Wow what a huge topic this, thanks for all the suggestions. Sadly my photostream is still not working how it used to.
I'm not sure whether my problems started when I recently changed my Apple ID or with the update to 3.1. To be honest I hardly use the PC these days, but its nice to know that if I do switch it on, my photo's are downloaded automatically. Not any more!!!
I have tried:-
- Sigining out of iCloud, and then signing in with secondary apple ID, i.e. the one ending in or
- Uninstalling icloud control panel app 3.1 and reinstalling
- Uninstalling icloud control panel app 3.1 and going back to a previous version (Thanks to the guy who posted where all the previous installers are!!! ) I tried
- Disabling photo stream, applying. Logging out, then logging back in, and re-enabling photostream.
Still no success.
But one thing I have noticed is the applephotostreamdownloader.exe is never started automatically - its just not there in Task Manager. This is even with iCloud CP v2.1.2. If I start applephotostreamdownloader manually, doing Run As Administrator...the photos immediately start to download.
However, my actual photo stream contains about 277 photos. When the PC does the download, it stopped 150 photos. When I took a test pic with my iphone, it was synced to the photo stream on my iphone and ipad, but never got downloaded to the PC photostream.
In attempt to try and see if all of the photo stream would work, I tried the steps of JazJon, DAC84 etc. But this time photostream on the PC is just 40 photos!!
It's a real mess, and very disappointing from Apple that they are not helping anyone on these forums.
Something must be clearly wrong with the iCloud control panel software for a crucial exe like applephotostreamdownloader not to be started automatically on Windows.
This is so frustrating.