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Clam Down...Apple says missing features coming soon.

I am sorry that all the "pros" are over reacting to the release of FCPX. Instead of being civil they have been quite rude and dumb. If all you guys clam down a second and read the news you would know that almost every single missing pro feature for FCPX will become availible via update rather soon. Apple and several news outlets have made this very clear. SDI, EDL, XML. All those features are coming very soon. Maybe they should not have released it so soon, for that they might deserve a bit of scorn, but the stuid ranting needs to stop. You people are supposed to be professionals and you are acting like children.

Complain away as much as you want. Demand the features we need. But try doing so in a way that doesn't make you come off looking like and a@@.

Mac Pro 8 Core 2.226ghz 16GB Ram ATI 4870HD, Mac OS X (10.6.1)

Posted on Jun 21, 2011 11:43 AM

341 replies

Jun 25, 2011 4:37 AM in response to Massivebeatz

FCP was the last app that Apple needed to turn consumer. They have either consumerized each of the proapps they bought or killed its development.

Funny aint it, as a heart attack, that Apple utilizes and flirts with the name PRO in almost every product they make. Not much PRO about any of their products anymore. Used to be different.

Today we have an eye candy operating system getting slower with each pussycat increment because insane processing power is being needed as Apple keeps animating this and that.

Apple is making Computers for the masses. NOT for the pros. And each year it will get worse for us BUT better and more beautiful for the consumer. And since the consumer is the clear majority one cannot really blame Apple. because consumers dont care about FCP or Adobe. If they even know that such exist.

My girlfriend and friends want iPhoto, iMovie and iTunes to work. And Mail of course.

Perhaps the future will emerge with a new sort of OS aimed at professional apps. With NO eye candy or broken GAMMA.

I personally would love that....

PS - It aint going to be Linux ;-)

Jun 25, 2011 4:38 AM in response to Massivebeatz

Yes Massivebeatz I totally agree with yoru sentiment.

Not only do I have a huge investment in Final Cut Pro, but the companies I work for do as well. XSAN and a server is not a small investment. And sure it will work for storage for an AVID, but has no real sharing features (you need something like EditShare for that). And companies like AJA and Blackmagic have to be flipping out too! Sure they work with Premiere and After Effects, but a huge part of their market had to have been Final Cut Pro Users. I know that the company I start with in 2 weeks was about to buy 2 new macs, a SAN and FCP 3 Suite, but now will be renting the gear instead, so only rental house will be making that money, not Apple or any of it's former partners in pro video.

Jun 25, 2011 9:02 AM in response to Dave_E_P

i've looked everywhere and in the manual it says to cut a clip in half and crossfade between them. i actually really like a lot of the features in X but then i keep hitting wall's like this.

If you can tell me what buttons i am not seeing that allow me to keyframe color i'll sing your name at the top of my voice around the neighborhood all week....!!

Jun 25, 2011 12:42 PM in response to Nivardo Cavalcante

Left Avid years ago and it will take a lot more than FCPX to move back to that very, very expensive piece of crap. I can't believe how much complaining there is about this version. Did people really think that this was not going to be a major change for us all.

It's a lot more of a change than I wanted but give me 3 or 4 weeks with this and let me decide after I've learned to use it. Like every one else I didn't want to have to relearn how to do so many basic things, but I do think the workflow will be much faster than the other earlier versions of FCP that I've been using since version 1.0. Give me 10 years and I'll burn through this just like I did the older versions.

Jun 25, 2011 1:28 PM in response to RevivAlive

sure, I understand what you're saying, don't jump the gun until you've used it.

But for someone who cuts music videos, 4-6 camera shoots-

No multicam=Brick wall

No xml export=brick wall

No OMF=Brick wall

so, yes, never jump the gun on judging something, but in this case it doesn't have a "new way" of doing these things that might take getting used to, it has "No Way" of doing these things.

Big difference, therefore much jusitifiable criticism.

Jun 25, 2011 1:40 PM in response to RevivAlive

i dont see many people complaining because they have to learn a new way of doing things but rather "not being able to do the necessary things at all" that they need to do. if they were "there" but had to be done in a different way in this new interface then i dont think people would be complaining as much. there isnt even a new modern way to perform the tasks needed in the new X.


Jun 25, 2011 6:35 PM in response to megapixeldave

David, you are right.

I rather enjoy the prospect of new tools, a new interface, etc. and usually jump in headfirst to see what it is all about. That's fun to do and a learning experience that only broadens my scope.

In fact, when I first tried FCPX, even after reading the negative comments, I found it to be a fine tool if all I needed to do was trim the footage of my daughter's recital and add some titles and upload it to YouTube or Facebook. Very nice program for that, I say.

