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iOS 5 - iPad could not be restored

I've tried several times to update my iPad 2 to iOS 5.

It took forever to download the software. I updated iTunes to the latest version, rebooted the computer and went about updating my iPad.

After iTunes reported it was backing up my iPad, it attempted to restore the software but failed with the message "The iPad "Ezlivin's iPad" could not be restored. An internal error occurred."

***? What "internal error"?

I've tried this several times with the same failure message.

Next time why not give me a Blue Screen of Death with incomprehensible textual gibberish? It'll make as much sense....

MacPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 14GB RAM, 6G Mercury Extreme SSD

Posted on Oct 12, 2011 12:04 PM

98 replies

Oct 15, 2011 3:43 AM in response to AmazingPad

This is the error I'm getting:

User uploaded file

I've tried everything. Turning off firewall/anti-virus, plugging directly into a USB port, and so on. It gets to the part in the update about the firmware and then gives me this error. I've tried doing this restore at least twenty times. My first generation iPad +3G was working perfectly until I tried to get iOS 5. Any other ideas?

Oct 15, 2011 7:17 AM in response to Ezlivin

My husband had no issues at all installing IOS5 on his iPhone4... but my iPad 2 caused me heaps of grief.

After a lot of restoring to default, trying again, restoring to default.. and swearing..

I plugged it back into itunes,

i turned off my anti virus, anti adware, and firewall

then i restored the ipad to factory settings...

it then updated the ios

restored my ipad with my backup

and put my apps back on...

it took 2 hours...

but finally it is done..

could you perhaps have made this easier Apple??? ergh

Oct 15, 2011 8:15 AM in response to MichaelBoyd

Just keep at it.....

I had exactly the same problem for more than 2 days now (with the identical error message you have).

I tried on 3 different macs, on diffent USB ports, and also on a PC, with no difference in behaviour. I also tried on 2 internet connections, one without a firewall - again, no difference.

Eventually, after the 2 days and countless attempts, the ipad restored IOS 5 normally on the original mac in its original state. So I can confidently state it was nothing to do with USB ports or with the firewalled state of the mac.

So just keep trying and trying until it works........

I should point out that I did lose my apps even though itunes went through the restore apps phase.... but I'm happy that the ipad isn't not bricked anymore. I'm not sure I dare move my mobileme account to icloud yet......


Below some technical details for anyone who might be able to explain this problem.....

It was originally giving up after trying to validate the firmware update, the error in the log being related to the baseband firmware :

2011-10-15 12:57:55.000 iTunes[3341:1d4bb]: amai: AMAuthInstallBasebandHandleUpdaterStatus: commandAccepted: NO

2011-10-15 12:57:55.000 iTunes[3341:1d4bb]: amai: AMAuthInstallBasebandHandleUpdaterStatus: outputDict is NULL

2011-10-15 12:57:55.000 iTunes[3341:1d4bb]: AMRAuthInstallDeletePersonalizedBundle

2011-10-15 12:57:55.000 iTunes[3341:1d4bb]: <Restore Device 0x7fc29976f800>: Restore failed (result = 1)

2011-10-15 12:57:55.000 iTunes[3341:1e343]: iTunes: Restore error 1

2011-10-15 12:58:01.000 iTunes[3341:307]: device connected (isDFU = 0)

2011-10-15 12:58:01.000 iTunes[3341:307]: iTunes: SCEP 2

2011-10-15 12:58:08.000 iTunes[3341:307]: device disconnected (isDFU = 0)

2011-10-15 12:58:08.000 iTunes[3341:307]: _AMRecoveryModeDeviceFinalize: 0x7fc2994e3c10

2011-10-15 12:58:14.000 iTunes[3341:307]: device connected (isDFU = 0)

2011-10-15 12:58:14.000 iTunes[3341:307]: iTunes: SCEP 2

Now, I'm a happy boy as the Baseband update okay:🙂

2011-10-15 14:18:35.000 iTunes[3341:1df9f]: amai: AMAuthInstallBasebandHandleUpdaterStatus: commandAccepted: YES

2011-10-15 14:18:35.000 iTunes[3341:1df9f]: <Restore Device 0x7fc2950ec8a0>: operation 49 progress -1

2011-10-15 14:18:35.000 iTunes[3341:1df9f]: <Restore Device 0x7fc2950ec8a0>: operation 51 progress -1

2011-10-15 14:18:37.000 iTunes[3341:1df9f]: <Restore Device 0x7fc2950ec8a0>: operation 32 progress -1

2011-10-15 14:18:37.000 iTunes[3341:1df9f]: <Restore Device 0x7fc2950ec8a0>: operation 29 progress -1

2011-10-15 14:18:37.000 iTunes[3341:1df9f]: <Restore Device 0x7fc2950ec8a0>: operation 29 progress -1

2011-10-15 14:18:37.000 iTunes[3341:1df9f]: device returned AMR error 0

2011-10-15 14:18:37.000 iTunes[3341:1df9f]: <Restore Device 0x7fc2950ec8a0>: Restore succeeded

Oct 15, 2011 3:27 PM in response to Ezlivin

Am just pleasantly surprised. My Ipad 2 Wifi is having all these problems....failed to restore, blank screen, apple logo, 'spinning wheel' and all, finally not even showing up at all in itunes!

