ok here is the latest update. I got escalated to the engineer specialist at 1800SOSAPPL and we went through some tests. I also replaced the ram on my mac from the 8 gigs i bought to the factory 4 gigs. I also swapped my hard drive from a custom drive back to stock apple drive, format, full clean install. and the problem exists. I captured a system.log of the events as it happened and had the engineer check them out as well as a 50 meg system log from my previous mac. Both logs contained no information pertaining to an actual problem. ie: the logs dont show any bad things. The engineer said that if new software, new ram, new HD aren't fixing it, then it "COULD" be a logic board issue (GPU / CPU / etc etc). So I have my computer at the applestore right now getting a new logic board installed into my Mac. I mentioned the remaining people here on this thread who also have the problem and he said its not out of the question that out of hundreds of thousands of macs sold there could be a coincidence of failure between us.
Personally I think its a LION issue with 10.7.1 and or the latest EFI update that installed the internet recovery / thunderbolt display / thunderbolt target disk mode.. but I could be wrong... Regardless the new Logic board will NOT have the latest EFI update on it, so I am going to run it when it gets back and see if the issues persisit with a new logic board. I know that this is't what we all want to hear, but if apple is going to replace my logic board for free and my mac is still under warranty until February 2012, I might as well take the free board and see if that helps. Turn around time is 2 - 5 days, so I may have my mac back tomorrow (if they have a board at the store) or i may get it back some time after that.
One thing I did do to help replicate the problem is i created a automator action that launched 40 apps, waited 20 seconds, quit all my apps, then waited 5 seconds and relooped the automator app again. With this I was able to crash it alot easier but when I did the "Quit All" method in automator I could still use my cursor, even though the system hard froze and volume / keyboard lights still worked. the display was frozen except for the now moving but once invisible cursor. If you all want to wait this out and hope for a system update, you can do that... or if you want to get new logic boards, you can do that too.. For all I know getting my mac back with a new Logic board may not solve it and we may just be right back here complaining about this issue once more.
As always, I will keep you all posted on my findings and the results of the brain transplant in my baby (MBP).