doesn't it?) of PC2700 DDR SDRAM (which I upped to the max 768 -- still sounds sad...), 4X AGP ATI Mobility Radeon 9550 graphics with 32 MB of DDR SDRAM, AltiVec "Velocity Engine" vector processor, AirPort Extreme (802.11g) and Bluetooth 2.0+EDR, two USB 2.0 ports and one Firewire 400 port, plus a slot loading Combo Drive, and -- borrowed from the G4 PowerBooks -- the "Sudden Motion Sensor" technology that stops the hard drive heads from moving if the notebook is dropped (Praise De Lawd!), and the "scrolling Trackpad," which is of dubious value with my ham-sized hands. I find "thumb-scrolling" on the tracpad easiest. At any rate, whatever version of Safari is on there works with no hiccups, while I've NEVER had a Snow Leopard version of Safari that wasn't a crash monster.

I use them for catching up on email, the miserable weather, and eBay while in the family room watching "So You Think You Can Dance" and "Breaking Bad" -- about the only TV I watch anymore. I have 10.4.11 on both of them (one's my wife's), and I'm not sure why I never brought them up to their max syatem capability of 10.5.8 -- maybe because 10.4.11 is the highest you can go and still be able to use OS9 apps in the 'Classic" environment, though I don't think I have any OS9 apps left.

Speaking of video, I've used MANY 3d-party apps to capture YouTube, Dailymotion, and elsewhere vids: MacTubes, MPEGStreamclip, Firefox's quirky Download Whelper, and others, but have found ClipGrab to really, really work -- at least on YouTube and Dailymotion -- it's interface couldn't be simpler -- in fact all you have to do is copy a video URL in your browser, and it automatically loads ClipGrab, AND you can change file format and quality (within the limits of the video of course) on the fly. It's donationware, and the minimum donation is 10 Euros, which is now $14.19 -- anybody remember when the $US and Euro were at parity? I do.

Is there a version of Safari that actually runs on Snow Leopard without munging up everything it tries to load, and is that version compatible with some version of Download ClickToPlugin?

My little iBook G4s are running Safari Version 4.1.3 (4533.19.4), the Fred Flintstone version, and I don't see any version of DownloadClickToPlugin that's compatible with anything below Safari v5.x.x.

Have you heard/seen anyone talking about The Company ever unlocking the full potential of the MiniDisplayPort input in the 27" iMac so it's not crippled to 720p, and we'll be able to use the way-more-than 1080p of which it's capable?

Thanks for your advice!


Aug 12, 2011 9:55 AM in response to Bartbrn

Yeah the old macs are the best, I still have my tangerine iMac DVI 400, and my old TiBook G4, which some 15 stone drunk guy fell on as it was leant against the wall... and he came off worse! Death to the PC!! (which I always say stands for "Pretend Computer")

ClipGrab sounds good, I'll check it out if it has a free trial. Thanks for the heads up on that.

On Snow Leopard I never had any trouble with the last 4.x version of Safari, and even if you have the evil 5.x version installed you can put the old one back on with Pacifist and Safari 4.0.5 installer. It never crashed or messed up for me, and all I had installed with it was flip4mac, perian, divx webplayer, silverlight, click2plugin and of course the latest flash player and Java for Mac OS X 10.6 Update 5.

Click2plugin has lots of older versions for download, just click the "GitHub" link in the downloads box at the top of their page. I think version 2.2.6 was the last version for Safari 4.x.

As for the display port on that model, I've not even heard a whisper about Apple upgrading it to output/input 1080p, probably cause that mac is totally built around 720p (it's max resolution is 2560x1440, exactly double 720p) and for it to work with 1080p might need a bit of an overhaul. The only thing I've found costs $300, from here, bit expensive though.

Take care dude.


Aug 20, 2011 11:26 AM in response to Stuicy

Stu --

Thanks for the heads-up on Click2PlugIn, Pacifist, and v4.x Safari!

ClipGrab is fantastic -- the only downside is that it's nearly impossible to get video from anywhere but YouTube and Daily Motion.

Yeah, I've looked at the Atlona device. The scaler is the magic ingredient here. Unfortunately $300 is a bit rich for my blood. But doesn't it seem to you that if Atlona can build this device, another company starting with the letter "A" could do the same -- actually build it INTO the 27" iMac and big Cinema Displays? One has to wonder why they don't... of course, that WOULD put them into competition with HDTVs: imagine a NON-passive HDTV with the computing power, utlity, and apps such a machine would have! Remember the terms "convergence," and "interactive television?" Sounds like something out of a 1950's Popular Science "The World of Tomorrow!" article (hey, I'm 63!), when our cars would drive themselves on electronically-controlled highways while the front seats spun arounf so Mom and Dad could play Gin Rummy with the kids in the backseat, every family would have a helicopter and a submarine, nuclear energy would provide power so cheap it wouldn't even be worth metering, and we'd be watching holographic TV.

"Convergence" (and consequently no need for multiple manufacturers with mutually-exclusive systems competing for the consumer's dollar) -- I believe there are too many vested interests (another term for Darwinian Capitalists) to let such an obvious streamlining of functions come to pass -- it's like the mythical CHRP of the 90s: Someday there would be ONE platform standard, and every app would run on it: no "emulation" or "Parallels" or kludges of every sort. Never gonna happen.

Speaking of things that are never gonna happen, back to the HDMI-to-Mini-DisplayPort-Input-Adapter:

Belkin's AV360™ Mini DisplayPort Converter for 27"iMac, sounds almost like a deal at $150.00, until you read the Belkin fine print:

Accepts full 1080p signal, provides 720p to iMac

Delivers stereo audio

So you still can't get anything better than game console resolution (720p), and plain old stereo (no surround, or even caveman Dolby Pro-Logic). 720P is fine for games (for now -- Criswell predicts that in ten years or less, it will be nearly impossible to tell CGI from live action -- the only movie I actually went to see this year, just for the CGI, was "Battle Los Angeles," and I have to say, I was gobsmacked); but for movies with real live people moving in front of cameras, 720p doesn't cut it. 1080p barely does.

Thanks again for the links! It's been a pleasure conversing with you. If you know anything about VOB video files, let me know.

Peace Out


Message was edited by: Bartbrn. Can't spel

Dec 18, 2011 12:49 PM in response to Stuicy

Hi Stuicy,

Thanks for the Divx Plus link. I installed it and now the Divx movie I am trying to watch (streaming only), does not buffer at all.

I have uninstalled & reinstalled it a few times, but it still does not work.

I had no problem with the Divx player at all until this stupid pop up appeared when I wanted to watch a movie a few days ago, stating "upgrade version now". And like an idiot, I clicked it and have had nothing but problems since.

Even with your "just" the web player, I am having such slow buffering time that it is driving me wild.

I have a Mac OS X, Version 10.5.8 and Safari Version 5.0.6

Perhaps that link is not suited for my Mac? Any suggestions? Anyone? Please help. I have scowered the net, uninstalled this, downloaded that, and nothing is bringing me back to the great streaming I had before.

Help please.

DivX "for Mac" and Safari -- anyone get it to work on Snow Leopard?

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