Can someone tell me where i can find the backslash on my MacBook Pro ?
Really stupid question, i'nt it ?
Thanks to tell me how to proceed.
Can someone tell me where i can find the backslash on my MacBook Pro ?
Really stupid question, i'nt it ?
Thanks to tell me how to proceed.
Try Option-Shift-/
Try Option-Shift-/
parajo wrote:
I don't find any image of it on Apple store or other links !
Here is the link which shows pictures.
Could you tell us what does appear on the screen in TextEdit when you type Option/alt + Shift + : ?
Could you make sure that in System Prefs/language & text/input sources, there is only one box checked, Belgian? And also check the box for Show Input Menu in Menu Bar, and the box for Keyboard Viewer.
If you choose Keyboard Viewer in the "flag" menu at the top right of the screen, and then do Option/alt + shift + : , what appears on the key?
parajo wrote:
i use a BELGIAN FRENCH keyboard !
Option/alt + shift + : should give you \
parajo wrote:
Can someone tell me where i can find the backslash on my MacBook Pro ?
Really stupid question, i'nt it ?
Thanks to tell me how to proceed.
Hi Jean: On my MacBook Pro (English keyboard) the backslah "\" is directly above the enter/return key.
My apologies to both of you, but i should have mention i'm using an AZERTY keaboard (french speaking person !).
And on the AZERTY keyboard,...NO backslash ! Verry stupid, but not from me !
So, there must be a key combination the have a backslash on the screen no?
Thanks for your reply, AusieDJ, but it's not working.
I'm afraid the European keyboard is different versus the Canadian ?
Any idea where those characters are somewhere explained on the net ?
parajo wrote:
Hi Stedman,
I'm from Belgium, and the keyboard is know as a French keyboard.
But why are they diffrent ? French = French NO ?
Strangely enough, maybe not. I have found 2 pictures on the 'net stating they are "French" keyboards. One shows the back-slash as being above the Return/Enter key and the other shows the back-slash as being in the top left corner, immediately left of the "1" key.
stedman1 wrote:
Strangely enough, maybe not. I have found 2 pictures on the 'net stating they are "French" keyboards. One shows the back-slash as being above the Return/Enter key and the other shows the back-slash as being in the top left corner, immediately left of the "1" key.
So I guess hold option and shift & try one of those, or command and shift, or control and shift?
Try a few combinations.
I made a mistake !
French is not = french !
Because i'm talking about a french keyboard while i use a BELGIAN FRENCH keyboard !
I checked to cmpare, and they are different ! (incredible !)
When i'll back home, i will go to the Apple store in Belgium and ask a full list of key options.
Tom Gewecke wrote:
Option/alt + shift + : should give you \
AussieDJ wrote:
On the Apple French AZERTY keyboard, \ is alt + shift + :
No luck for the OP previously on that try I'm afraid Tom.
AussieDJ wrote:
No luck for the OP previously on that try I'm afraid Tom.
I missed that. But the Belgian and French keyboard layouts do have \ in the same place, there is no difference for that character. So I am wondering what in fact the OP could be using. I don't think there are any other AZERTY layouts (Canadian French is Qwerty, Swiss French is Qwertz).
Tom Gewecke wrote:
I missed that. But the Belgian and French keyboard layouts do have \ in the same place, there is no difference for that character. So I am wondering what in fact the OP could be using. I don't think there are any other AZERTY layouts (Canadian French is Qwerty, Swiss French is Qwertz).
I think we need a photo.
Hi all of you !
Thanks for your support but i still don't succeed !
May MBP keyboard is an AZERTY (I beleive all french keyboards are so, because of the accents)
I don't find any image of it on Apple store or other links !
I will try to make a photo of the keyboard, but i'm not shure to succeed.
So far, no one of the propositions is giving a backslash !
This link shows an image of the keyboard. It is not Mac but it might just be the same, try option + alligator mouth key (<>)
Look At the image first then see if it works because this fourm is getting out of hand.
Z Dude 23
Z Dude 23 wrote:
It is not Mac but it might just be the same, try option + alligator mouth key (<>)
Mac and PC keyboards are slightly different, and a MacBook can only have the Mac version. On that Option/alt + < should normally produce ≤ .