However, when I open up a 4-6 camera music video shoot and need to create a cohesive performance, massage the audio in ProTools and then possibly do some After Effects tweaking, I MUST have certain tools that ARE NOT present.

Period. That's my workflow.

I have seen other threads in this forum describing those of us who lament having had our toolboxes raided as "dinosaurs" or "luddites" and resent that very much. My 18 year old son who is a very skilled "Final Cut Ninja"

can hardly be described as "old and set in his ways"or "afraid of change" and he is as upset as I am at what has been done to a fine application!

Jun 25, 2011 7:33 PM in response to LukeW

Fortunately, my company is on Avid so we are not going through the collective angst.

But I have used FCP for many personal projects and had considered introducing it to my company on a limited basis. Thank God that didn't happen!

Adobe is offering a $799.00 upgrade path for FCP users for the whole Production Premium CS5.5 Suite, which of course includes Premier Pro 5.5.

I for one am gone...

Jun 26, 2011 3:26 AM in response to rolfe_tessem

rolfe_tessem wrote:

Adobe is offering a $799.00 upgrade path for FCP users for the whole Production Premium CS5.5 Suite, which of course includes Premier Pro 5.5.

I for one am gone...

Well..... be careful. There are LOTS of things I absolutely love about Premiere Pro, even as a full time FCP user. We have two seats of Premiere Pro CS5 but don't use them because they appear to be unstable. The tiniest little thing crashes it on BOTH our Macs (Mac Pro 8 Core and iMac 27"). If Adobe could fix that (and perhaps add more than 4 cameras for multicam) then we'd be off too.

Right now we're in limbo between an app that crashes (Premiere Pro), FCP which is no longer supported and is not good with native footage and the new toy (FCPX) that's missing features we need each and every day.

We're not about to jump to Avid, but I'm trying hard to understand what is making our Adobe systems unstable so that we can fix them and move on. I can't wait 2 years for FCPX to be what it needs to be. We've been hanging on with FCP7 too long, working around the native footage problems for too long already. I don't have time to be transcoding for 36 hours before I can start work on next week's project, but right now that's what is going to have to happen 😟

Jun 26, 2011 4:29 AM in response to Dave_E_P

Dave_E_P wrote:

rolfe_tessem wrote:

Adobe is offering a $799.00 upgrade path for FCP users for the whole Production Premium CS5.5 Suite, which of course includes Premier Pro 5.5.

I for one am gone...

Well..... be careful. There are LOTS of things I absolutely love about Premiere Pro, even as a full time FCP user. We have two seats of Premiere Pro CS5 but don't use them because they appear to be unstable. The tiniest little thing crashes it on BOTH our Macs (Mac Pro 8 Core and iMac 27"). If Adobe could fix that (and perhaps add more than 4 cameras for multicam) then we'd be off too.


Not saying that your are not having your problems ;-)

I have been cutting with PPRO a while now and I have yet to experience it crashing.

I do lots of edits and in the end of a project I have a monster timeline with all kinds of effects etc. All being calculated on the fly on the CUDA card.

I got CS5 to crash once as I was clicking wildly in the import dialog. Couldn't reproduce it though ;-)

PPRO CS5.5 I have not been able to crash ONCE. And I have been using it since it came out.

Perhaps an incompatible effect is causing your gripes.

Best thing about PPRO is this:

You do all your transitions, cuts effects etc etc etc. And when done you just save your project.

Then in After Effects you select "Import Premiere Pro Project" that will open the project and place EACH edit(clip) on its own layer. Effects and keyframes are all imported. THIS for a guy like me using AE for color correcting is saving me hours on each project. Instead of rendering in PPRO and then dicing each cut in the total movie (For CC purposes) I just open the PPRO directly in AE... This suite is just incredible.

BTW - I found FCP to crash a whole lot more than PPRO.

Besides due to the fact that FCP & FCPx needs to render I need about 4-10 times longer to finish the SAME project compared to doing it PPRO. So even if PPRO would crash 10 times, I would still be done a whole lot faster.

I aint kidding neither... PPRO with a CUDA enabled card --- Strict-Equals - NO RENDERING - NO BACKGROUND RENDERING....

A Personal CPU is just NOT cut out for a bunch of x-multiplications etc etc etc. And even if it was - the OS only offers 16 cores. And they also need to take care of running the whole OS. The NVIDA cards has 340 cores and the processors in it BUILT for x-multiplications etc. That is why it will render on-the-fly. And that it what adobe has recognized. And that is what makes PPRO and obvious choice to folks who care about their spare-time....😁

Sure... One can accomplish the same story in FCP but while the FCP operator goes to make a coffee while FCP does a render the PPRO operator goes to the bar and has a party with his friends because he is already finished with his project by the time the FCP-OP is quarter-thru' his process.

Clam Down...Apple says missing features coming soon.

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