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Will the iPhone 4 support the new Siri integration?

I am aware of the minor new features in the new iPhone 4S, but am wondering if Siri will be in the iPhone 4 when ios 5 comes out next Wednesday.

iPhone 4, iOS 4.2.7, 16GB CDMA Black

Posted on Oct 4, 2011 1:35 PM

241 replies

Dec 22, 2011 6:02 AM in response to lec0rsaire

The 4S is not much of an upgrade, no more than the 3gs was over the 3g. And I'm not talking in terms of just the iphone, I'm talking in terms of the technologies available, had the 4s was like a facelift in the auto-industry yes a good buy for someone who doesn't have the car already but for someone who does it's a waste of time. YOu might as well wait for a new model.

The 14.4 Mbps more marketing hype, who cares, you aren't going to get those speeds on 3g, never gonna happen. And I've been in the telco industry for a decade I know how this stuff works. The 8mb camera, how meaningless is this extremely, if I wanted 8mb camera I could take my iphone 4 apart , buy 8mb for $14 and install it myself, real easy, just remove the top 5 screws on the top back plate once you take your backcover off ... the A5 processor is a nice update but there isn't anything, especially not siri (which uses server side processing to handle it's request) which really takes advantage of it. It's pointless, what angry birds? A handful of games at most, but the reality, is that by the time anyone writes an app that could really use it, the iphone5 will be out making it obselete. The bottom line is there is no technical reason that Siri can't be on iphone 4, in fact, I could put siri on my iphone 4 if I really wanted it.

With all that said the 4s is not a huge upgrade over the 4, NOt a chance i'm buying it, just to get Siri, an app that would run absolutely fine even on a 3g/s iphone, case or no case, I skipped the 3gs new case and all. Had the 4s come out with LTE (real improvement in download speed), NFC, etc ... features that other flagships are having now then yeah maybe I'm there, I'm sure this was all just reserved for iphone5. The reality is with windows 8 looming I might not even get an iphone 5. Apple let's it's greed blind it's overall picture sometimes it did the same thing in the 80's with the Mac. And I'm waiting for what is a good company to do the same thing again, building brand loyalty is not about proliferation, it's about ubiquity. Making SIRI unique to apple was good enough , making SIRI only available to 4S users is simply greed.

Dec 22, 2011 3:18 PM in response to acadia1106

acadia1106 wrote:

Did someone just write apple needs to make money? That's why the iPhone 4 doesn't get Siri? Seriously now it's just greed.

So you think that because they have "enough" money in your eyes they shoudl just stop making more?

Why not sell iPhones and Apple products at cost?

I think you've missed the point of Capitalism.

Right or wrong, that's the world we live in.

Dec 22, 2011 4:14 PM in response to Kiwiphone4

It has nothing to do with capitalism. I didn't say apple could not be greedy I said they are greedy. They are well with in their rights to be greedy, none the less they are greedy. Also, we could also have a debate about capitalism , capitalism really has no emphasis or concern with greed or no greed, capitalsim has many facets but most importantly it is private ownership of means of production, free markets as opposed to planned markets, capital monetization, and wage labor, etc ... greed is not a tenant of capitalism simply a product of the machine.

They are well with in their rights to be greedy and at the end of the day as a consumer, you make a choice. And when the apps or the ecosystem becomes so restrictive that it inhibits access to a particular product or feature for a reasonable cost then I can take my business else where. I said I would not buy a 4s for Siri, and I won't and with windows 8 looming, I may not have a need for iphone 5 at all. Why because the ubiquity of windows software. I'm more than confident that someone will come up with an app of equal or greater stature than Siri for the windows world. The only reason i have an iphone at all is because in the mobile market they are good at what they do. But like we saw with the Mac you close off too much , someon else will come along to pick up the slack. Apple could have offered the app in the app store for $40 bucks whatever, they instead said, you have to buy our $400 phone to get an app. OK. Watch me not.

And Kiwi do you work for apple, as a consumer, why would you ever want to limit your options? I would think you would vote in favor of your own best interest just as apple seeks to vote in favor it's own best interest.

Dec 22, 2011 4:03 PM in response to Kiwiphone4

They could still sell Siri to iPhone 4 users and make money. The point is that they are trying to push Functional Planned Obsolescence to the limit:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planned_obsolescence#Technical_or_functional_obsole scence

My iPhone 4 is pretty capable of running Siri, I would like to buy it and put it to work. AND I WNAT TO PAY FOR THAT. NO PROBLEM. The same way my car stereo got old and I replaced it with a bluetooth capable one. I am glad I did not have to buy another car. 😉 Did you guys get the point? We are not buying machines.

I wont play Apple's game with this one-and-a-half-year-hardware-update-crazyness.

I may change ecossystem if my iPhone 4 don't run Siri in the next few weeks. Enought with this nosense.

Dec 23, 2011 12:04 PM in response to acadia1106

acadia1106 wrote:

And Kiwi do you work for apple, as a consumer, why would you ever want to limit your options? I would think you would vote in favor of your own best interest just as apple seeks to vote in favor it's own best interest.

I certainly don't work for Apple.

As I have said before, I think they are just a buisness, and don't expect anything from them.

You're right that Capitalism isn't about screwing people, that is "US capitalism" 😁

And this is not a vote, this is a user forum.

No matter how many times you say you want Siri here, nothing will happen.

Here is where you write to Apple:


Or buy a different phone / computer.

Apple will survive if people walk away.

If people just quietly complain in an Apple controlled forum then nothing will change.

