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DivX "for Mac" and Safari -- anyone get it to work on Snow Leopard?

Pardon me for the length of this post -- it's just a very involved question to which DivX has no answers, and I've literally wasted this entire week trying to get the so-called DivX "Bundle for Mac" to work, with absolutely no joy.

27" iMac Core 2 Duo 3.06 GHz, 12 GB RAM, OS X 10.6.7

Safari (v. 5.0.5 [6533.21.1])

Safari Extensions:

DivX HiQ

DivX Plus Web Player HTML5 <video>

As anyone who has used YouTube in the past year or however long this option has been available, many videos, under the regular YouTube control bar at the bottom of the video window, have an additional option: DivX HiQ, with a blue "play" button with black arrow, and in white text on black, the message "Press play for higher quality video." EVERY SINGLE time, until yesterday (about which more anon) I've selected DivX HiQ, the YouTube screen turns into the gray DivX Plus player window for a few seconds, sometimes I get a brief "Buffering…" message (sometimes not)* (see below), then a window pops up telling me "DivX Plus Web Player could not download the video, please check your internet connection." (screen shots on request).

I have DL'd AND installed -- several times over the past few days -- DivX for Mac, version 7.3 (right up-to-date as of 11-30-10 -- great support for the Mac OS), with little or no success or noticeable results. Finally, yesterday, it somehow (I thought) installed correctly: at least instead of nothing whatsoever happening after the install, this time I was whisked magically away to <<>> where I was rather breathlessly informed "Congratulations! You can now enjoy the highest quality digital video |" Well, this was something new -- this was the first time I'd ever gotten this far. Then I was shown many movies, promising new marvels:

The first movie informed me "You have successfully installed DivX software." This WAS something new. Then it told me about the "DivX Plus Web Player… Now Featuring: DivX HiQ… Boost web video quality and performance… … Look for the DivX HiQ Button on your favorite video sites… see better quality and performance with a simple click… Try it out on your favorite sites… YouTube. Vimeo. And more.

Then I played the NEXT movie, all about the DivX Plus Player, and here I TRULY saw something I'd never seen before: *a DivX Plus Player window, that actually said " Connecting… Buffering: … " and then -- mirabile dictu! -- an actual video began to play, and actually continued to play, with no stops, fits, or error windows, right up until the end. This WAS something new under the sun. It continued, extolling the manifold virtues of "DivX to go," which was of no use to me. The next video was about the DivX Plus Codec Pack, and the video told me about the wonderful things DivX could do in Windows 7, if I was brain-dead enough to USE Windows 7. Useless info, but that video, too, opened up the way I believe the *HiQ videos are supposed to open up in YouTube, for example: "Connecting… Buffering: …," and then actually opening and playing. BTW, I hate to sound like a troglodytic Luddite, but I have no idea what "MKV" video is.

The final video, which ALSO opened up the way I believe the *HiQ videos are supposed to open up in YouTube, for example: "Connecting… Buffering: …," spoke to me about the manifold joys of DivX Plus converter, which ALSO requires the DivX Player application, and since the DivX Player application (v.7.2 (build 10_0_0_184, Copyright © 2006-2009 DivX, Inc.), which, I was given to understand, was actually a PART of the DivX software I had finally "successfully installed" (according to's delirious greeting), has never worked, none of what all these videos talked about was going to do me much good. HOW has it never worked, you ask? It has never worked in this way: I click on the DivX Player app icon, the DivX Player window opens, and the Mac OS beach ball spins merrily away, and spins, and spins, and spins -- at this point, I usually go to the kitchen for another cup of the strengthening coffee and the hopefully headache-reducing ibuprofen. When I come back, the beach ball is still spinning, so, resignedly, I go to the "Force Quit" command, where, invariably, I see the message "DivX Player not responding," and, resignedly, I force quit it. Again. This scenario has occurred without variation every single time I've tried to open the DivX Player application. It has never actually opened correctly, it has always shown up in the "Force Quit" window with the comment "DivX Player not responding," and I have always had to Force Quit it.

