Sorry Iv been out of the country and unable to reply.
The reason I have yet to do the upgrade to iOS-5 is the mess with iCloud.
I have had an e-mail address with Apple since the days of DotMac ( Then comes iTunes and a new AppleID. When MobileMe came alone we changed to both & All of sudden I have my e-mail addresses and a new iTunes name.
Because I work and live in more than one country I have multiple iTunes accounts (US, UK, Australia, France and Germany). Remember, you cannot buy music, videos and even worse now Apps from another country. I end up with one iTunes, but 5 separate AppleID's attached to local addresses and e-mail accounts.
When I added my MacBookAir to my MacBookPro and then addes an iPhone to the mix things became very complicated. Apple always wants to use your AppleID to set up any device. In my spot because I travel ... which of those names is my 'real' AppleID?
Use the wrong one and the device does not understand who you are when you attempt to use it with another AppleID.
It took me weeks when I upgraded to my current unlocked iPhone4 to get it working. I would continually get authorised user if it had the wrong AppleID set.
Apple needs to rename it's terms. Because no one that I know of only has 1 AppleID.
I keep getting different information from different people even from Apple. Do I go to iCloud with my AppleID that was originally my DotMac user name or do I use one of the other AppleID's that is attached to a specific country? Do the wrong one and I risk losing years âš of e-mails or history to iTunes.