Drobo freezes 10.7 Lion Server
Drobo is attached to my Mac mini server via Firewire 800. Several other HDDs are connected via Firewire 800 Daisy Chain running without problems. Since the update to 10.7 Lion Server Drobo, which is the Time Machine destination for the server and three clients, freezes the server. When I want to shut down the server I have to disconnect Drobo, before that the server doesn't shut down. In this phase unmount of Drobo isn't possible. I have Drobo Dashboard 2.0.3 installed which shoud be Lion compatible. After reboot Drobo isn't even recoqnized, wether by OSX (not mounted) nor by Drobo Dashboard. Under Snow Leopard Server the same setup works very well. Anyone with a solution probsosal? For now I have several Macs without Time Machine backup, a really unpleasant situation.