Now Here's what may be termed the icing on the cake: fairly well buried in the "DivX for Mac" install package is a pdf "read me." Among many other fables is THIS whopper:

"For online video tutorials visit the following URL in your web browser:"

I did just that, and though the link works, there IS no page on the DivX site for "Mac tutorials." When you click on the link, you get redirected to "" Except for a video tutorial under "DivX Converter_ -- for which I have no use -- entitled "How To Edit Your DivX Converter for Mac Output Settings," and these two: "How To Export To DivX In Final Cut Pro for Mac," and "How To Export To DivX Using QuickTime On A Mac" -- neither of which do me the slightest bit of good, since A) I don't use, nor can I afford, Final Cut Pro, and B) what good would it to to export ANYTHING to DivX when the DivX Player for Mac does not, and has never, done anything but hang until Force Quitted?

A brief digression on that very subject of "hanging:" there's a little section in the obscure "DivX for Mac" pdf that reads:

"5. Known issues

Network connection is lost during download

A lost network connection in the middle of a download may hang the DivX Player For Mac. If this occurs, you may 'Force Quit' the DivX Player For Mac by simultaneously clicking command-option-escape and selecting the application from the list or by right-clicking the icon in the dock and selecting 'Force Quit.' You may then resume the download by re-launching the DivX Player, selecting 'Download Manager” from the File menu and clicking 'Resume.'"

Wonderful advice, if I could ever get to the point where I was actually downloading something, but since MY particular edition of DivX Player for Mac saves me all that bother by hanging immediately upon launch, DivX has very kindly saved me the trouble of having to go through all that "Force Quit" - "Resume" nonsense. Of course, I never get to download anything or use the DivX Player on YouTube or anywhere else, so that's a bit of a downside.

So back to the putative "Mac tutorials" on the non-existent "" page: other than the three totally non-germane examples I cited above, there is nothing that I can find on the re-direct page ( that is the least concerned with the usage or behavior of any component of DivX on a Macintosh computer. That's certainly not uncommon, but for a company that purports to sell products that actually work on the Mac OS X platform, EVERYTHING about the DivX site is so totally Windows-centric, one would be inclined to believe that DivX is not even aware the Mac OS X platform exists. For example, here's the list of tutorials under "DivX 101 - Learn How" on the page that, according to the DivX for Mac Read Me, was supposed to solve all my problems with running DivX on a Mac:

Featured Video Tutorials

How to register your PS3 for DivX VOD playback

How do I make DivX player my default video player?

How to register your DivX Certified device with the DivX Plus Player

How to stream DivX Plus HD (MKV) files to your Xbox 360

How to use the DivX Plus Converter

Featured Text Guides

DivX Plus Converter for Windows User Guide

DivX Plus Player for Windows User Guide

DivX Codec 5.x User Guide

DivX Codec 6 and Virtual Dub Guide

It's wonderful that DivX has tutorials dealing with XBox360 and PS3, but the Mac seems to have been lost in the shuffle -- I think, from an aesthetic point, the guy in the sideways hat and the emphasis on animé and "blow 'em up" games in what few tutorials are actually there pretty much sums up DivX's idea of their market focus. Maybe they're right, but if this "free" version, that so far I have not been able to get to work as advertised on my 27" iMac, is supposed to entice any Mac user into forking over even the piddling $20.00 for the "Pro" version, the "free" version isn't DivX any "gotta have it" favors.

Now for the final mystery: I have two Safari -- v5.0.5 (6533.21.1) -- extensions from DivX:

1. DivX HiQ, which is supposed to allow you to watch videos on YouTube, Vimeo, etc. in the DivX Player for Mac, but refuses to work when enabled: EVERY SINGLE time I've selected DivX HiQ, the YouTube screen turns into the gray DivX player window for a few seconds, then an error window pops up that says "DivX Plus Web Player could not download the video, please check your internet connection."

