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iOS 5 Music.app on iPad doesn't support audiobook chapters

The "new" Music.app on iOS 5 on iPad does not support viewing of Audiobook (.m4b / .aa) chapters and their titles. Nor does it provide for direct selection of chapters. This is a loss of functionality compared with the iPod.app on iOD 4.3 on iPad. The prior app provided a means of viewing the chapters and their titles and the direct selection of a desired chapter.

The current Music.app does provide for the user to tap the fast forward / backward buttons to skip to chapter marks but there is no display of the chapter title for a selection so there;s no useful way to know where one is in the Audiobook. Further, Audiobooks frequently contain 10s of chapters in a segment (usually limited to around 100 MB / segment (track if you prefer) by Audible).

The iPhone (and I presume iPod Touch) version of the Music.app retains the chapter viewing and selection functionality from previous iOS 4.3. Only the iPad version of the app has lost the functionality.

Without viewing of chapters and their titles and direct selection of chapters, Audiobooks in the Music.app are basically unusable on the iPad.

I filed a bug report on this as a regression - since it is functionality that was present (and still is on the iPhone) and is now lost.

iPad 2, iOS 5.0 (9A334)

Posted on Oct 12, 2011 9:47 PM

187 replies

Jan 9, 2012 9:19 PM in response to Rikki88

Rikki88: We're talking at cross purposes here. My previous post clearly indicates that I understand completely the operation of the current Audible app as far as the "My Library" features are concerned.

What you are not appreciating is that there are a significant number of persons who have non-Audible audiobooks and that there is no means of adding these non-Audible audiobooks to the Audible app's local space. Audible does not present a means of uploading non-Audible audiobooks to "My Library" and there is no facility for loading the audiobooks via iTunes or via, e.g., PhoneDisk.

So restricting one's attention to "My Library" is not a solution at all.

Jan 9, 2012 9:38 PM in response to xristy

Ditto to xristy. Several of you have posted helpful suggestions to address our concerns. Please know they are greatly appreciated. However, many have stated the same thing I want:

1) I want Apple to un-break the Music app.

2) These desired functions have already been written in previous versions of the OS.

3) These functions STILL exist; the code is on the iPhone, which works just fine, and

4) Just give us what already exists.

I am currently working around this problem by playing my audiobooks and podcasts on my phone, but I would rather play them on my iPad.

Just so we don't forget: If you have not done so already, post your complaint at Apple iPad Feedback.

Jan 9, 2012 9:54 PM in response to anmorton

To Anmorton & Xristy:

I fully understand the frustration. I was just reiterating a viable option for those who have Audible titles. I recognize and stated that this is not the solution we all seek. It is indeed maddening and for those who have non-Audile titles even more so… just trying to offer help to anyone reading not familiar with the Audible App.

I personally perfer to listen to my audiobooks on my iPhone (or iPod) but I want the option to use iPad as well — I remain committed to our common cause.

Jan 9, 2012 10:38 PM in response to xristy

Well just to let every one know I'm now typing this on my iphone4 as I know longer own an iPad it has now been collected and I am awaiting a full refund as of my last conversation with apple express lane help there is no news that they have been informed of an apple patch or iOS update for all the problems that have come about since iOS 5 in fact all they have been advised to do now is advise people to down load and use audiable might have spelt that wrong sorry but you know the app I'm talking about the person I was talking to said that this is a pop up on their help screen that actually says to advise using this app this is what prompted me in the end to return the iPad because it's a clear sign as far as I am concerned that I believe apple have no intention of sorting this out when you think it's not going to be to long before the next iPad is out it would cost apple to much to build an iOS for the iPad/iPad2 and then have what must be a new iOS for the new iPad to make it look all shinny and new to attract people to buy it when you look at the market for tablets you can see that the iPad no longer stands head and shoulders above the rest and this year we are going to see a lot more on the market like for example the kindle fire which comes in at a 3rd of the price as future prices for it stand at the moment in fact there's nothing the iPad can do that most of the other new tablets can't do plus they have more for example hdmi slots USB slots expansion slots front and rear cams with cheaper pricing it's gotten to the point now that apple know people will buy there products after years of turning out well made well thought of products they are now just sitting back raking in the money and not caring about the little people mr jobs I bet would be turning flips in his grave knowing what people are starting to realise and think about when it comes to apple products I for one will not buy another apple product again this iPhone I'm typing on is the newest and last apple product I will ever own again final and that's only because I got it free.

Sorry no punctuation I'm very dyslexic plus typing on the iPhone doesn't lead well to it any way as you need to continually go to the second keyboard screen to reach the punctuation buttons another flaw where does it end when we all send our apple products back and demand satisfaction.

I wish every who wants to stick it out with apple through some sense of loyalty all the very best with you're not so great iPad you'll wish you had sent it back when you see I'm right and the new iPad comes out with a new iOS that I bet won't be backwards compatible with the iPad just the same as happened with the iPhone.

