I have well over 300 messages in my D & U listing. Most start with awdd.... And hen have some numerical date time stamp on them. Those are files are every 3 to 5 minutes. I also have a handful of springboard crashes. The awdd logs from the 1 hour sample I counted, numbered 58 from midnight on the 24th to 1am on the 24th.
Turning off the sending of data to Apple didn't stop my battery from losing charge rapidly.
After a full night on the charger and taking it off at 8:45 this morning, it is 32% now at 1:46pm.
I also run the AT&T M-cell at home, and have 5 bars so it isn't a signal issue. Also running 2 airport extremes at 5ghz, and have solid signal all over the house as well.
What ever it is that's causin the battery to get chewed up, I hope it gets fixed real soon.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!