I found that these two approaches worked best for me for reorienting pictures.
Method 1 is easy and you can fix pictures in batches!
--Create a folder for editing the iphone pictures on the computer desktop.
--Connect the phone to the computer.
--Click Start and My Computer and click on iPhone 4s and open up to the pictures.
--Copy the ones you want to edit to the folder on the desktop
--Double click the desktop folder that now has the pictures to be edited
--Right click the first picture in the folder
--Click “Open With” and Choose “Microsoft Office 2010” and Microsoft Office Picture Manager opens
--Click on the thumbnail icon in Microsoft Office Picture Manager (it’s the box with4 dots under the word “Shortcuts” in the toolbar)
--Now highlight the first picture and using the shift key highlight each other picture in the folder that needs the same adjustment as the first picture (say 90 degree turn right)
--Use the triangles in the toolbar to reorient all the highlighted pictures that need a 90 degree turn at once
--Than highlight the first picture needing a180-degree turn
--Using the shift key highlight each other picture in the folder that needs a 180-degree turn
--Use the triangles in the toolbar to reorient all the highlighted pictures that need a 180-degree turn at once
--Once you are finished go to the top command bar and hit File>Save All
Now look at the pictures in the file on your desktop. They should all be properly oriented. You can now double click on a picture and (providing you haven’t changed the Default for you will be in Windows Photo Viewer and you can edit as usual. (Or you could try to edit in Windows Office 2010 Picture Viewer)
Method 2: I tried this first - it was very slow but it worked
Set the Default photo editor to Paint (go to Control Panel>Default Programs>Set Your Default Programs> Highlight Paint and set it as the default for everything.)
Then adjust each picture as follows:
--Right click on the picture and choose EDIT, the photo will open in paint.
--Save the program with either CTRL + S or File Save.
--Close paint.
--Rotate picture: Right click, Rotate CW / Rotate CCW or Open picture viewer and click the appropriate arrow button.
--Repeat for each picture, it gets quite fast once you get the hotkeys down, double click, ctrl + s, ctrl + f4, right click, rotate.
Then when you are done with the pictures set the Window Photo Viewer as the default (go to Control Panel>Default Programs>Set Your Default Programs> Highlight Windows Photo Viewer and set it as the default for everything)