iOS 5 iPhone update Ringtones won't sync
After the 10.5 update and the iOS5 update on my iPhone my ringtones won't sync! Anyone else have this issue?
iPhone 4
After the 10.5 update and the iOS5 update on my iPhone my ringtones won't sync! Anyone else have this issue?
iPhone 4
Tell me about it.
I'm so irritated.
yes, it seems that this upgrade is very very buggy. In addition to no ringtones, the whole iphone runs much slower. this upgrade could have been made by Windows. it's almost as bad as the new OS, Lion. Be forewarned about upgrading to Lion, too. It's got major issues. Reminds me of when microsoft came out with Vista, and people delyed for years the upgrade. Maybe it's what happens when companies have a monopoly.
thank you...have tried everything everyone has suggested without positive result. bought the ringtone from itunes no less. have recited alphbet backwards while standing on my head...NOTHING WORKS...very frustrating for a balckberry alum!!
I had the same problem. All of my ringtones were custom made with a much older version of iTunes. As soon as I downloaded iOS5 to my iPhone 4 only two of the ringtones would sync. I tried everything but nothing would work. I just attempted what was listed above (uncheck all tones, sync, re-check the tones then sync again). My ringtones sync fine now.
This has been stressing me out all day. I read all the suggestions and nothing worked until I went under Run Diagnostics under Help and it fixed the issues with the ringtones not synching. All my ringtones are now on the iphone and they are saved to the right people I assigned them too. I hope it works for others as well.
I tried most of the solutions presented above. None worked for me.
This was my PROBLEM: After upgrading to iOS 5 and running iTunes 10.5, my ringtones were not showing on my phone. However, they were still on my iTunes. They were purchased from iTunes (no custom tones). In iTunes, under "devices", ringtones were listed but with an exclamation point next to them and they would not play. They were also not listed in my ringtones in "settings" on my iPhone.
Here was the SOLUTION: On my PC, in iTunes, under "Help", I ran a diagnostic test. After all completed successfully, in iTunes>Ringtones (not on my devices), I made sure I still had my ringtones FIRST. Then under devices>iphone>ringtones, I deleted the ringtones which were listed with an exclamation point next to them (which all of them had an ! next to them). Then under the iTunes ringtones I checked all the ringtones, highlighted them and dragged them over to my device ringtones tab on the left. Viola!!
It sounds like there are several different solutions. Hope this one helps someone!
How were you able to delete the ringtones from the device after running the diagnostic test? If I right-click one (or all) ringtones it doesn't give me an option to delete the ringtones.
worked great!! Thanks a ton!spent the better part of a day trying different things and i thought i did that, but i think i missed the apply/sync when i unchecked
tevabetnike, I made sure the ringtones were checked and then I used ctrl, left-click on the mouse to highlight all of them. Then, anywhere in the blue highlighted area, right-click. Delete was an option in the pop up panel. I know it sounds like a very manual and ancient way to do it, but it's the only thing that worked.
Yep... not cool ... not Apple like...
Anyway, I unchecked ringtones in iTues... sync... then, re-checked ringtones (always still in iTues, ) and sync -- and WaLa... my ringtones downloaded and sync. But I had to re-apply to the appropriate contacts... for me not too many so not a problem... but not very Apple like.
The same thing happened to me. After reading the posts here I did what someone suggested, unchecked all my ringtones, synced again, then checked them all, synced again, and it worked like a charm. Hope that helps!!
Thanks for the tip. Worked first time and kept me and the mother in law happy. Kudos to you! 😀
This solution still DOES NOT work for me. My ringtones were purchases from apple on Itunes on the PC, then uploaded to my phone. after the 5.0 OS they WILL NOT UPLOAD to the phone. I have tried the un-check and re-check and snyc it doesnt work. I can purchase new ringtones and they work but the older purchases dont work. I see them but CANNT get them on the phone again.
Hi everyone, new here. I read through all of these and tried everything with no positive results. I tried sync with iTunes regular, wifi, check and unchecking custom ringtones with resync. Nothing was working.
This is what I did. I deleted all the tones in my ringtone folder. Then I ran a sync. After the sync it completely removed my ringtone folder from the sidebar. I then went to file>add file to library and chose the ringtone file(s) I wanted. This created a new ringtone folder, synced the file(s) and changer the file(s) from greyed out to regular. I went to phone settings>sounds>ringtone and there they were.
Hope this helps a few of you.
I unchecked all my ringtones synced and recheck the rigntone and resynced and then I had my rightones.
iOS 5 iPhone update Ringtones won't sync