wi-fi sync not working
Hi,have installed ios5 and ticked the wi-fi sync box in itunes,but my phone says sync will resume when computer (name) is available.thanks
iPhone 3GS, Windows 7
Hi,have installed ios5 and ticked the wi-fi sync box in itunes,but my phone says sync will resume when computer (name) is available.thanks
iPhone 3GS, Windows 7
same problem windows 7 tried stopping and restarting the apple mobile device service worked for me
I had this same problem, and this process worked for me. Thanks
Does resetting the service allow you to sync or does it just keep the device displayed in iTunes? When I tried it, the phone remained displayed but I couldn't sync.
Hi I have synced a few times since with no problems
For me it allows me to sync manually via wifi when Itunes is on and my phone is not connected to power. I have not determined yet if it will sync automatically when I plug it in this evening. The one thing I did after connecting the USB cable, setting the setting in Itunes to sync via wIFI, and doing a final sycn with the USB cable connected was to disconnect the phone without ejecting as one contributor suggested. After disconnecting, the iphone stll showed in the Ituned panel, and the sync now button worked on the iphone.
Tried everything and finally figured it out. Go to Control Panel>System and Security>Windows Firewall>Advanced Settings>Inbound Rules. Make sure all Bonjour Services and SyncServers are Green(Enabled) and also that they have both Private and Domain checked(double click, then go to advanced). Restart the computer and start iTunes, plug in the phone to power and it will sync.
Thanks Wkish 😀
I believe this could indeed be the problem that alot of people are facing, it looks like "apple mobile device service.exe" is not being run on itunes launch.
I've been searching for an answer into what the causes are, but still unable to find a solution. I've open ports, disabled my firewall completely, clean my windows registry after uninstalling itunes and then reinstalling a new copy... you name it I've done it in order to tackle this issue.
I then sit down today and read MORE forum reports from user having the same issue, to which I found you're method which supprised me as IT WORKED!
Apple need to make an adjustment in order for the above to run automaticity, the only way this works from what I can see is if you run it manually. Once it's run your itunes will indeed locate your device(s)
Please ensure the following:
You have iTunes running on your computer.
You have the "Sync over Wi-Fi checked" in the Itunes summary.
I am so very disapointed in apple. Tried everything. It just DOES NOT WORK. 😠
Itunes keeps kicken out my Ipad as soon as I start Wifi sync.
WiFi Sync FINALLY works for me.
Thanks to your suggestions, I stopped the "Apple Mobile Device" service and changed the Startup Type from "Automatic" to "Automatic (Delated Start)".
Now everything works as advertised.
Just for reference:
Windows 7 (64 bit)
iPad 1 running iOS 5
iPod 4 running iOS 4.3.3
iPod 2 running iOS 4.2.1
Of course WiFi sync only works with iOS 5, but I sync all these devices. The iPad remains in iTunes even when not connected with USB. When I shutdown iTunes and then restart it, the iPad appears in "Devices" automatically.
I'm at work at the moment but will help you fix your issue, it does work your just missing something!
What have you do so far to try and get it working?
Hey Dennis,
Follow my guide below as this should fix your issues...
[SOLVED] iTunes Syncing over Wi-Fi.
My devices:-
Below are the steps to ensure iTunes Syncing over Wi-Fi works.
1. Connect your iPhone/iPad with USB cable to Computer where iTunes installed.
2. Click the "Device" icon in iTunes and on "Summary" Page, ensure you have enabled the option "Sync over Wi-Fi iPhone/iPad”
3. Click “Apply” and then click “Sync” while your iPhone/iPad is connected via USB (This ensures that iTunes knows who to talk to for Syncing)
You should be still able to see your iPhone/iPad in iTunes, if not, follow the below steps:-
Ensure TCP ports 123 and 3689, as well as UDP ports 123 and 5353 are allowed through your firewall.
The below action is extremely important!
Ensure the service called "Apple Mobile Device.exe" is running (Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\AppleMobileDeviceService.exe)
If the above process is not running iTunes will be unable to locate your device, please be sure you set the above process to auto start on windows launch.
I was having the same problem with my new iPhone 4S (both of them) and did everything recommended in the support area. Called Applecare and while on hold, I found an article about an iPad not being recognized by iTunes, even while connected via USB. It recommended restarting the computer (not just iTunes, your router and your device). Well, I restarted the computer and voila! There were both my iPhone 4S's connected to iTunes wirelessly.
