wi-fi sync not working
Hi,have installed ios5 and ticked the wi-fi sync box in itunes,but my phone says sync will resume when computer (name) is available.thanks
iPhone 3GS, Windows 7
Hi,have installed ios5 and ticked the wi-fi sync box in itunes,but my phone says sync will resume when computer (name) is available.thanks
iPhone 3GS, Windows 7
I've noticed that by just powering the iPhone off then on while iTunes is open fixes the problem. As long as the "sync over wifi" box is checked and that you have syned your phone at least once using the usb cord.
Try running the Remote App. Suddently my iPhone appears in iTunes and I can sync 🙂
When I power the phone off and on and then unplug, my iPhone does remain in iTunes, but when I go into settings and Wifi Sync, the button is disabled and says it will become available when my computer is.
Guys this is just buggy! I have a 4S with all modern components and ton of people are having the same issue. It will get patched eventually. Until then I wouldn't go crazy changing variables that you may not be able to track and revert and thus further compound your problem when they do fix it. I'm not doing surgery on the inards of my router or anything like that. My phone just suddenly appeared today in iTunes just when I was about to sail my laptop out of my highrise window in frustration!;) Hang in there. Go old school and use the umbilicus until the issue gets permanently fixed:)
guys it is buggy a little but if you read my past 'how to' it does work. just make sure that you have those three items worked out first in itunes with iphone connected via USB here they are (sync this iphone over wifi, open itunes when this iphone is connected, and the other one in the preferences under devices make sure it is unchecked the item that says prevent ipods and such from automatically syncing.....)@ holmesmd i am not telling you to do anything in the router at all this is all in windows firewall. it takes about 30 seconds to add in four items into the firewall. (it is even on the Apple support in my link earlier post) ok but the main thing to do is unplug modem and router shut off pc and iphone ( in that order) now in this order after 30 seconds turn on modem wait till all lights are on, now plug in router. wait till all lights are on , now you can power up pc and iphone.. you should see itunes open automatically now when your phone is connected wifi so make sure that is on. so dont open itunes manually just let windows start and after about 30 seconds you should see it open, now after a few more seconds your phone should pop up in itunes. now some people are seeing there phone in itunes without cable but once they hit the sync button on there phone it just stops. that is most likely a firewall blocking information and that is why i posted the earlier how to; so if that is your problem just follow my previous post and the link for more help. i am on windows 7 64 bit btw.
oh and just remember that if this does happen to you again in the future just do the unplugging sequence and that does fix a lot of issues with wireless units. and just follow the sequence is the main thing. and sometimes renewing lease helps; on your iphone in wifi settings on your iphone and you hit the little blue icon to the right of your connected network and at bottom just click on renew lease. This never helped me really but just thought ild throw it out there.
MacLombie wrote:
rich_tea wrote:
OK. I have a Mac Pro 3.1 running Lion 10.7.2. I have a iPad 1 and iPhone 4 which both sync with Mac Pro. After update to iOS5, the iPad syncs wirelessly without any problem, but the iPhone 4 won't. Each time I select "Sync over Wifi" option then apply, but when I unplug the iPhone, it disappears from the list. I've tried to sync from the phone whilst plugged in to power - nothing happens, just times out or says "will sync when Mac Pro available". Have tried rebooting Time Capsule router, restoring iPhone from backup and even setting up as new phone after factory restore. Same thing happens. The iPad, however, continues to sync over wifi flawlessly.
Any ideas?!
I have a similar problem, except it's the other way around. My iPhone 4 syncs perfectly over Wifi and connects to Home Sharing on my MacBook Pro. It also syncs to services that offer wifi sync, like Things.
My iPad 1, however, isn't 'seen' in iTunes unless I connect via cable.
I have been researching this for days now and have tried everything I have found related to the issue.
My setup is iPhone 4, iPad 1, MacBook Pro.
I've tried everything I've been able to find about the problem.
-Rebooted iPad
-Rebooted Mac
-Rebooted Airport Extreme
-Ensured all devices are on the same network
-Ensured 'sync over wifi' is checked in iTunes
-Ensured Apple ID and password info are correct in the proper setting areas in the iPad
-Home Sharing is on (obviously, b/c the iPhone works perfectly)
-I set up my iPad as a completely new device and still couldn't get it to be recognized in iTunes without plugging it in
-I added my MAC address as a device on my Airport Extreme
-I only have an average grasp of how to modify my firewall, so rather than messing with it, I briefly turned it off and still no luck
I'm starting to wonder if there's a common app that's causing the problem for people experiencing this issue? Some sort of conflict or incompatibility with iOS 5?
