This is the EXACT problem I am having!!!! I have a MacBook Pro 17 inch 2011 model (quadcore i7)
I first thought that it was something I am running causing it, like SIMBL, little snitch (or handsoff), Total Finder, Teleport, Snippet, Pochade, etc... but I have 4 macs. 1 MacbookPro 17, 1 Macbook Pro 2009, 1 MacPro Tower, and my wife has a Macbook pro 2009. All of my macs run SIMBL, and Total Finder, and Hands Off or Little Snitch (either or) and none of them have any issues. Only the MacBook Pro 17 is having the issue... I am not sure if its after the EFI update that just happened to fix the wifi issues? or if its always been happening, I only really noticed it of late... I created a BRAND new user and the problems still there... I am worried if i format my drive and restore from a time machine backup the problem will still be there...
Same symptoms. cursor vanishes. the computer locks up, no animation, (i can't see Hands off moving in my top nav bar, normally its a visual graph of in and out network activity, it hard freezes.) i can turn the volume up and down and HEAR the volume but can't see the animation. I can try and login via VNC / Remote desktop and the computer authenticates but my VNC client freezes trying to display, so i know a process is running but nothing more than that.
I just ordered a 800 dollar 512 gig Solid State Drive and I am going to install a new system from scratch on it in a few days but now hearing someone else has the exact same issues with the exact same mac makes me think its a EFI problem or a hardware issue involving our specific graphics card or something specific to the MBP 17. (Thunderbolt, graphics, etc).
It has NOTHING to do with iphoto. I don't even use iphoto and i get freezes. it happens on MAIL, Safari, Photoshop, dreamweaver, Skype, System Preferenecs, etc. its something that happens when an app quits... like garbage collection, or memory reallocation, or etc etc etc... wish i knew... 🙂 Hopefully apple figures it out. start testing your 17 inch 2011 MBP's apple! install total finder, SIMBL, little snitch, adobe apps, mail, safari, firefox, office, etc.. see if you can replicate it.
Edit: I just opened TERMINAL and my system froze, cursor vanished, so its not just quitting apps but opening them too.. for all i know it could just happen randomly with no quitting. just let it run and BOOM!
also.. open terminal and type this
sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
stackshot lets you take a system snapshot of your console when your computer is frozen. you press Command + Control + option + shift and Period.
your log is saved in