Steve: re IOS email
I bet you have two different networks/supplers for your emails. One for your home base that is the WIFI and another one for your G3/phone on the Ipad/Iphone.
many of us had the same problem and it is easy to solve .(three weeks to find it right in front of me)
on the iphone or ipad go to:
-mail, contacts, calendars
-select valid email account
-goto SMTP (Outgoing Mail Server)
-select the server that is active
-in the outgoing mail server there is host name then- the user name (optional) this is not optional nor is the pass word (the two optional items must be entered
whatever you use on your regular email put it in and all should work..
it did for me.. I tried it several time to make sure. At first I used the wrong password. so try it out first... if you have 4-5 email accounts for all different stuff you must do it for each one.
the reason for this problem is that I use BT for host email and another supplier for Ipad/Iphone when the Iphone/ipad suppler sends the message to BT through my normal outgoing SMTP BT will not accept the message as he does not know who you are at that point the message is just coming from some other machine. Thus user name and pass word is necessary to identify the message as vald (that is you pay your bills)
this worked for me, my other half and several others I have passed it on to.
I can finally use public wifi at airports, starbucks, the local pub and send out messages instead of waiting to hear the whish when I get home.
cheers elo