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Iphone 3GS slow after update to iOS 5

After updated to iOS 5 my Iphone 3GS became generel slow.

Graphics and starting apps are slow. Some apps have now up to 10-15 seconds start time.

I thought closing the Iphone and restart clould help, but NO.

Yeah, like OS windows upstarts. 😁

Ok. processor not the same as new Iphone 4s.

I started to regret my update to iOS5.

iPhone 3GS, iOS 5

Posted on Oct 13, 2011 11:01 PM

503 replies

Feb 12, 2012 10:27 AM in response to mc.lauwers



You ever put up with a 3GS that isn't equipped to work properly with IOS5 or u get the later model (which is superb).

I've concluded after over 500 posts about the sluggish ios5 on older iPhones that these forums are a waste of time. Apple aren't interested.

So upgrade or put up with it. Sorry if that sounds harsh but it's the cold hard truth.

Sent from an iPhone that works properly.

Feb 12, 2012 10:46 AM in response to Honeycroft

Thank you for your prompt reply 😎

However iTunes should have warned about ios05 not being OK for 3GS ... I wouldn't have cared to keep ios4, alike that I am still working with WindowsXP on my private PC (as well as on our professional laptop for an American company with over 11000 employees WW... the most stable OS ever).

It is just an UNETHICAL way of doing business by Apple, that's also the hard cold truth.

Though I am fond of Apple, my first machine was a FAT MAC (512 K) during mid eighties, a wonderful machine at that time, just the best. Then I stopped to use/buy apple as no introduction of apple into the professional world, and 25 years later I got back to apple and purchased an iPod classic, then iPhone 3GS, and now iPad. ...

have a nice day


Feb 12, 2012 1:45 PM in response to Honeycroft

Honeycroft, I agree with you on the analysis not on the conclusion: Apple doesn't care, sure, so the only "solution" is to upgrade or switch. But, sorry, I won't buy an Apple product again. I switched to Windows Phone 7 and it is a great platform, and WP8 looks absolutely awesome.

Oh, BTW, I'm a professional consultant, working with major banks and financial institutions in Europe and North America. I'm active in several IT professional organizations and projects. I've helped developing and deploying applications used by 20,000+ users. So this little story won't go unheard among my customers and my social networks. Quoting Alec Baldwin from Pearl Harbour "it'll only be a pinprick... but it'll be straight through their hearts."

Feb 12, 2012 2:07 PM in response to Sir W

I agree. Actually, I don't think Apple gives a darn about what the customers think.

My diagnosis is this:

- iOS 5.0.1 is too bloated to run properly on a 3GS - it needs the extra capability of the iPhone 4S.

- Hence the "upgrade" to 5.0.1 should never have been offered to 3GS users. Apple probably knew that. We may have missed a couple of new features, but we'd have had functional devices.

- Reverting to the previous iOS would fix the problem, but Apple has policies about what they will allow their customers to do, and reverting isn't on the list.

Each customer has three choices: buy a new iPhone 4S and junk the 3GS; put up with the lousy performance of the 3GS; buy something different.

As someone who is involved with customer relationships, my conclusion is the same as Sir W's: never again will I part with money for an Apple product. I will also tell my contacts about the cavalier attitude taken by Apple, and advise them likewise.

Feb 16, 2012 6:14 AM in response to MobyRickard

The part where apple doesn't try to hide the fact that they are intentionally making the 3G slow is pretty bad. The solution isn't really a solution at all folks, in support and user terms - this *****. Even the iPad 1 performance is now worse than any other computer device I’ve ever used and is less than 2 years old. Its actually a completely inefficient product now. How did that happen in 2 years.

Feb 18, 2012 2:36 PM in response to KeithPJ

KeithPJ, just to put another opinion out there, because it seems my personal exeperience is very different from yours:

You say: "iOS 5.0.1 is too bloated to run properly on a 3GS - it needs the extra capability of the iPhone 4S."

My experience: iOS5 runs just fine on 3GS with no slowdowns - just occasionally maybe when there are too many background apps stacked up (possibly a bug in background memory maagement, which should be easily fixed, but really isn't a big deal anyhow).

You say: "the "upgrade" to 5.0.1 should never have been offered to 3GS users. Apple probably knew that. We may have missed a couple of new features, but we'd have had functional devices."

My experience: I'm delighted that I didn't have to do a hardware upgrade in order to acess all the new features, especially iCloud.

I know that some people in some circumstances are experiencing performance issues with iOS5 on 3GS and I don't mean to make light of that. I just think that the stridency of the complaints need balance with a voice for the silent majority who are perfectly happy with the iOS5-3GS pairing.

Feb 18, 2012 4:13 PM in response to polarbreeze1

Are you kidding me? What silent majority? It takes only one ruined 3GS to say that this upgrade is a disgrace to 3GS owners.

So, it's a matter of luck. It depends on which side you are. What if your IPhone was ruined like it happened to all who are complaining here. And if you are supposed to be the voice of the "silent majority" (i really don't know why you think you are a majority) who doesn't complain.

The fact is that Apple screwed up with this upgrade.

They should let 3GS users decide if they want to roll back to iOS 4 or stay with a brick in their hands.

I guess you are one of many Apple zombie customers who thinks everything Apple do is the best.

Stop talking about something it didn't happen to you.

Feb 18, 2012 4:42 PM in response to polarbreeze1

Clearly, not everyone had the problem. But a lot of people did, and any decent company would recognise that they'd screwed up and do something about it. Apple couldn't (or, more precisely, could but wouldn't).

I've solved the problem.

My daughter now has an iPhone 3GS. It's a blt slower than you would expect an iPhone to be, but she's very happy.

I have a new phone. I won't be buying from Apple in future.

It's such a pity, because Apple had a good product until this screw-up. But they've had long enough - and not even responded to this thread!

Feb 18, 2012 7:55 PM in response to MobyRickard

I am also having the troubles after the upgrade but more than just slow --- My IPhone 3GS will stay on for a bit (5 minutes maybe) then goes to the apple screen then after 5-10 minutes it will come back on - It will not make a connection to even send a text or make a phone call. I have tried lots but nothing so far does ANYONE have any suggestions ! I can not believe that Apple is not addressing this issue and allowing us to restore to the previous settings

Iphone 3GS slow after update to iOS 5

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