2. DivX Plus Web Player HTML5 <video>, the little blurb in the Safari Extensions window for which says "Increase performance and video formats for your HTML5 <video>

Clicking on the "by DivX, Inc." link in the Safari Extensions window of either of these extensions takes me to

"High-quality video shouldn’t stop at your browser. DivX Plus® Web Player gives you the best web video performance around, even on sites using Flash®. The latest feature, DivX HiQ™ beta, lets you replace the default Flash player on popular sites for improved performance. Of course you can still watch stunning DivX® and DivX Plus HD (MKV) videos right in your browser, and even enjoy MKV features like multiple audio tracks, subtitles and 5.1 channel AAC audio."

That's all well and good, but, not when it doesn't work. I don't know what the story is with these Safari Extensions: a manual (unfortunately the only way you can do it), category by category search of Apple's "Safari Extensions Gallery" turns up NO information about these extensions, neither does -- as far as I can tell -- a search of the DivX site. Am I supposed to use BOTH extensions? Neither? One or the other? Which? So far, if I use them, I get the HiQ option in YouTube (and elsewhere), but when I click on it, I get the error message above, and the window reverts to the usual plain old YouTube window. If I disable the DivX Safari extensions, I don't even get the HiQ option.

Has ANYONE gotten the DivX for Mac Bundle v7.1, or even the DivX Plus Web Player for Mac, v2.1.1, to actually work on a Mac running OS X 10.6.7?

If so, PLEASE tell me how you got it to work.

I'd gladly for over the 20 bucks for this product if it actually worked, but not until it does.

Bart Brown

27, Mac OS X (10.6.7), Love that display...

Posted on Jun 8, 2011 1:42 PM

Question marked as Best reply

Posted on Jun 8, 2011 2:47 PM

Try this:

Delete the Divx extension.

Now download and install Perian from

You should read this support page in case you need to delete older codecs. In Macintosh HD/Library/Quicktime/ delete any files relating to DivX (Perian already has them). However it should be noted that Perian is not an internet plugin and will not play DivX files imbedded on a website. For that you will need the DivX Player browser plugin available from

38 replies

Dec 19, 2011 9:47 PM in response to Bartbrn

Hi Bart,

Thx for letting me post here. Klaus accused me of highjacking this thread.

I just found info about trash. Maybe we don't need to mess around in Terminal. Apparently when we trash things, they are still there. Watch this video. Very interesting. This method totally annihilates everything in trash.

This video is deleting trash from Terminal.

Dec 21, 2011 9:19 PM in response to Bartbrn

GREAT NEWS BART........I got everything working like a charm.

I broke down today & bought the MacKeeper. The best 40 buck I ever spent.

I only have the DivX Plus web player installed & I disabled the HT box in Safari/Preferences/Extentions.

This app is NOT in my Applications folder. It only downloads to my Hardrive/Library/Application Support,

and the extension shows up in Safari/Preferences/Extentions.

I ran the full MacKeeper program and viola........problem solved. The DivX movie links work like a dream come true. No buffering, instant playing. YEAH!!!

MacKeeper took out all the duplicate files, as well as logs etc. I could not find the DivX folder tho. I called their 1-800 toll free number, ended up in Ukraine. Their English is amazing. They explained bcos it was not in the Applications folder, MacKeeper could not find it (the folder) it did find the Browser plug in, tho.

The DivX 7 download does land in the Applications folder. So the MacKeeper can delete all of it in one shot.

Please look into it. It may just solve all your problems as well. Now I am a very happy camper! lolololol

I won't be hunting for more info to post. Aren't you lucky! hahahaha


Thank you for trying to help me. Bless You.

Dec 27, 2011 12:07 PM in response to CheeMiss

I don't think it was "MacKeeper" that did it. I actually spoke to a real, live, human being at DivX IN the US today, and he told me they had been working on a new Mac version which would play well with Snow Leopard & Lion, they released it, and it's DivX for Mac (Mine's actually the "Pro" version) 7.2 (build 10_0_0_188). I uninstalled every piece of old DivX junk I could find, ran the new installer, and it worked right off the bat -- no dumping obscure codecs, no trying to translate Klaus' 2-year-old cut-and-paste gibberish into actual English, no nothing. It just works, period.

"No, you are wrong.......Mac 10.5.8 was NOT the Tiger. It is the Leopard. I bought it new this way."