Jan 9, 2012 10:54 PM in response to csayce

Thank you for the post. It would be really great if you could pose the situation to the Apple Express Lane person that the Audible app simply does not substitute for the loss of functionality by the damaged iPad Music app and see if that can wind its way up the chain to Apple engineering that they can't just shuck and jive and push the problem off on Audible. Also the Apple Express Lane solution of an RTA is not available in the US as far as I understand the situation.

Jan 10, 2012 12:51 PM in response to xristy

Once more I posted the following on http://www.apple.com/feedback/ipad.html

"Since your latest operating system update to IOS5, the audiobook chapters are all scrambled on my iPad when playing through Music - it jumps around and nothing I do (even changing the names of 800 chapters to be numerically sequential) makes any difference. This is ONLY happening on the iPad! not on my iTouch or on my iPhone. it's only with my iPad. very frustrating and disappointing!

When anyone asks if I like my iPad - this is something I tell them - and suggest they don't buy one until this is fixed!"

Of course they thanked me and assurred me that the comments are 'reviewed by the iPad Team' I'd like a few minutes to explain to the 'iPad team' how frustrated and unhappy we all are!

Jan 10, 2012 1:52 PM in response to xristy

I gave up and cannot trust the Apple anymore.

iPhone - SOLD

iPod Classic and Touch - SOLD

ipad 1 - SOLD

iPad 2 - SOLD 😟

And my biggest annoyance is my move to Linux, but getting used to it, Ubuntu and Mint at the moment (not being a gamer I suppose it is easier). Resurected an old PC for the purpose.

iMac 27" - SOLD 😟

eBay FTW. Got very good prices! Apart from some odd and sods of accessories, I have left the Apple ecosystem.

Good luck to all those who wish to keep trying and waiting for a reply or action from Apple 😠

Jan 19, 2012 8:59 AM in response to xristy

I purchased additional apps to try to get this feature. Bookmark, Audiobooks.. they are iPhone Apps but I figured maybe.... Not only do they not show chapters, they don't support advance to chapters and they often messup the built in music app even more.

So its not just Apple's app.

I purchased Audiobook Builder app on my Mac which does a great job of transferring CDs into a convenient chapter marked format. That works great on the iphone and in iTunes... but not the ipad.


Jan 19, 2012 9:12 AM in response to RochNYguy

PS. I have Audible and love it's app. However I also get Audiobooks on CD at the library. Their app undersatndably does not allow me to upload library books. Of course I would use the app and cancel my subscription.

There are work-arounds here for people to use. You can puchase iTunes match and have all the individual tracks uploaded from CDs imported to iTunes. Of coure this will take a health chunk of your 25,000 book limit. You can remove them... but to a hoarder like me, that's painful.

The bottom line is, if it works on iPhone and iPod Touch... it should work on iPad. Apple, make it happen.

Jan 19, 2012 9:24 AM in response to xristy

Well I got my full refund for my returned ipad1 ,3G 64gig today plus the refund of the apple care that I paid for too and as I said in my last post about apple not going to do any thing about this problem with chapters because there is no way they are going to spend money on IOS 5 when the iPad 3 will be coming out this year well from what I was reading today they have started production on the iPad 3 ready for a march launch with what looks like IOS6 to be out the following month so I'm glad I sent mine back and have the full refund like I did advise others to do so as well as there are even pipe dream talks of iPad 4 as early as August???? Which as you can see now there will never be a fix for this fault it will be swept under the carpit return you're iPads while you can that's the only fix you are going to get that truly works.

Feb 2, 2012 12:22 AM in response to cesscrapaf

Hi cesscrapaf I had taken out the extended warrenty about three months before my 12 warrenty ran out I also called them 12 months to the day I purchased it to tell them that due to a change in the devices capabilities and a restriction enforced on the device through apple and the fore that through no fault of my own apple had changed the terms of sale and contract through not given me the choice wether I wished to upgrade to the newer IOS because this update was enforced on me when I did a system restore in effect rendering the now Apple IPad not the same item that I paid for with this in mind I am fully with in my rights to return the product as it is now either falls under the catagory as faulty by design or that it is no longer the same product I purchased from apple because of a forced modification imposed by apple the device no longer is capable of the requirements it was purchased for and is advertised as.

I bought my iPad over the phone through Apple.com I also got a refund on the extended warrenty too though I paid £69 I got refunded £57.12 as they said I had used the service to report the fault and that I was using it also to inform them that I was returning the iPad.

I have since had two PDF receipts from Apple one for the full amount of £699 for the iPad the other for the extended warrenty of £57.12.

Plus as it has taken them so long to issue the refund for the iPad having all ready tecoeved the refund for the extended warrenty they have also issued a good will gesture of a further £20.

I find in matters like these you need to brush up on you civil rights as a consumer plus the rights of the seller too don't go in head strong shouting you want this with no flexibility be polite but at the same time don't let them tell you how it's going to be at the end of it all you are talking to another human being on the other end of the phone brush up on you're civil rights write them down in chronological order with the names of each act plus date of act and also revisions that may have been made to these acts have them highlighted in front of you also with the wording of the acts for each one because to use these acts you must show you know what act is for what and that you understand it at the same time when talking to a customer service person don't just spout of all the acts you have written down quote a couple and see what the reply is first if they then them selfs try to counter then use the other laws and acts you have if you get no where still demand to speak to their line manager even if you have to go to a different department if the person you're talking to is just being bull headed and not listening to you proofing you're legal rights if you live in the UK inform them that you feel that you are getting no where with them and contact consumer standards who will try to help you and then if they feel the need to they will then escalate it up to Trading Standards.