Dec 23, 2011 7:20 PM in response to Kiwiphone4

Ok, let's try this again I'll dumb it down , I mean I only have a computer engineering degree from one of the best engineering schools in the country, but I don't know what I'm talking about. I never it said was just software, I said in the case of siri, the application processing meaning the search is server side, there is very little processing done on your phone, basically in interprets your question on the server and responds to your phone with it's results, the number crunching and translation is done server side, not by your phone so it needs only a modicum of horsepower on the other hand your OS is the heart of your phone, thusly it makes since that iOS 5 which does require a bit more horsepower can't run or won't run well on the 3G, even ios4 had issues on 3g if you remember when ios 4 came out on 3g phones . Apple doesn't want to take the effort to make it run on the 3g's hardware, which I can understand it's several generations ago, on the other hand Siri was an application that ran fine until october 13 , this has nothing to do with needing the iphone 4s to run siri, as stated this is simply apple greed, apple being apple, because the 4s in real world terms offers very little over the 4, they needed a gimick.

Siri though is not remotely close to your OS in terms of hardware requirements. Let's talk specific cases and specific features not generalities. The 3GS was more of an upgrade over the 3G than the 4s is over the 4. The ARM cortex A9 (A5) processor most importantly added more graphics power from a pure horse power, they are similar in terms of clock speed 1GHz to the ARM cortex A8 (A4) processor. The 4s if the app's are written for it will handle graphics better and in theory more responsive when you do any multi-tasking because it's dual core. In any event without getting too technical the 4s is not a significant upgrade of the 4, it's at best a face lift in the middle of a car models run cycle.

Dec 24, 2011 5:48 AM in response to acadia1106

Ah, but Windows 8 probably won't run on your current computer; you will have to buy a new one. Not that it couldn't run on your current computer, but Microsoft has a deal with computer manufacturers. I'm making this up, but that's EXACTLY what happened with Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. Microsoft could have made each of these work with older hardware, but chose not to.

Dec 24, 2011 5:54 AM in response to acadia1106

OK, specific cases. Assume that Siri can run on an iPhone 4, and probably on a 3GS. But Apple chose not to make it available. End of story. All the arguing about whether it can or not is irrelevant. Even if you accept that it can, Apple has said you may not have Siri on other models.

You have choices. You can buy a 4S. You can buy an Android (which doesn't have Siri, and according to industry experts is 2 years away from having anything equivalent). You can buy WinMob, which doesn't have it and probably never will.

Dec 24, 2011 8:10 AM in response to Lawrence Finch

Ultimately people "discuss" whatever they'd like to. Knowing that it does run on older devices, there are obviously going to be people that want it. I feel like the majority of people, if apple says no, then you may be s.o.l. But feel free to talk about it til your heart's content

If there does become a way for it to be available on older devices, awesome. No one would know it if no one talked about it.

Dec 28, 2011 8:03 AM in response to Trek Life

This is rather a moot point and it seems a lot of people haven't kept up to date with latest developments.

1. Does Siri work on iPhone 4?

Yes, it does but not officially, there are unoffical hacks (all include the latest Spire hack are not sanctioned).

So the argument of iPhone 4 not powerful enough et al has already been disproved for quite some time now. Even heard that Apple is looking at whether they can clean up the mic (iphone 4S has a better one) to make it work better for iPhone 4 and *maybe* release it.

Bear in mind, a lot of the "grunt" work is done by the Apple servers and not by the phone itself.

[Try Siri without an Internet connection on a iPhone 4S!! ;-) ]

2. Will Siri appear on iPhone 4? (supported/sanctioned by Apple).

As many people have mentioned, this is entirely a decision that Apple can decide on. Apple already has Siri specific code which can be bolted onto a iPhone 4 which can be downloaded (that's how Spire does it) but currently Apple Siri servers will not authenticate any non iPhone 4S phones. So yes it is probably trivial for Apple to allow it.

It is there product/software and they are entitled to whom and what devices they want it on, it's not a queston of technology.

If you feel strongly about it, maybe lobby Apple or buy non-apple products in the future (google for Majel, which should be available at some point on Andriod devices).

3. Any personal view?

I've got a feeling that Apple will at some point also support iPhone 4 with Siri but that doesn't mean they will. I think it's a matter of good will for those people who want to stay with Apple and get a iPhone 5 when that comes out but didn't upgrade to 4S. Speculation is good ;-) But that's all it is!

Dec 28, 2011 8:11 AM in response to Lawrence Finch

What BS are you making up? I upgraded my XP machine to Windows 7. Actually, that's the complete opposite of Microsoft philosophy they are in the software business not hardware so they want to have as many machines as possible that can run their OS. In fact, windows 8 will actually have lower hardware requirements than even windows 7. One of the big things in windows 8 is streamlining the OS, this begin with windows 7 , which had the same hardware requriements as Vista.

The point you are full of it, I know from personal experience, and because it would be completely wouldn't make sense for Microsoft to follow this idea because they don't sell hardware. Apple on the other hand does sell hardware so they can tie their OS upgrades to requiring a hardware upgrade. If Microsoft could run windows 8 on a windows 3.1 machine they would.

Anyway, back to the point, Siri can run on the iphone 4, quite easily, Apple just wants to force you to upgrade that's it, nothing else to it.

Dec 29, 2011 11:14 PM in response to Matrix X2

Just to remind those that say "the processor of the IP 4/3GS can't handle it" ... Soo existed in the us app store way before the iPhone 4s was released. Siri was downloadable, and did the same exact thing. But then in October of 2010 apple bought the company that made Siri, and terminated it's capabilities on all other phones to make it limited to the iPhone 4s. Thus, yes. The 4/3GS can certainly support it. It has before! It's solely up to whether or not apple wants to keep customers or use it to push sales and make money..

Will the iPhone 4 support the new Siri integration?

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