Lion freezes after quitting an application...
Problem: after quitting an application (either by command-Q, menu, or in-app close dialog) the comp freezes: cursor disappears, video display locks, but music and volume controls still work. This seems to happen with any program occasionally, but most often with iPhoto.
Frequency: 1-5x / day
Back story: I purchased a 17" MacBook Pro with Snow Leopard in July, upgraded to Lion in August, and ever since when quitting a program the computer will occasionally lockup. As stated above, the cursor disappears, the video display locks but audio keeps running and is even controllable via the keyboard (function verified by audio, obviously, as the display is locked). This happens most often with iPhoto, but has happened at least once with all programs used. It does not matter whether the program is quit via command-Q, File/Quit, or an in-app dialog. To correct the problem the computer must be forced to reboot via holding down the power button.
This is very annoying. Any one else experience this or similar? If so, any solutions?
Many thanks.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1)