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Everybody settle down about Lion!

So far Lion has been out for 4 days, sure there are going to be bugs its the first version of a new operating system!, of course everything isnt going to be perfect. Apple is already seeding (or about to seed) 10.7.2 for developers and this should fix some bugs and problems.

People need to settle down about simple little bugs, i have two macs that i upgraded a couple of days ago and so far havent had any bugs whatsoever, and even if i come across some i certinetly wont retreat back to Snow Leopard.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)

Posted on Jul 23, 2011 9:06 PM

392 replies

Jul 26, 2011 6:43 AM in response to Andrew LaGow

Got to love the fanboyz, shouting down anyone who has anything bad to say about their favorite things. Doesn't matter whether its WoW or OS Lion. Its ya boo ***** to anyone if things aren't going well.

This was an incompetent OS roll-out. A lot of serious users who need their Macs to work (and their apps) are having all kinds of problems. This is not like Apple and its sad to see it happen. Whomever was in charge of this roll-out needs to be fired or re-assigned.

Jobs needs to apologize his long-term users and everyone else about this epic failure of a roll-out.

Jul 26, 2011 6:52 AM in response to Lagwolf

On the other hand, haters gonna hate, right?

Frankly, been there, done that. You apparently weren't around for the initial release of OS X in 2001. Entire web sites were created in reaction to it. It was tiresome then and it's the same now. People eventually settled down, Apple refined the interface as time wen on, and everyone got their work done just fine, thank you.

Apple is attempting to take us in a direction some folks aren't ready to go, a direction away from the model of the last 25 years that they themselves helped create (I only give Xerox partial credit here—if you know your history accurately, you know what I'm talking about). Fine. There are alternatives. Windows awaits you, at least until Microsoft does what Microsoft does best, which is imitate Apple.

Jul 26, 2011 6:55 AM in response to Lagwolf

You're joking, right?

Go back through the forums for when 10.6 was released, 10.5, 10.4, 10.3 and so on and you'll see the exact same posts - the specifics change, of course, but every OS update brings the same chorus of "It's a Disaster", "Is Apple becoming Microsoft" "It's an incompetent OS roll-out" etc etc etc.

This is not to say that people aren't having real problems. This is not to say that there are no bugs. All this is saying is that it's no different than the last time and it'll be no different next time either.

If Apple fired people every time there was a chorus on the Internet there'd be no one left to develop the OS at all.

This roll-out is not an "epic failure". It's - as far as we can tell - just about the same as the last one, and the one before that, and before that and before that...

Jul 26, 2011 6:59 AM in response to Andrew LaGow

I said I have been using Apple products since '79. I have had Macs since launch and been through every since OS upgrade. None was a poorly handled as this one has been. The OS won't even install so I am not commenting on how good the actual OS is because I have seen it yet. It won't even install.

If you wanted to be really harsh you could say Apple seems to be immitating Microsoft's skill when they launch an OS.

Its just funny to see people getting upset at people who dare to express a concern that the OS they paid for is not working properly.

Jul 26, 2011 7:05 AM in response to Lagwolf

You're modifying your tone here. There's a difference between expressing a concern about an issue, and labeling people "fanboyz" who don't necessarily agree with your take.

I certainly have at least one major issue with the interface—the gray Finder window sidebar. But does that mean I'd stoop to using hyperbole to express my displeasure? Please. This is not any different—and actually seems tamer by far —than 2001.

Jul 26, 2011 7:06 AM in response to subhuti

Hard to believe that this thread is still continuing. Yes, there are a lot of Mac users out there who are not happy with Lion. However, from what I can read, the majority of them have old hardware, out-of-date software, and/or 3rd party software.

A lot of these issues presented in this forum were address in the World-Wide Developers Conference video back in June. It was clearly stated that "Frontrow" was not present in Lion. It was also stated that Launchpad, and other features, were "IOS like" in their functionality. The "natural" scrolling feature was presented. And, the list could go on.

Before I upgraded, I watched the video, browsed the forums (since the WWDC gave the developers advanced copies of Lion). Basically, I did my homework. I also made a complete backup of my MBP prior to downloading and installing Lion. I also made an "Install Disc" for Lion, after I download it (and prior to installing). (I discovered this tip on the MacForum). Thus, the transition has been smooth and enjoyable.

Yes, I have discovered a couple of things that I wish were different. For instance, the disapperance of the "Save As" feature is a bad thing in my opinion. Also, the inability to control "Versions." However, none of these things are the proverbial "deal breaker" for me. I do like the ease of Lion. Safari 5.1 operates more quickly and smoothly than its predecessor. Again, I could go on.

As a future caveat, always research first, then respond with knowledge.

Jul 26, 2011 7:26 AM in response to PastorWynn

My hardware is 1 year old and was the pride of my computer arsenal 1 week ago. Now java hardly runs, terminal cant even do SSH, mission control fail to load half the time, internet speeds are down considerably, overall system speed is down, safari is crashing ever time I try and close a tab. None of this is 3rd part (Apart from java) and my hardware is not out of date.

Thankfully Transmission is still working so I can backup my files and reinstall Snow!

Jul 26, 2011 7:27 AM in response to Andrew LaGow

I don't understand your point of view here, actually what you think is irrelevant !

It is not up to you or others like you to determine the severity of a user's problem. If I buy a product I expect it to work - bottom line.

Some posters here are saying users should be experienced before upgrading ! Others are saying they should have new hardware ! What do either opinion have to do with this ? If the hardware requirements are met it doesn't matter how old their hardware is. I could be a complete dimwit but as long as I follow the install process correctly my product should work as advertised, if it doesn't I want to know why and I will complain.

Who are any of you to question the validity of some of the complaints here ??? The purpose of the forum is to discuss issues, if you have "been here done that", move aside so others actually interested in helping people can help them and not have to experience your condescending attitudes !

Many people here seem set on dismissing people's problems as if they don't exist, arguing for Apple's honour. What you are actually doing is making yourselfves look like oafs ! Grow up.

Jul 26, 2011 7:33 AM in response to theHotHead

And you're making yourself look childish. This isn't about invalidating you or anyone else, so calm down. This entire thread is devoted to the idea that if you settle down and get your hand off the panic button, you might actually be able to see your problems more clearly and thus have a more positive user experience. The ranting and raving and other apocolyptic hyperbole serves nothing and no one, least of all the users who are having the trouble.

I sort of get the idea that people want to come onto these boards and scream bloody murder because they're not getting what they expect. Then again, that's how spoiled 5-year olds act. Adults identify problems then find solutions. So who needs to grow up?

Everybody settle down about Lion!

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