Xcode does not require a different terminal, or anything like that. The only issue with the tools would be whether port (to get cvs) and cvs need to be listed in your $PATH variable (or run full path). On my machine, I untarred the gutenprint tarball in my user's home folder. when opening terminal, I was already in my home folder, so I just had to cd to the gutenprint folder. That is where I ran the cvs update, ran ./configure to build the files to compile for my machine, make to compile, and sudo make install to install it with super user priveleges. If the cvs update is not run in the tarball directory, you may get the updates, but they will not be in the right place to compile gutenprint.
I'm no pro with this stuff, but here's what worked for me.
after the tools were installed:
get a copy of the gutenprint tarball to your directory of choice
extract the directory structure and files in the tarball (I used the tools built into finder)
you should be left (as of the current release) with a directory called something like gutenprint-5.2.9
in terminal:
cd to directory of choice (I used my home directory so cd by itself is adequate)
cd gutenprint-5.2.9
cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@gimp-print.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/gimp-print login
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@gimp-print.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/gimp-print co -P print
make install