These laws and acts in the most do apply to buying over the counter too they are slightly different but not to much so that you won't be able to understand them you can read all you need to and find all these laws and acts plus revisions for the sales of goods in the UK at gov.org plus you can also go visit you're local citizens advice bureau and ask them to help you with finding out what you're legal rights are as a consumer plus really look in to you're rights a terms of length of time to return bought products you will be very supprised I wish you all the best.

I'm now thinking of buying the ASUS prime mk2 only £500 and has all the iPad has but come with all the iPad2 should have come with and less money to pay too that should keep me till the end of the year when the IPad4 is ear marked for a Christmas release which I think will be the first time Apple have done a Christmas release but to be honest I'm not 100% sure that it is a first it's just that I don't remember Apple doing it with some thing as big as what the IPad is to the gadge world.

btw big rumours the IPad3 is going to be alot more expensive than even the original IPad Apple commented on the facts that the components cost more i.e better screen, ports of some Discription added, faster chips, more RAM supposedly a 3D cam though I'm thinking that if this is so the price of the next IPad is going to beyond most of the avg persons pocket also another thing that the rumour mill has been talking about is that the IPad3 will be alot thicker than the IPad2 because they are having to use a more powerful battery to cope with the demands of all the new goodies packed into the IPad3.

So still no flash to get decent use out of the iPad you need to buy 3rd party apps to try and run aspects of the IPad that should run freely i.e audiobook chapters and the decent apps need to make the IPad really work and make it more than just an expensive flat square MP3 player that you might pick up once in a while to read a few chapters from a book these apps cost quite a bit and I personally am yet to use an app on the IPad freely with out it some times freezing up, crashing back to home screen, plain and simple won't load up or you recieve and update and the app has changed so much that it's no longer the app for you or after update all the previous faults with Apple apps start to now happen its a massive gamble each time you choose to upgrade or are forced to upgrade as with the biggie fault and why we are all talking and reading in this forum the upgrade and I use that term very lightly "upgrade" to IOS5.

The return and refund was the best thing I ever did with an Apple product and I advise all who have botherd to follow this topic/thread to do them selfs return you're IPads show Apple they can't treat their customers like that swept under the carpit.

I wish you all every one of you with an IPad still the very very best of luck with it.

Feb 21, 2012 1:38 PM in response to xristy

FYI: Go to xristy's first post after signing in and click "I have this question too" link at the bottom of the post.

Reading csayce's final post has prompted my next effort to resolve these audiobook issues. I went to the nearest Apple Store again. This time I requested to speak with the store manager upon arriving at the store. Of course, only an admin (tech supervisor?) was available. At all times I was calm and respectful, never jovial, joking, sarcastic or angry. After demonstrating the problem again to three techs (they thought these were setting issues), and convincing them that these were problems pushed out by Apple, she began using customer no-support double-talk to, as she put it, "give you a correct level of expectation," since the retail store did not really have "any involvement with software development or deployment decisions." I expressed a need to quickly resolve these issues, as my warranty was almost expired. I told her that I wanted either the OS files for iOS 4.3.2 and a loader to install it on my iPad or a refund for my iPad. I informed her that I needed to leave for about an hour and a half, that I wanted her to contact whomever she could and offer me options for resolving these issues when I returned. She again began trying to lower my "expectations" and I requested that she also communicate my intention to pursue a claim in small claims court if we could not find any solution. She immediately stopped trying to work with me and said she would have to contact the legal department. I then left and returned at the indicated time. I was now able to speak to a manager, who offered no help and told me to contact apple.com/legal. I am currently trying to find something on that page that will tell me where to go next. I looks like I am going to start calling corporate phone numbers.

For those that do not know, citizens of the US are able to file small civil suits in small claims courts. The limits are set by each state and are usually in the area of $5000 and $7500. You will need to find Apple's agent for service of process to identify who should receive the court summons.

More to come....

Mar 8, 2012 6:13 AM in response to xristy

I think the chapter problem is partially fixed in ios 5.1 for podcasts. I updated to iOS 5.0 just before a trip to London. I was so upset because the Rick Steves London Audio Tours would no longer do chapters and show the pictures during the podcast. With iOS 5.1, I can now jump to the next chapter in a podcast (although I don't see a list of chapter names) and if I press the podcast icon next to the podcast progress bar, I can now see the pictures associated with each chapter. This is definately an improvement, however, it would be better if there was a way to display the chapter titles. Also the "Playlists" tab still doesn't allow video content to be listed. The "Playlists" tab only lists songs. I did find a Video Playlist app for 0.99 called "SquareEyes" which looks to be a suitable work around for creating multiple video play lists.

iOS 5 Music.app on iPad doesn't support audiobook chapters

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