iPhone 4 5.0 Upgrade 3200 Error
I am trying to upgrade a vanilla iPhone 4 to the 5.0 software and the process works fine and after the backup and extraction, I get the 3200 error. Any help on solving for my Mac OS Lion?
I am trying to upgrade a vanilla iPhone 4 to the 5.0 software and the process works fine and after the backup and extraction, I get the 3200 error. Any help on solving for my Mac OS Lion?
Took me two goes but I got it. Keep trying
I disconnected everything USB on my win7-64, including mouse and keyboard, and it successfully updated both iPhone and iPad. Before, I was stuck on it eight times. The bug seems to lie at driver level, not on web authentication.
On an original iPad WiFi 3g, it gets unknown error (1). I restarted, tried restore ten times, downloaded the OSX software, and it failed twice. I ran System Update and installed a new Safari 1.1 and some other thing that didn't seem related. It didn't help. Neither the regular restore nor the Option-Restore with the downloaded software fix the problem. I've been up all night and had no prior problems with the iPad. It is totally blanked out and non functional now. I don't know what to do next but go to sleep and hope there's a solution tomorrow.
It tokk me several attempts to get it all to work. Got error 3014. Just kept trying and in the end it worked. I believe that this was problems with the Apple server.
I finally got it to work late last night on try 35-ish. What a long day of no phone access. 😟
this happened to me a dozen times, i unplugged the iphone, the white apple icon was still showing. so I restarted (hard boot) it and then turned it back on, plugged in and tried to resume the restore, worked for me. FYI I was using an Iphone 3gs 32gb, on an imac late 2009 27 inch.
I been at it for way more than 8hours now, tried flushing dns, uninstalling antivirus, adding the ip stuff to hosts and still after 100s of times, this thing doesnt wanna restore. regret upradin. Wat 2 do??? i just want ma fone 2 work, even if its iOS4.3 or something.
Ok this is a temporary fix what I found out,
First download the iPhone Firmware from the following site, It is the official firmware and even downloads from Apple.
http://www.felixbruns.de/iPod/firmware/ - Choose your model, e.g iPhone 4
Now once that is downloaded go to the following folder -
C:\Users\YOURUSER\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Software Updates
Once you are they copy the file you just downloaded into it, then click Update. It will now skip the download process and will Update. I was having the same issue then I did this and its almost updated. Hope it helps
iPhone 4 5.0 Upgrade 3200 Error