This seems to be a permissions problem. I am having the same problem. Someone else on here also posted about a program called "LittleSnitch." If you have this program or "ANYTHING" similar that can deny permissions, like Firewalls, you "MUST" go into the program and manually allow certain programs even "NETWORK CONNECTIONS." These programs can even get down to the desired port and can even reroute connections to a desired port that unfortunitely, does not work correctly. This problem was also effecting some of my "GAMES," like "World Of Warcraft" for example. Also had to fix "Curse Client". The same problem is happening to my "Software Updates." The reason why this problem seems to go away on its own after a while, at least for me, is because programs like "LittleSnitch," they have a demo version that shuts off automatically after 3hours. Other programs are different. I have Successfully Fixed all my problems by going into this this certain program and allowing ALL SORTS of stuff that had been unfortunitely denied in the past. Also! I had discovered like some others on here that switching networks from LAN to WIFI or the other way around would work?! This is becasue the permission restrictions had only been applied to a SPECIFIC PORT//WAY OF CONNECTION.
I really hope this helps other people because I have been to Sofware Update, WOW, Curse Client, Fire Fox, Safari, Little Snitch, and a couple other Help Threads and ALL of these issues were related to a SINGLE program. If this help you, PLEASE post it on other threads that might be related because NON of the threads I went to had this for advice.
Good Journey!