Big point here. DON'T UPGRADE WITHOUT GOOD REASON. These are state of the art devices not for those that think they know a thing or two. Wait until the fix (x.0.1) comes after a major upgrade if you can. I waited until I had a good reason to upgrade before I did and then consulted this forum to find the problems I would encounter. If that means I have a good working device
Why did you upgrade?
Another point. Things break. Hardware wears out. Don't cry, look for the cause it may have been factors not obvious.
Another point. Did you look for a way to downgrade ? A way existed for ios 4 to 3.
Another point. Did you read the SLA? You are captain of your own iPhone. Think of apple as a support resource not your mother.
To darklomba ( not your real name I'm guessing, why is that ?, please sign yer name, it adds civility, dude)
I just reset my iPhone in iOS 4 when I had the picture sync problem so doubt your facts here. Where did you come up with that dude? I think you best recheck yer facts and report back here with a step by step explaination or go away.
Regardless if you check the SLA apple has its ***** covered. I looked after my iOS 3 to 4 hasstle. Did you ever read it?
Point being, apple beats what is second best, if that makes me a fan boy so be it. And change my mind about what? Your point is not clear.