iPhone 4 5.0 Upgrade 3200 Error
I am trying to upgrade a vanilla iPhone 4 to the 5.0 software and the process works fine and after the backup and extraction, I get the 3200 error. Any help on solving for my Mac OS Lion?
I am trying to upgrade a vanilla iPhone 4 to the 5.0 software and the process works fine and after the backup and extraction, I get the 3200 error. Any help on solving for my Mac OS Lion?
persistance is everything lol i tried about 6 times and finally it
Holy crap people. Get a grip.
Just wait until tomorrow. Or late tonight.
It's pretty well documented it's a server issue...and anything you are doing that makes yours work, is most likely coincidence.
We've become a society of immediate gratification - if we don't get it NOW it ****** us off.
Relax, go take a walk outside, do something productive. You'll get your update!!!
It could be coincidence but I tried everything under the sun to get my iPhone 4 to upgrade to iOS5. Probably retried 10 times since about 11am central today.
It dawned on me that this could be related to a network connectivity issue so I decided to use a LAN connection instead of trying this over my wifi network. Since wifi is inherently intermittent, I figured it couldn't hurt.
First attempt after using my LAN connection and it was successful!
And I had get Restore error 3200...
And after...
- black screen for 5 seconds
- apple logo for about 1 minute
- apple logo + progress bar for about 2 seconds
- spinner for about 3 minutes, then fades to...
- black screen for 5 seconds
and repeat ad infinitum!.....
I exits the loop like this: When you see the progress bar, push and hold on power and home at the same time. After 10 sec the "Connect to iTunes" will appear. Hopefully... It worked for me anyway.
Good luck!
Worked like a charm once I disabled the firewall
Earlier posts say that it is a server overload problem. 5-7 retrys and it should work. I on the 5th try opened cmd window and ping gs.apple.com -t and that is when I was successful to install os5. Just keep trying and you will get it.
what is causing the problem.http://www.firstchoicett.com/index.php?option=com_kunena&func=view&catid=40&id=3 98&Itemid=200
just give it about 7-24hrs and it will be fixed.
I got 4 times error 3004. Now it says server is out of reach, but my iPhone is in recovery mode... neither can restore to previous backup ot update to iOS 5... This "Just NOT works"... 😟
iPhone 4
TURN OFF NOTIFICATIONS in the Settings and then do the upgrade. That seems to work (though it could be coincidental). Do not go into Airplane mode though (that definitely does not work).
read this artile http://gizmodo.com/5849160/the-complete-guide-to-updating-to-ios-5
Download the iOS 5 update firmware and install it manually through iTunes, works every time:
Mine bricked...and now im running ios5...but i dont have the camera on the front screen...and i think some other things are missing..it just doesnt seem fast... i have the 32gb Verizon iphone 4.. running lion on my mac..anyone else having issue?
I am using an iPad first generation and started the upgrade over an hour ago. It seems to have wiped out everything on the iPad and when I try to Restore as it tells me to do I get unknown error (1). I've retried many times and I guess I'll wait till tomorrow. I see some people solved their problem by retrying but it hasn't worked for me, yet. iTunes doesn't seem to know anything about the iPad, as if everything about it was wiped out. I'm scared!
i was getting the same error - not sure what fixed the situation but here is what I did:
go to software update and install all new software updates
disconnect all USB devices other than your iPhone
iTunes will then prompt for the iOS 5 upgrade - should be auto sensed, if not start iTunes
The upgrade should go smoothly at this point
A few items - none of my playlists were preserved once iOS 5 came up on my iPhone 4
I had to re-sync and select all my music
Too many issues so I did not try to move any content to iCloud
Wait for Apple to resolve the issues and bug fixes
iPhone 4 5.0 Upgrade 3200 Error