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Is there an iPhone antivirus App?

I hear warnings of virus and malware threats for smartphones, let alone hacking (all the media coverage here in the UK at the moment about mobile phone hacking!) I see that security software companies are offering software for Android and Windows Mobile phones, but can find nothing for the iPhone 4.

Searching on these forums people say the iPhone is safe so long as its not "Jailbroken" ...... what does that mean?

Is there an anti malware App for the iPhone? With all the protection that is needed for PC's venturing onto the Internet these days I do wonder with a phone that can do the same.

iPhone 4, Windows 7

Posted on Jul 6, 2011 8:25 AM

156 replies

May 23, 2013 11:54 AM in response to Tfrizzell

You can find out about the aliens living among us on Google.

There is no such breach in the wild, as they state in the article and they completely overlook the fact that iOS is sandboxed. What you have been challenged to find is an actual current instance of a non-jailbroken iPhone being infected by a virus or malware that it has picked up in the wild.

May 23, 2013 12:12 PM in response to Allan Sampson

Just found out that the mobile scanner will be for Android. For those that believe Apple's Iphones are 100% hack proof then I guess this doesn't concern you. Anyone knows that when it comes to network security that nothing is 100%. Eventually people find things out. So if you don't believe that it will affect IOS ever then I guess that the app would be great for Android... just sayin...

<Edited By Host>

Sep 10, 2013 10:39 PM in response to Lawrence Finch

I might not know a lot about all this malware and anti-virus stuff. But the iPhone can be hacked cloned or plished. I had been hacked cloned or plished so either way I look at it apple is the ones that should be at blame for this happening to there customer. If they say there iphone can not be hacked unless jailbroken then I guess some way or another mine was without me knowing because I sure siding jailbreak it. I have been having my identity stolen some finanical issues and I'm not sure what else yet but I've been looking for and answer since it started in July this year. But I do believe its been going on for some time they just been getting there program better over the years. I had AT&amp;T tell me last year that my ten year old son was making international calls when almost every adult I know doesn't even know at least one international calling code. So anyways since my situation really got bad in July I've been digging and searching trying to find out who has done this to me and how. I finially found the way they did it. It was a program they have been working on since around 2006 so it's been in the making now for about 7 years getting better and better. It was on http://www.underworldmagazines.com/10-cool-and-useful-html-5-tutorials/ it is the program in the making showing how to step by step write the program and explaining which each step is for in away that they would talk about it but not saying it word for word as they was talking around the subject but enough for u to k ow what they meant. There was 46 pages of program after I read about half I was convinced that everything I thought that they may have been able to do after thinking about how they put me In the situation they did was true. I didn't even need to read anymore. That someone can watch you on your camera, listen to what is around you on your microphone, read your text messages and emails, listen to your phone conversations and excess all your files and photos piggy back on a text message to gain access to my phone. It's possible that I know because it all worked together it seemed in order for the things to have had been done the way it was done. I found a site where this program was all ready finished and ready to to go. It's a bad feeling knowing that this program was there for anyone to just download it and do as they wanted. This is the program and this is where you can find it https://github.com/kernelsmith/metasploit-framework/tree/master/test

After I found this I called AT&amp;T and told them my situation and they said I was the first person that has ever had this happen to which I don't believe one bit but I gave this information to them so they can atleast start trying to find a way to build a program to stop it or as some might call it a anti-virus. AT&amp;T's IT people didn't even know about this they said I don't know what they do all day then. You would think they would be watching out for these types of things. But that is where I thought about it and realized its not AT&amp;T even though it was over there network but told me that I should bring my phone In to a AT&amp;T store and have them erase my phone or they would give me a new one, replace my SIM card and change my number and gave me credit off of my bill which seems as they know they are at fault. I also called the Apple's fraud department and they told me that they don't deal with that. So tell me does it seem that they don't want to take blame for this either and now realize that the al so mighty iPhone is hacks even if it is not a jailbroken iPhone. So give these hackers time like the 7 years that they been working on this program which started as the hack for the Andriod but was just redesigned to hack the iPhone. What u think this team of hackers can do with more time which basically started all because Apples iPhone was not able to be hacked. Well tell someone they can't do something and they will try to prove you wrong which in this case Apple failed. So someone tell me if you say your product can't be compromised and then come to find out it was and now I fell victim because of it who's liable the hackers or Apple because I sure shouldn't be since Apple stands behind their iPhone. Unhackable they should be sued just for false advertisement. So, just to let ever one know before they even say anything about what I wrote if u did as much research, digging, asking and reading as I've done the past two and a half months you would agreed with me and know that everything I said is true. So let me now keep on doing the same thing and trying to stop my identity form being ruined anymore and my credit getting any worse. And I didn't even write everything I was told by AT&amp;T I just don't feel like writing anymore but I will tell u this they will take your money for a phone bill give u a little to try to smooth things over but will not stand behind you and try to resolve the problem that know they apart of.

Sep 11, 2013 5:50 AM in response to Catahoula

There are still no known viruses in the wild that affect an unjailbroken iPhone. The first site to which you linked is a tutorial for writing HTML. Not exactly what we call dangerous. The second site is for code for security testing software for computers. I can find references to installing it on iPhones for use on testing computers, a couple of references for how to steal iOS back ups from a computer and a few older references on how to use it to hack a jailbroken iPhone.

Cloning is almost completely impossible these days due to lots of work on the part of carriers.

And, yeah, 10-year olds do figure out how to make international calls.

"Phishing" is not a hardware exploit. It's what we call "social engineering". Someone tricks you into telling them passcodes, log ins, etc. There is no software that can protect you from that. You have to use your own common sense.

Old adage: When you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras. Someone may have gotten hold of your information but they probably did it through a phishing email, brute force hacking of your email, especially if you had a weak password or by going through your trash. It wasn't because of HTML on your iPhone.

Best of luck.

Is there an iPhone antivirus App?

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