Why can't I get in-app purchases?
Why can't I get in-app purchases?
iPad 2, iOS 5
Why can't I get in-app purchases?
iPad 2, iOS 5
you can follow below link and fix this issue:
you must creat sandbox account for test and you cant test it by real account in developer mode.
My settings are fine, I can make all other in-app purchases except in Candy Mania. I go through the process of putting in all necessary info, hit "buy", I get a box that says "This in-app purchase has already been made. It will be restored for free."
I tried this...it didnt work it says purchase can not be completed please contact apple support or something and i did....but they disabled my account please help!
SLCook wrote:
I scoured the web, and found the solution: sign out of your iTunes account in settings>store and try the in-app purchase again, it prompts you for a sign-in, and after that all is as it should be again! 😀
If the message is also telling you to contact iTunes Support you need to do as instructed and contact iTunes Support (these are user-to-user forums) : http://www.apple.com/support/itunes/ww
You have to contact iTunes Support via the URL that's in the message : http://www.apple.com/support/itunes/ww
These are user-to-user forums, not iTunes Support, we can't help you.
Are they turned off on your device in Settings > General > Restrictions > In-App Purchases set 'off' ?
We are having this same problem with our Iphones and before you ask yes these phones are allowed to make in-app purchases. This is happening for all apps not just one or two and all of our Iphones. We have even asked several of our friends with Iphone and they also are unable to make in-app purchases. We can go into the app and go to the in-app purchase area and we see what is available but we are unable to make any selections. We have contacted apple care and they have had us reset the settings for in-app purchases and we still get have the same problem. Since this is happening on all our Iphones 3s, 4, and 4s. It leads me to believe that it is an issue with the Itune store not allowing in-app purchases. Is any one else having this problem? Had this problem but was able to get it fixed, what did you have to do to get it where you could make in-app purchases.
I too am having the same exact issue on iPhone 4 running iOS 5.0.1 just within the last few days. Again, the in-app purchases setting is enabled, the apple ID used for downloading the purchase is the same and there are no issues with the cc. Have not found any solutions yet.
I'm having the same issue on my iPad 2 iOS 5. I've tried with two different apps but neither one is successfully processing an in-app purchase. It must be a problem on the Apple server side because I did notice that the ratings for one of the apps have multiple comments from people having the same issue.
I too am having this exact same problem. I have tried to do in-app purchases on 3 phones now and nothing is working. I can however download songs directly from iTunes from my computer.
Any error message coming up?
No there is no error message coming up. So when we talked to apple care two times about this and tried all things they told us to try and nothing worked they then told us that it was an Itune store issue. After talking with Itune they are telling us to contact Apple that it is an apple issue. Looks like apple and Itune do not want to admit that there is a problem and that they do not have a work around.
I decided to try to purchase items from several apps and get messages such as "cannot connect to iTunes Store" from HipstaMart and "oops! There was a problem with your purchases. You have not been charged!" from bejeweled blitz. Other apps appear to be processing the purchase and then nothing happens.
Ah, thanks guys. Thought I was alone the past days.
Tried in-app purchases in three different apps without success. Buying of new apps works for me. Having the problems on iPhone 3GS and iPad 1, both with OS 5.0.1. The messages seem to depend on the app.
On "There was an error purchasing this item. Please try again". One "Verbindung mit iTunes Store nicht möglich" (german app). An two other apps just didn't give any message.
Why can't I get in-app purchases?