Anyways, just thought I'd add the comment: restart your computer, as well.
Hoping this helps.
rich_tea wrote:
OK. I have a Mac Pro 3.1 running Lion 10.7.2. I have a iPad 1 and iPhone 4 which both sync with Mac Pro. After update to iOS5, the iPad syncs wirelessly without any problem, but the iPhone 4 won't. Each time I select "Sync over Wifi" option then apply, but when I unplug the iPhone, it disappears from the list. I've tried to sync from the phone whilst plugged in to power - nothing happens, just times out or says "will sync when Mac Pro available". Have tried rebooting Time Capsule router, restoring iPhone from backup and even setting up as new phone after factory restore. Same thing happens. The iPad, however, continues to sync over wifi flawlessly.
Any ideas?!
I have a similar problem, except it's the other way around. My iPhone 4 syncs perfectly over Wifi and connects to Home Sharing on my MacBook Pro. It also syncs to services that offer wifi sync, like Things.
My iPad 1, however, isn't 'seen' in iTunes unless I connect via cable.
I have been researching this for days now and have tried everything I have found related to the issue.
My setup is iPhone 4, iPad 1, MacBook Pro.
I've tried everything I've been able to find about the problem.
-Rebooted iPad
-Rebooted Mac
-Rebooted Airport Extreme
-Ensured all devices are on the same network
-Ensured 'sync over wifi' is checked in iTunes
-Ensured Apple ID and password info are correct in the proper setting areas in the iPad
-Home Sharing is on (obviously, b/c the iPhone works perfectly)
-I set up my iPad as a completely new device and still couldn't get it to be recognized in iTunes without plugging it in
-I added my MAC address as a device on my Airport Extreme
-I only have an average grasp of how to modify my firewall, so rather than messing with it, I briefly turned it off and still no luck
I'm starting to wonder if there's a common app that's causing the problem for people experiencing this issue? Some sort of conflict or incompatibility with iOS 5?
I first noticed the problem when Things for Mac was recognizing my iPad as a device and tried to connect to it, but kept giving the "device did not respond" error message after trying to connect. Odd thing is, it works perfectly with my iPhone. Stranger still, I have a copy of Things for Mac on an iMac that's on the same network and it DOES recognize the iPad AND the iPhone. It works fine.
Tech Support at Cultured Code (Things) said I should install Apple Remote on my iPad to see if it would work with Home Sharing. When I launch Remote, it sees my iTunes library and tries to connect, but times out.
Most of the posts I've read across the Internet over the past days seem to think it's a firewall issue, but not if I've turned the firewall off, and not if it works perfectly for my iPhone.
I am totally lost as to what to do now.
Does anyone technical have any ideas as to why my iPad can see my iTunes library, but can't connect? And Things for Mac can see my iPad, but the iPad doesn't respond?
This is crazy...
Hi, I had 100% the same issue. I spent hours trying things/firewall/wifi/router..... The fix!!! uninstal iTunes and re install iTunes and then it worked WOHO!!!!
Let us all know if that worked for you:
Note: devices I have, win7 iPhone4
This same topic is all over on this forum. Here is a little help from me. It solved my problem.
try this
"Ensure TCP ports 123 and 3689, as well as UDP ports 123 and 5353 are allowed. Refer to this link for more help http://support.apple.com/kb/TS4062."
you have to go into security and firewall settings. dont turn the firewall off completely just open some ports on your inbound (windows 7) new rule port option and follow directions this is just for windows firewall (advanced option) i didnt touch my antivirus at all. you will have to enter two items, one for tcp and the other for udp. i enter a name like 'Wifi sync iTunes (mine)' so i can find it later. do it on your outbound as well. one thing is that on the outbound rules you have to change the default setting to allow connection. when you do inbound it is already checked. remember this is windows 7 firewall in the advanced settings; now under " Allow a program of feature through firewall" scroll down untill you see an option for "Wireless portable devices" and check the box for home/work. hit ok
now after that is done shut down iphone now shut off computer then unplug router ( main step missing!!!) now wait 15 seconds plug router in and wait untill all lights on. now you can power up iPhone and PC. open itunes and make sure you are connected to wifi on you iphone. it should be working i hope.
hope this helps some of you out there.
wi-fi sync not working