Dont have applecare and closest genius appointment is a six-hour flight away in a different continent.

Following a post in this forum, my Ipad restored and sprang back to life...this is what i did. I held down sleep/wake button for 3 secs, then home button for another 10 secs without releasing sleep button. Then released home button and bingo..Itunes recognised Ipad in recovery. Hit restore button and all worked with just one error and everything is now fine including i-cloud.

But am not ready to transfer my mobileme account to i-cloud just yet...

Thanks guys and thumbs down apple!!

Oct 15, 2011 4:39 PM in response to scoobsbxl

Getting the exact same errors.....the restore fails at the baseband. I have 20+ log files with the same error as you. I can't seem to get past it. I've tried everything: wired connections, restarts, home+power button presses, tinyumbrella, fixrecovery, deleted backups....all of it. My ipad is not "bricked" because I can see the connect to iTunes logo.

Any help on this? Log file posted below.

2011-10-15 18:25:17.000 iTunes[419:1388b]: <Restore Device 0x1b91ff40>: operation 18 progress 92

2011-10-15 18:25:19.000 iTunes[419:1388b]: <Restore Device 0x1b91ff40>: operation 18 progress 100

2011-10-15 18:25:19.000 iTunes[419:1388b]: <Restore Device 0x1b91ff40>: operation 46 progress -1

2011-10-15 18:25:19.000 iTunes[419:1388b]: <Restore Device 0x1b91ff40>: operation 46 progress -1

2011-10-15 18:25:19.000 iTunes[419:1388b]: <Restore Device 0x1b91ff40>: operation 19 progress -1

2011-10-15 18:25:33.000 iTunes[419:1388b]: amai: AMAuthInstallBasebandHandleUpdaterStatus: commandAccepted: NO

2011-10-15 18:25:33.000 iTunes[419:1388b]: amai: AMAuthInstallBasebandHandleUpdaterStatus: outputDict is NULL

2011-10-15 18:25:33.000 iTunes[419:1388b]: AMRAuthInstallDeletePersonalizedBundle

2011-10-15 18:25:33.000 iTunes[419:1388b]: <Restore Device 0x1b91ff40>: Restore failed (result = 1)

2011-10-15 18:25:33.000 iTunes[419:1373b]: iTunes: Restore error 1

2011-10-15 18:25:39.000 iTunes[419:40b]: device connected (isDFU = 0)

2011-10-15 18:25:39.000 iTunes[419:40b]: iTunes: SCEP 2

Oct 15, 2011 9:46 PM in response to MichaelBoyd

Question for you:

Was your 3G turned off when you attempted to upgrade to iOS 5? I ask because it appears that the baseband verification process is what's failing in my logs. I'm also troubled by this line:

BasebandSPIDevice::exitLowPower: Invalid state inactive

This is also in all my logs. I'm not a programmer or developer, but it seems weird that it would state: Invalid state for an inactive state.

Oct 16, 2011 1:49 AM in response to molachai

To answer your previous question, my 3G wasn't turned off. The same thought had occurred to me before, and I removed the SIM card before earlier failed restore but this had no effect. So I put the SIM back in and the eventual restore worked with this in place.

I had a total of 36 failed attempts, and it worked on the 37th time.

On attempt 36 though I did manually download the iPad1,1_5.0_9A334_Restore.ipsw file using a browser (search and you can find this quite easily) and then attempt the restore this by clicking alt-restore in itunes. I can't say if this had an effect or if it was just coincidence that attempt 37 succeeded with the file downloaded by itunes, but if you haven't tried it, it may be worth a shot.

My ipad was also always showing the connect to itunes logo, so was in the same state as yours. I forgot to mention that it was a 3G, 64Gb original ipad.

Oct 16, 2011 1:52 AM in response to Ezlivin

I have found a free program called iBackupBot. I got it off of cnet.com. This program allowed me to look at all of my contacts, notes and photos from the so called "back up does not exist" error message. I was able to copy and print out the items, I have not backedup anything yet, I'm gonna try that in the morning. I wanted to get this link out to all of you who are having problems with missing data. Good Luck to all of Us.


Oct 16, 2011 7:29 PM in response to Ezlivin


The problem is overloaded Apple servers. Trust me, I went through the whole rigamarole. Tried all the the fixes. Nothing worked. Then, hours later, I tried doing it the easy, old-fashioned way and it worked. Advice, then: take a deep breath, try, then try again. Better still, go off and watch the football game, walk the dog, read a book, and try again. Ideally, during a low peak hour. Presto! It'll work as advertised.

Oct 24, 2011 1:31 AM in response to michael3855

michael3855 wrote:

ok so now ive joined the unhappy that has his Ipad bricked by cannot resore error 1 after upgrading to os5... where i see lots of posts I have yet to see a usable answer... anyone?

Your description of the issue is very vague.

The following might be helpful to you:

http://support.apple.com/kb/index?page=search&src=support_site.results.disambigu ation&q=Restore%20errors%20using%20iPad#

iOS 5 - iPad could not be restored

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