Yes, you have described it several times.
Yes, we have said several times that is is stupid and we don't like it.
Yes, you keep insisting it is a great thing because you worked on it and you are a stock holder.
Grovey for you. We remain dissatisfied and hate the change, as do many others out there who have not found this thread. I now have multiple steps to perform what used to be a single "Save As" just so I can have different versions I can find without the itiotic "Time Machine" like search for a revert that I don't want to revert to, just open and do something with. Same with the stupid "This doccument is locked because you haven't worked on it in some time, are you sure you want to save these changes" dialoge. Well, duh. If I didn't want to save the changes, I wouldn't have clicked command-s, now would I?
You people are NOT LISTENING to your customers.
You are instead, defending a change that is indefensible to us. You may as well be trying to convert us to a different religion.
Desktops are not hand-helds and the physics of use are different. The application of use is different. These differences make moving the OS to reflect hand-held devices a bonehead move that reeks of corporate push for sales, ignoring actual customer base, relations and usage. This OS direction is likely gain you the younger hand-held market in the begining, but they will not see a need for desktops in the long run (that marked sees no need to actually own printers even), so they will not stay will it. In the mean time, Apple will lose their existing customer base due to arrogance and pride because they will not listen to those who actually WORK in this desktop environment.
My wife works at Penn State as a professor. She teaches in communications at the Capital Campus. She says they will not be upgrading to Lion because of these changes. If Apple loses the educational industry over this, the reprocussions will be severe in the long haul.
Apple better be paying attention.