I posted a page or so back.
Still exactly the same here as PerChristensen above..
My Macbook which also runs Lion - is fine - it doesn't have any bluetooth keyboards or mouse however.
Meanwhile, my 2010 iMac which has ran perfectly for over a year, suddenly is not able to be left on for more than a few hours - in case it should go to sleep.
USB mouse is a workaround - it does not turn off properly and still needs the plug pulled.
I am a developer and I cannot put up with this problem for reasons listed above.
The last time it did it (twice yesterday), I used my mouse and noticed that wifi had gone down as well..
I once had a PC that did things like this after sleep mode - I always put it down to the sleep management code in the BIOS but then again Macs are a little different there..
It does seem to be directly related to Sleep mode - Apple what did you change in the low level code there between Snow Leopard and Lion?
Yesterday, I also got my first kernel panic ever on this machine - a slowly filling up screen from the top to the bottom followed by a message that I had to restart my machine.
I was running latest Parallels 6 and handbrake and Xcode at the time but I digress as this is not the thread for discussing that.. Just an observation that Lion is causing problems...