Oh, I'm often wrong. In fact, says my handy Wikipedia page on Mac OS X, there have been 9 versions of OS X:

5.1 Public Beta: "Kodiak"

5.2 Version 10.0: "Cheetah"

5.3 Version 10.1: "Puma"

5.4 Version 10.2: "Jaguar"

5.5 Version 10.3: "Panther"

5.6 Version 10.4: "Tiger"

5.7 Version 10.5: "Leopard"

5.8 Version 10.6: "Snow Leopard"

5.9 Version 10.7: "Lion"

Never knew they called the public beta "Kodiak," most likely because I didn't install it. I don't like Betas. I've had all the others except Lion -- it will be some months before I update: too new, too buggy, and too gimmicky. It's starting to look like "designed in a pitch-black carnival funhouse by Jethro Bodine" Windows version.

Glad you got everything worked out -- Peace


Dec 27, 2011 12:26 PM in response to CheeMiss

"If you would like 2 free movie sites, I can PM them to you."

Yeah, I would -- I think if you click on my name here it will take you to my email, If not, let me know, and I'll hanky-jiggle my prefes.

"What really burns me is that this Apple discussion board is not very user friendly."

The PRODUCTS of the company named for the Species Malus domestica, of the Genus Malus, of the family Rosaceae, an Angiosperm of the Plantae Kingdom are generally user-friendly; Malus domestica itself, especially its online presence, is not.

"You are so proficient in the art of semantics!"

That's a polite way of saying I'm an accomplished BS artist, which I proudly am! I have no friends and I read a LOT. I've been a voracious reader for 60 years. Some of it stuck. Not much, but some.



Dec 27, 2011 12:31 PM in response to Bartbrn

I am estatic for you Bart. I was so sad that you were still in trouble.

Also, I am so impressed that you managed to get a real live person at DivX. I tried so many times to send them an email, but their system does not allow it. I was so frustrated, that is why I bought the MacKeeper.

With my Leopard, the DivX that was giving me so many problems was still installed before I ran the MacKeeper. It must have worked bcos I did not download anything new. I only have the player installed, not the combo pkg. I had to re-install the Perian tho, bcos of their updated codec. I guess the stand alone player does not have that feature. All is good now.

I am presently researching the Net Talk Duo which is better than the Magic Jack for a number of reasons.

The most important of which is that you don't have to leave your computer on 24/7 to receive calls. It plugs directly into your modem. Next most important feature is that it has faxing capablilities. Third most important feature is that it has LIVE teckkie service. For me especially, LIVE is best! hahahaha

The Net Talk Duo is definately worth looking at, as now, I can finally get rid of my costly phone land line. Yeah!

I avoided the Magic Jack bcos of the lack of these 3 features.

btw: If your interested in it, make sure you do your homework & check out which routers work best with it.

I just found out that they also have Net Talk TV. I don't know much about it, as I just got your email, when I was trying to figure it out. It doesn't say much on the page, it just says "request invite". hmmmm?

I hope Santa was good to you (looks like he was, you solved your DivX problem) and I wish you all that your heart desires for many New Years to come.

Thank you for you being you!

Happy New Year!

p.s. I just got another email from you re: sending you free movie links. I don't want to post them publically, bcos one of them was shut down due to copy rights etc., so they opened up under a different name. Best to keep good things on the Q.T. I will send you a PM if I can figure out how to do that. 🙂

Dec 27, 2011 12:36 PM in response to Bartbrn

"You are so proficient in the art of semantics!"

That's a polite way of saying I'm an accomplished BS artist, which I proudly am! I have no friends and I read a LOT. I've been a voracious reader for 60 years. Some of it stuck. Not much, but some.


I don't know how to use or do "quote" on this site. Like I said, this site is not user friendly at all.

Anyway, No, it's a compliment. I am sharp & quick witted, but I suffer from short term memory retention, which ***** big time. You are VERY, VERY GIFTED in the art of semantics! You truly are funny & witty & smart.

I love reading posts by you. 🙂

DivX "for Mac" and Safari -- anyone get it to work on Snow Leopard?

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