password to unlock your iphone backup file
how to do i find the password to unlock your iphone backup file
how to do i find the password to unlock your iphone backup file
that did it for me! thank you!
Thank you, sir! You saved me a tremendous amount of time, I'm certain. Luckily I recalled what my initial iTunes pwd had been. Holy moly. This is silly and to think it's still going on years later!
which keychain app is to be downloaded?
This is driving me crazy. My iPhone backup password is saved to my keychain. I show the password in Keychain Access, and it's what I expect it to be. But iTunes keeps telling me the password is wrong. How can it possibly be wrong? I look at the mod date on the password in Keychain Access, and it's what I expect it to be. I never, ever change the password and not save the changed password to my keychain.
So how does it get to be "wrong"? Keychain autofills the password, and yet it's still wrong.
This has happened on two different Macs.
My original password worked, Thank you for the that info!!!
Carlo688 got it right- i tried a bunch of passwords - but then i realised when i first setup my appleid - i had a different password- i tried that and it worked
OMG thank you for posting this four years ago because now in 2016, you have saved me soooooo much frustration. I've just had this same issue with my brand new iPhone, decided to google after numerous failed password attempts and here you are with your awesomeness!
It bloody worked! My old password! Seems even all this time later they still haven't sorted this glitch!
Thank you
Smart man
I tried every password I could think of for the past 3 years+, all the generic passwords, and finally started putting in MY HUSBAND'S passwords......and that's what it was. idea......just saying, don't give up hope!!!!
You saved me!
Thank you 🙂
This is the "password" that worked. Thank you!
I know this is an old thread, but I just dealt with this on 12/19/2016.
I never even created an encryption password for mine so I then went back and set one up. As soon as I did create an encryption password for that particular backup; once I hit restore it took the password and restored everything. 🙂
Thank you carlo688! - I realize it hasn't worked for everyone, but after HOURS of trying to figure this out, I saw your post. Fortunately, I remembered my original password, and the process began to work. I am very grateful!
This totally worked... Thx...
This is the correct method: use your original Apple (iTunes) password, even if you've changed it over the years (like I did). I was lucky that I still remembered it!
password to unlock your iphone backup file