Hi Tw9JD5, and GMR5,
I am so happy to hear you were successful using Vuescan and Mountian Lion with your 9950F. I am not having the luck you did. Can you confirm what you have installed and where and if there what steps in what order you did to acheive this?
I am trying to get my 9950F to work with Mountian Lion. I have followed the steps outlinge by Rabrack, inserting instead the 9950F software where applicable:
1. Unplug the scanner and disconnect it from the computer.
2. Use App Zapper to remove all old non-functioning versions fo Canon software and old Vuescan
3. Install "9950fosx10341en"
4. Install "cstbosx4934ej4"
5. Install latest VueScan "vuex6491"
5. Restart
6. Connect 9950F to power and, via USB, to computer
7. Open Image Capture (image Capture sees the 9950f)
8. Install: "cstbosx5014ej4"
toolbox does not function
9. Run Vue scan.
Vue scan sees the scanner and goes to make a preview but hangs there, not actually making an kind of preview. I must Force Quite Vue Scan
Image Capture, Vue Scan and Toolbox all see the scanner but can not scan or make a preview image.
Can any of you how have successfully used Vue scan and Mountain lion with a Canon 9950F please let me know what is working for you?