I first noticed the problem when Things for Mac was recognizing my iPad as a device and tried to connect to it, but kept giving the "device did not respond" error message after trying to connect. Odd thing is, it works perfectly with my iPhone. Stranger still, I have a copy of Things for Mac on an iMac that's on the same network and it DOES recognize the iPad AND the iPhone. It works fine.
Tech Support at Cultured Code (Things) said I should install Apple Remote on my iPad to see if it would work with Home Sharing. When I launch Remote, it sees my iTunes library and tries to connect, but times out.
Most of the posts I've read across the Internet over the past days seem to think it's a firewall issue, but not if I've turned the firewall off, and not if it works perfectly for my iPhone.
I am totally lost as to what to do now.
Does anyone technical have any ideas as to why my iPad can see my iTunes library, but can't connect? And Things for Mac can see my iPad, but the iPad doesn't respond?
This is crazy...
After days of trying everything I read to fix the issue of my iPad not connecting (or syncing) wirelessly with iTunes on my Mac, I FINALLY fixed it last night. My wireless sync works perfectly and I'm back up and running with Things and Apple Remote.
Here's a recap of what I was experiencing:
iTunes would sync over wi-fi with my wife's iPhone and iPad, as well as my iPhone. It just wouldn't sync my iPad over wi-fi. When I connected with the cable, it showed up fine, but as soon as I disconnected the cable, the iPad "disappeared." Furthermore, my iPad could "see" my iTunes library in Apple Remote, but it would time out when trying to actually connect. Same with Things for Mac.
My Setup
Mac OS X Lion
Airport Extreme
iPhone 4
iPad 1
The Solution (for me)
I'm not sure exactly which of the following activities fixed it, as I did them all in the same general time, prior to testing my connection. But they're all simple, so if all of the "easy fixes" don't work for you (e.g. "sync this iPad in iTunes" is checked in iTunes), give these steps a try.
After the network reboots, try connecting to your library in Apple Remote on your iPad (if you have it) or see if iTunes on your computer now recognizes your device.
For me, after my router rebooted VIA THE iPAD, I was immediately connected. I didn't have to reconnect via cable to iTunes or anything, and Apple Remote worked instantly.
For Windows PC Users
Even though I'm running Apple across the board, you may want to try "Forget this Network" on your problem device, even in a mixed environment, then reboot your router. My iPad was showing up on the proper network and I had previously rebooted my computer, iPad, and router multiple times. Only after actually forgetting and reconnecting to the network was I able to sync up.
Hopefully this post helps save someone the incredible frustration that it's caused me.
Good luck!
I followed all the instructions given by our experts here.
The challenge is I see 2 entries for my laptop in my IPad under General->iTunes WiFi Sync
I am not sure how the 2 entries were done fo the same laptop.
So how do I get remove (one of) the devices from there?
Thank you....
your solution worked for me..although I stillsee 2 entires for the laptop my wifi sync is working.
I only follwed steps until i had to select the same WiFi after we did the Forget This Network option. did not have to go further.
appreciate the help..
I've had this problem form the start, through all the ios 5 betas etc. Wifi sync works occasionally, but generally I can't get my iPhone to appear in iTunes unless connected via USB cable.
I've updated iTunes, Firewall settings (both on my Windows 7 (x64) PC, and my Billion BiPAC 7800N router), checked umpteen tick-boxes etc etc.
What I've noticed is that it will occasionally work after a fresh install etc. But after a short period of time, iTunes seems to loose the iPhone, and it never reappears over the network connection.
Bonjour service is working fine etc.
I have another theory, which I'd like to run past this forum: Could the problem be conflicts with other Apple 'Bonjour' services running on the same network? I have an Airport Express (used for streaming to speakers in another room) and Apple TV (1st Gen) on my network too.
When I do a complete refresh of the system, I tend to shut everything down (including all hardwear mentioned), reboot the router, reinstall iTunes etc. Wifi Sync then works. Perhaps it stops working when I later reconnect either the AppleTV or Airport Express to the same network...?
I'm at work at the moment so can't test my theory. Just wonder if any of you learned folks might have an opinion on this theory...
vertigo1972 wrote:
I've had this problem form the start, through all the ios 5 betas etc. Wifi sync works occasionally, but generally I can't get my iPhone to appear in iTunes unless connected via USB cable.
I've updated iTunes, Firewall settings (both on my Windows 7 (x64) PC, and my Billion BiPAC 7800N router), checked umpteen tick-boxes etc etc.
What I've noticed is that it will occasionally work after a fresh install etc. But after a short period of time, iTunes seems to loose the iPhone, and it never reappears over the network connection.
Bonjour service is working fine etc.
I have another theory, which I'd like to run past this forum: Could the problem be conflicts with other Apple 'Bonjour' services running on the same network? I have an Airport Express (used for streaming to speakers in another room) and Apple TV (1st Gen) on my network too.
When I do a complete refresh of the system, I tend to shut everything down (including all hardwear mentioned), reboot the router, reinstall iTunes etc. Wifi Sync then works. Perhaps it stops working when I later reconnect either the AppleTV or Airport Express to the same network...?
I'm at work at the moment so can't test my theory. Just wonder if any of you learned folks might have an opinion on this theory...
I'm running an all-Apple system, but in searching for a solution to my problem I came across many references to a conflict with one of the components of Bonjour on Win systems, as well as a lot of firewall issues. I think even a few in this thread?
In any case, try this thread (scroll down to Tad09):
and here's a more structured article that helped a lot of people. Be sure to read some of the suggestions in the comments at the end:
http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/18359/troubleshooting-itunes-wi-fi-sync-problems- in-windows/
Good luck!
First off, thanks to those reading this thread, and the really good suggestions posted above.
I tackled the problem again last night, and finished as infuriated as ever...
- I disconnected Airport Express and Apple TV from the network (they're wired in via the HomePlug AV network);
- Rebooted the PC / Router / iPhone.
- I checked that all services were running as required, firewall settings etc. I found a couple of windows network - related services were disabled, so enabled these.
lo' and behold, my iPhone appeared in iTunes via WiFi. Bingo! Or so I thought... I reboot the PC, to check it's not a fluke, and yep, iPhone's still there in iTunes via WiFi.
So now, I reconnect my AppleTV and reboot everything. Now, no iPhone in iTunes via WiFi. Things are looking good for my theory.
Disconnect AppleTV again, and reboot.... Guess what, no iPhone in iTunes. Couldn't get it to appear. Repeated reboots, settings and services checks. Nothing.
It's infuriating. My set up is nothing unusual. My router (Billion Bipac 7800N with up-to-date firmware) is considered one of the best. iTunes works fine with HomeSharing. Bonjour services show up on my iPhone using the Discover and iNet apps.
It's driving me potty - which is ridiculous, I know, because I've survived perfectly well with my iPhone for years without any wifi sync. It's just when you're technically minded (set up my own network, built my own PC etc), to have something as basic not work is really annoying.
Any other suggestions?
Yeah it is batty. But you just gotta deal with it for an update. Mine works but had to reboot router and shut everything off and on. Works good. It will open and be available in iTunes for syncing for a few minutes then it just locks u out and says looking for iPhone then iPhone Dissapears in iTunes. Then all I have to do is close iTunes and restart iTunes. Then it will work for a few minutes. But it seems that when your phone goes into lock mode it disconnects from iTunes and you gotta keep restarting iTunes. For now stop trying to pull Ur hair out on this. For the amount of time your trying to spend to fix the issue and write these posts. Just connect the cable. Haha
I didn't try to Set my iPhone to never lock and see if that will work. Maybe worth a shot
Just let's wait for an update
I have tried everything in the posts,but still only get it to work sometimes,hopefully a solution from apple or an update will come soon,its crazy really cos you need computer on and itunes open to sync over wifi,is it really that important!!!.its just a case of its there to use so i want it to work,when it does i probably wont use it much.
Right after I updated my iPhone 4 and iPad to IOS 5, wifi sync worked. Then - without any changes - it stopped.
I discovered that the sync over wifi check box had become mysteriously unchecked in iTunes. Upon rechecking it, wifi over sync resumed without trouble until today when my iPhone mysteriously disappeared from iTunes. My iPad remained.
When I connect with a cable, the iPhone appears, but disconnecting the cable causes it to disappear - this NEVER happened until today.
The sync over wifi box is CHECKED.
I have searched Apple support for a fix, but only come upon threads like this. I guess it's not worth trying to troubleshoot given how long this thread is.
Restarting my iMac restored sync from wi-fi in my case.
wi-fi sync not working